Essay Four Flashcards
Can a private actor bring an action against a state government?
No. Federal courts can’t here most private actions against states.
What amendment is implicated when a private actor brings an action against a state government?
11th Amendment.
What types of actions are barred by what amendment against state governments?
1) Actions in which state is party
2) Where state must pay retroactive damages
If an action runs a foul of this amendments ban, what is it called?
Can government ever affect this amendments bar on actions?
Who can affect it?
Under what power can they affect it under?
Congress can remove immunity via the 11th amendment for actions brought under 14th amendment.
Does amendment implicated allow any route to stop government action that hurts individual? what type of conduct?
Yes, private parties can bring actions to enjoin state officers.
State officers can be enjoined from future conduct that violates the constitution.
What type of state actors are implicated by the exception?
State official responsible for enforcing action that violates constitution or federal law.
What is one type of harm affected by the dormant commerce clause?
State and local regulations that discriminate against intrastate commerce to protect local economic interests.
What is a type of regulation that dormant commerce clause seeks to stop?
Discriminatory regulations
What does dormant commerce clause say about non discriminatory regulations? Is there an exception
A state law that discriminates in state and out of state alike is valid for dormant commerce clause purposes.
when regulation burden to interstate commerce outweighs promotion of legitimate local interest
What is a discriminatory regulation for DCC reasons?
Regulations that treat economic interests within state different than out of state.
How should you begin essay 4?
The bank cannot maintain a suit in federal court against state A for damages because the suit violates the Eleventh Amendment.
What is the issue in the claim against state a?
Whether a private company can sue a state in federal court for damages?
What is the issue in the claim against super intendent?
Whether a private company can sue a state official to enjoin enforcement of an unconstitutional state law.
If the statute is unconstitutional, what does Superintendent’s behavior constitute?
conduct that violates the constitution.