Ess 100 Flashcards
Quick and jumping steps that develop lightness, smoothness and ballon
Basic pose, name derived from a form of Moorish decoration. A straight leg extension to the back
A jump from two feet to two feet in which the working foot slides along the floor before being swept into the air. As the foot goes into the air, the dancer pushed off the floor with the supporting leg. Both legs land on the ground at the same time in 3rd or 5th position
A pose on one leg with the other leg lifted with a bent knee to the front, side or back
A 3/4 time step in which there is a shift of balance. The dancer steps to the side, the to the back, and then to the front. In that order of the steps the dancer also steps down into plié, up to the back, and down in plié to the front again
The light, elastic quality in jumping in which the dancer bounds up from the floor, paused a moment in the air and then descends lightly and softly, only to rebound back into the air like the smooth bouncing of a ball
Starting from the fifth position in plié, one leg brushes along the floor to the front,side or back until that leg comes off the floor lifting the body and the other leg into the air and then landing on the non-brushing leg with the brushing leg
Slow and graceful movements that develop a sense of line, balance, control and strength
a beating action of the legs. There are two types
A series of small, rapid beats around the ankle with the working foot in sur le cou de pied position
Petit Battement
An exercise in which the working leg is raised from the hip into the air, tries to reach a height of 90 or more, and is lowered again
Grand Battement
all jumps in which the legs beat together or one leg beats against the other
ballet exercises done away from the bar in the center of the studio
A series of rapid 1/2 turns on demi-pointe. AKA traveling turns
A jump from 3rd to 3rd or 5th to 5th position with one change of the feet
A traveling step in which one leg chases the other leg. The legs slide out to 4th position plie or 2nd and then the legs close in 3rd or 5th in the air.
The working foot is wrapped around the ankle of the supporting leg,
Cou le pied, sur le
A position of the working foot pointed downwards in front of the supporting ankle
A tendu that comes slightly off the floor or a tendu that “disengages” from the floor
A movement in which the working leg foot is drawn up from 3rd or 5th on the floor to retire position of the supporting leg and then slowly extended to the front, side or back where it is momentarily suspended in the air
A jump where the feet “escape” from a closed position to an open position
A jump from 5th position to 5th position where the legs change places 2 times.
The simultaneous bending of both legs with the working leg foot in coupe position and then the simultaneous straightening of both legs with the working leg extending slightly off the ground
A whipping step which starts with a grand battement, then the body pivots, leaving the leg in place. If the leg began in the front, it would end in the back and vice versa