Essential Oils and More for Babies and Children Flashcards
What fraction of the chemicals used in commercial products have been subjected to a full safety investigation, including the ingredients in products marketed for use with children?
Less than a quarter.
How does Dr. Peter Minke, PhD prefer to use essential oils topically on little ones?
He applies the essential oils neat or undiluted by swiping the oils on the bottoms of the feet or along the arches of the feet.
How should you apply essential oils topically to an infant?
Put a drop in your hand. Dip your pointer finger in the oil and swipe a small amount along the arches of baby’s feet. Put socks on baby’s feet to make sure they don’t touch their feet, then go and touch their eyes or another sensitive area.
What is the rule for diluting essential oils for topical use on babies and small children?
Most essential oils should be diluted for application to anywhere but the feet of babies and small children.
Describe how to dilute essential oils.
Dilute essential oils 50/50 or up to 20/80 in an organic vegetable oil, or carrier oil, such as coconut oil, almond oil, or olive oil before applying topically. Young Living makes a great carrier oil called V6 that contains six organic vegetables oils.
What is the line of essential oils that are pre-diluted for use with children?
What should you do if some oil accidentally gets in your child’s eye?
Dilute it immediately with either V-6 oil, olive oil, or milk. Put the vegetable oil straight in the eye. It will not harm the eye. Water will make the stinging worse.
What oils are inappropriate for use with small children?
Never use “hot” oils like oregano, thyme, and cinnamon (unless they are highly diluted and/or in a blend with other more mild oils).
And never use peppermint above the navel on a child under two or above the feet of an infant. Some people prefer to avoid peppermint oil altogether on children under 2.
List 8 other Young Living products besides essential oils that are good to use in the household if you have children.
Thieves laundry soap Thieves household cleaner Thieves dish soap YL bar soaps KidScents bath gel KidScents lotion Slique toothpaste Tender Tush diaper ointment.
Instead of fabric softeners with their petrochemical fragrances, what can you do?
Simply place about six drops of essential oils such as lavender or Purification on a sock and place in the dryer.
Give some tips on how to use Thieves household cleaner.
Use it for all surfaces in your home including the bathtub, sinks, toilets, floors, mirrors, and countertops. Use with baking soda when a scrubbing agent is needed. There are no worries about toxic absorption or fumes, even for our babies!
What can you do to replace perfumed air fresheners, candles, and scented waxes?
Diffuse essential oils such as Purification, lavender, and lemon to gently purify the air and provide an aroma that is healthy.
What is another benefit of diffusing essential oils?
They can clear out bad smells such as urine, strong foods, smoke, paint, and even off-gassing from furniture and household items totally safely and naturally.
What essential oils that are fantastic for skin health in both babies and children?
Lemon, lavender, geranium, and Gentle Baby oils.
Which essential oil (diluted) is especially helpful to soothe rashes or to apply on a baby’s diaper region?
Which essential oils (diluted) promote a healthy scalp in babies and can also help clear up baby acne?
How do you prepare a bubble bath with essential oils?
First mix 1-2 drops of essential oils like lavender, Gentle Baby, or Peace & Calming with Epsom salts, baking soda, or a vegetable oil, then add to warm bath water.
How can you use essential oils to promote restful sleep in your children?
- Diffuse essential oils such as lavender, Peace & Calming, and cedarwood.
- Apply the oils to their feet.
- Apply SleepyIze oil blend applied to the feet or shoulders of babies and children.
- Apply a drop of lavender or cedarwood on bedding or a stuffed toy prior to bed.
- Massage your children by diluting lavender, frankincense, or Stress Away 20/80 or more in a carrier oil such as almond oil or Young Living’s V6 oil and apply.