Espadas Flashcards


As de espadas derecho


General: In general the Ace of Swords calls on us to not be afraid to make a leap if it’s in our best interests. In short, bravery is called for. As the old adage says, “feel the fear and do it anyway.” You have a good idea already of what must be done. The hard part is the doing of it. Start today.
Work: In the context of work, the Ace can mean that you soon will try a different tactic or may even choose to leave the job that you’re currently in. If you’re committed to staying where you are, you may have some good ideas for new policies or procedures that could make everyone’s life easier at work and improve the bottom line/final product. Don’t hesitate to give voice to those. Another old adage: “It’s amazing what can be done if you don’t care who gets the credit.” You will ultimately get the credit for anything good that you bring to the table. The credit doesn’t have to be instantaneous.

Love: In terms of love, the Ace can mean that you are ready to start something new, and if you’re currently in a committed relationship, it can indicate that there’s something about this relationship that you will choose to put a stop to. Don’t hesitate to speak your mind. If something in the relationship is hurtful or bad for you, and you lose your partner because you say so - you haven’t really lost, you are being guided toward a relationship that is better for you. Tell the truth.

Finances: When it comes to finances, the Ace of Swords calls us to know when enough is enough. Now is not the time to take chances with money. Don’t invest any money that you couldn’t afford to lose. You may be approached for a loan. As much as it pains you, it may be in your best interests to not lend what you are asked. You may not be repaid, and your relationship with your prospective borrower could suffer or be destroyed as a result. Lend only if you are willing to take this chance.

Health: In terms of health, you may finally find it within yourself to stop some bad habits that you know are bad for you. (This can also indicate the converse - finally starting something that is good for you!) Expect some frayed nerves as you’re making this transition. Take good care of yourself, only then will you truly be able to care adequately for others. Physical exercise is particularly important now, but don’t overdo it.

Spirituality: You may finally let go of a belief system which actually hasn’t worked for you for some time. Don’t beat yourself up if you find you had been holding some viewpoints and beliefs that you shouldn’t have. Everyone makes mistakes or gets hold of the wrong end of the stick from time to time. You will find some spiritual truths that hold more promise for you and which are beneficial. Don’t hesitate to talk to others about what works for them on a spiritual level.

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As de espadas revés


General: In general the reversed Ace of Swords indicates that you need to be careful about illusions. It is very easy to trust people who are untrustworthy, it is very easy to think that “just this once” a get rich quick scheme may actually work. Be thoughtful and circumspect.
Work: In the context of work, the reversed Ace can mean that you are close to having a major misunderstanding about work. Don’t make any sudden moves, and don’t decide that a job which has been good for you for many years has suddenly gone bad. If you are looking for work, try to think from the hiring person’s perspective. If you are attempting to change careers, how can you show that you are prepared for this new career? Be practical and realistic now, and think things through carefully.

Love: In terms of love, the reversed Ace can mean that you may fall hard for someone who might be wildly inappropriate for you. There’s nothing wrong with “taking a walk on the wild side,” and there is truth that opposites attract. However, if someone tells you that they are “not looking for a committment,” or that “they are not good at relationships,” your rational response is to believe them. Again, be cautious.

Finances: The reversed Ace of Swords calls you to triple check your assumptions about money, especially when it comes to new investments. Even someone you have worked with for years can become desperate and/or make mistakes with regard to your money. Think for yourself and check up on how your nest eggs are doing.

Health: The reversed Ace warns that you may meet some convincing - yet mistaken - “alternative health care” providers or ideas. Before you undertake a regimen of any type, do some due diligence, find out what it is all about and what others have said who have tried the same approach. The same can be true of traditional doctors; if you are prescribed medication, it’s important that you know what it is, why you’re taking it, and check the dosage. Do your best to think as clearly and non-emotionally about your health as you can.

Spirituality: Again, the reversed Ace can show that you are in a mindset that means it is easy to get overly invested in spiritual ideas which in the long run may prove to be of little value to you. Be cautious about forceful people who try to get you involved in new organizations - particularly “spiritual” organizations which require you to pay to belong. This is a time when your spirituality can grow through your own efforts: you don’t need a big organization in order to learn and open yourself up more.

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2 de espadas revés


General: In general the reversed 2 of Swords tells us that your partnerships are likely to deepen and become more important in your life, and this refers to partnerships of all kinds. However, beware putting too much emphasis on any one partnership. You have several that need to be priorities in your life.
Work: It is important that you allow yourself to be open to others at work when the reversed 2 of Swords appears. Even though you may be sure that your ideas are the best ones, over time you may find that there is reason and good outcomes because of the plans and ideas of others. This is a time to be seen as a team player. They are not all out to get you, no matter what it may look like on the surface.

Love: The reversed 2 of Swords says that this is a time to be cautious and deliberate when it comes to love relationships. You may be tempted to push to “move things forward,” but this is not the time. If you are looking for love, by all means get out and mingle, and you may well meet a likely contender, but it will be some time before a love relationship with them develops. Be patient. And then be more patient.

Finances: In terms of finances, the reversed 2 of Swords shows that things are not clear. Even trusted advisors may be mistaken about the best financial moves to make now. Take your time, and be suspicious of any new financial schemes. Keep your money safe, and triple check any documents that must be filed now.

Health: When this card appears in the context of health questions, it signifies that any health changes are likely to take place slowly. And this may be for the best, regardless of how fast you’d like things to “move.” For example, losing too much weight too quickly can cause gallbladder issues for some people. Take things one day at a time and note small changes. You are likely to feel better and more healthy - just not overnight.

Spirituality: When the reversed 2 of swords appears in relation to questions regarding spirituality, it is easy to get carried away with spiritual ideas that appear to work for others, but which may not work for you. Be skeptical and cautious. There may be some misguided people who try to “bring you into their fold” now. You don’t have to allow this. Be your own person.

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2 de espadas derecho


General: In general the 2 of Swords tells us that your partnerships are likely to be going at least somewhat well, whether these be friendships, romantic, or business. However, you should consider the depths of your commitment to equality in these and whether or not you are being treated as an equal by your partners. If you are not, it may be time to bring things back into balance. This will almost certainly require open communication on your part. Nothing changes without effort.
Work: You may be stuck waiting on a decision that has to be made by other people. Try to be patient and refrain from pushing people to move before they are ready. If you have done your homework, things are likely to work out in your favor. Make sure you have done what you are supposed to do work wise, and if you haven’t, figure out how to explain and/or make amends, as you are likely to be called to account. Don’t panic.

Love: The 2 of Swords is a good omen romantically, especially for a romance that is already in existence. This card can signify that your relationship will move into a lighter, easier, more balanced phase, with treating each other as equals playing a major role. If you are looking for love, take a good hard look at yourself to see if you have any outstanding emotional issues that need to be dealt with FIRST. People can smell desperation a mile away, and it is a major turn-off. A life partner does not complete you; a life partner is icing on the cake of your own complete life. Do not look outside yourself for happiness. Then the relationship you truly want and need will come.

Finances: In terms of finances, the 2 of Swords shows a need for balance and caution. Make sure you know where you are money-wise, to the penny. Hiding from issues will not solve them. If you need extra income, know that you can make it happen, you’ll just need to be creative. The easiest thing to do is probably to cut your expenses. What are you spending that is not an absolute necessity? Balance your books. If you need help to do so, ask for it.

Health: When this card appears in the context of health questions, it signifies a need to pay very close attention to one’s emotions. How are you feeling about things/people in your life? Journalizing and/or talking things out with someone you trust is very important now and can lead to a healthier outcome/to health breakthroughs. Positive thinking and balanced behavior is crucial now. Eating right, sleeping enough, getting enough exercise, drinking enough fluids.

Spirituality: When the 2 appears in relation to questions regarding spirituality, it shows that you are on a more balanced and positive path than you realize. Hold fast to what you believe and how you see things, even if your system doesn’t work for everyone.

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3 de espadas derecho


General: In general, this card can point to very deep emotional issues that must be addressed before the querent can move on. Denying pain does not make it go away (any more than denying a broken leg makes it heal.) However, attention must be paid to balance here also as it must be paid with the 2 of Swords. Allow yourself to experience any pain that comes up now, but do not wallow in it. You do not and should not wallow in grief or sorrow for long. However only you can decide how long is long enough. Others can’t decide it for you.
Work: Your feelings or ego may be quite bruised by something that happens with relation to work. Try to keep this in perspective. Your whole life is not (or should not be) what you do professionally. You may need some assistance to find a better approach to work. Don’t hesitate to ask. If you’re looking for work, this too may show a need to look in a different way or in a different field than the one you’ve been pursuing. Hang in there.

Love: In the context of love this card does not have to be the death knell of a relationship, but it does almost always point to relationship difficulty and pain. In order for the relationship to survive, both parties must be willing to work on and talk about the relationship. You may find that someone you thought cared about you is not as loving as you had supposed. Do not take this too personally or dwell too long on the pain, if that is the case. You are being guided to the relationship that is right for you. You cannot force something to be right or someone to care if they do not. The right person will care - of their own accord - without you doing intense contortions, so to speak, to make it happen.

Finances: Unfortunately when it comes to money this card can mean disappointing news. You will not help yourself by freaking out. Look your situation unflinchingly in the eye, then figure out what you are going to do about it, one step at a time. If the situation is overwhelming as a whole, don’t try to look at the big picture. Start with a manageable chunk, even if that is as small as what your next meal will be. Do not let your pride prevent you from asking for financial assistance if you need it. By allowing others to give to you, you are giving them a blessing, as well.

Health: The news about your health may not be as good as you had hoped, and/or emotions/depression/anxiety may be taking a toll on your physical being. Keeping a positive attitude is of the utmost importance now, no matter what your situation or prognosis might be. Remember that doctors are not gods. Treat yourself with loving kindness. Read about miraculous healings. If you need help to stay positive - ask for it. Surround yourself with healthy, positive influences to the best of your ability.

Spirituality: This is not a time to try to hold on to things, ideas, situations, or people which may have run their course in your life. You must make room in your life/heart/emotions/spirit for new things to come to you. Time alone will be helpful. Have you done all the healing that you need to do? The answers you seek are within you, although you may need help to bring them to the surface. Talk with someone you trust.

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3 de espadas revés


General: In general, the reversed 3 of Swords indicates a likely disappointment. This does not necessarily mean something major or life-shattering, just that something that you hoped for may not come through as you would have preferred. Allow yourself to feel any pain that comes as a result, and move on. It is truly not the end of the world.
Work: It is very easy to misunderstand people and entire situations at work when the 3 of Swords appears in a work context. Your best bet is to ask questions and not make assumptions, and to be as clear as possible in your own communications. Don’t be too “think skinned” when this card comes up. People may inadvertantly be insulting, in many cases you should just try to let this roll off your back now.

Love: In the context of love the reversed 3 of Swords points to misunderstandings, sadness, and sorrow. A relationship may have just ended, or one that you were sure would come together has not done so. Allow yourself to feel any pain as a result, but don’t turn it into self-persecution. We all have more than one soul-mate on the planet. Remember that when one door closes in life - another always opens.

Finances: The 3 of Swords reversed can show that your anxiety about money is causing you more problems than is necessary. Take a deep breath, and keep telling yourself that your needs will be met - which they will, provided you do the work necessary to “do your part.” Fear is not helpful, in any way. This is not a good time for risky investments, as your fear about them would overshadow any slight gains possible. Just keep your money safe for now.

Health: You may not have all the information that you need about your health when the 3 of Swords reversed comes up. Investigate on your own, see a doctor or a different doctor, if you are having health problems. Don’t discount what medical professionals tell you; however if your gut tells you that you need a second opinion, then get one. Anxiety may be taking a major toll; if you are feeling anxious and it’s interfering with your life, make sure that you express this to your health care provider. Major anxiety can all but destroy your quality of life, but it can be controlled. To get it controlled, though, you must talk about it.

Spirituality: The 3 of Swords again indicates that things may not be entirely clear to you in the spiritual realm. Be wary if you meet new people who claim to have “all the answers” spiritually. Their answers may not be your answers. There’s no harm in exploring different spiritual understandings and traditions, however, this is probably not the time to commit to any of them.

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4 de espadas derecho


General: In general this card usually means that you are needing some time and space to yourself. Others may be pushing too hard for bits of your time and attention. Don’t hesitate to draw boundaries for yourself or to say no. Conversely, when others say no to you, take them at their word. Pushing in this circumstance is asking for trouble.
Work: This is a great time to take some time off from work if you can (even a long weekend.) you need a break and some perspective. Things are not likely to be going as you would like them to do - don’t take this personally or try to push harder. Sometimes we just need to be patient with the process. If you can’t stand the need for patience, perhaps the time has come to start looking for another position.

Love: If you are currently in a romantic relationship, you may be feeling a bit disconnected. It is important to let your partner know what is going on inside, but remember that your feelings are your own, it is not necessarily their job to try to make you feel fabulous all the time. It may be that you simply need some time apart. Don’t hesitate to take it. If you’re looking for love, now is not the time to push. You’d be better off getting very, very specific about exactly what you are looking for in a relationship. The time will come when you will meet someone. That time is probably not in the immediate.

Finances: You may need to take a different course of action if you are behind in your payments and are not sure where the money is going to be coming from. Think through ways to bring in extra money. If you have your own business, and are owed money, step up your collections activities. If you wait for people to pay you on their own accord, you could be waiting far too long. This financial logjam will not last forever. If you can, consider a small donation to a cause that you believe in, if you can do this with joy in your heart - this often opens up the flow of prosperity in your life and, if nothing else, will help you to feel good at least for a few hours about the resources in your life.

Health: This card signifies a need, in the context of health, to count your blessings. Your health may not be all that you would like it to be, on the other hand, it is doubtless better than that of many other people. Be grateful for what you have. This card can also show a need to slow down and take it easy. Pushing yourself when you are too tired can cause illness or injury. Everyone needs rest and time alone.

Spirituality: In the context of spirituality, this card indicates a need for space. You need time and quiet, to really get in touch with your soul and the universal energies around us all. Even if you work full time and have fourteen children, if you make it a priority, you can find a minute or two of solitude. Find it and take it. Your sanity, and your soul, is crying out for this.

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4 de espadas revés


General: Generally, the reversed 4 of Swords means that in addition to feeling tired, you may be feeling a bit isolated. Do not look at this as a permanent situation. Allow yourself to rest, and know that the relationships and friendships that you need are coming. Take one step at a time.
Work: As with the upright 4 of Swords, the reversed 4 suggests that some time off from work would be beneficial. You may also find that something about the way things are done at work/in your field which has never seemed “right” to you may become a lot clearer and you’ll find yourself supporting this practice. If you are looking for work, it may be important to take at least a few hours’ break to rethink. Are you looking in the right place, with the right people? This card suggests that you may need to change tactics.

Love: The reversed 4 of Swords, if you are currently in a romantic relationship, can show that you will need to make extra effort to find yourself feeling more “together” with your partner. However, you also need to stay alert to the fact that your partner may be exhausted for other reasons (such as health or work) and if so, you need to not take this personally. If you are looking for love and coming up empty handed, and this has been so for some time, then it is definitely time to change your tactics. For instance if you’ve been looking online, try groups which meet in person; or vice-versa.

Finances: When the 4 of Swords reversed appears in the context of a money question, you may benefit a great deal by taking the counter-intuitive step of putting money out of your mind for at least a few hours. Anxiety and worry may be interfering with your ability to think rationally and carefully about what you need to do. You may need, once you’ve had a bit of a break, to reassess your spending habits and your savings habits. You can make any changes necessary.

Health: The reversed 4 of Swords can indicate that you are about to finally put some self-limiting beliefs behind you - and this can cause major leaps forward both in your outlook and in your health. However, this card is a clear indicator that you must rest, that you have been pushing yourself far too hard. Especially if you feel you can’t afford to take a day off - that means that you really, really need to do so.

Spirituality: When it comes to spirituality, the reversed 4 indicates a need for NO action, rather than pushing yourself further. Stillness, meditation, and rest, can open up your spirit more now than anything else you could possibly do or attend. Consider meditation on the following: “Peace, Be Still.”

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5 de espadas derecho


General: In general, the 5 of Swords can indicate that someone you care about may be away for a while. Don’t get too possessive if that’s the case. Assume that they will be coming back to you. The 5 can indicate conflicts, both external and internal. Don’t escalate conflicts unnecessarily. Think before you act.
Work: In the context of work, the 5 can show that you may be your own worst enemy. Don’t expect the entire system to be changed just because you believe it should be different. How you speak your mind is as important as what you say. There may be some unfairness at play in your work world. Be sure that your behavior is impeccable.

Love: Unfortunately when the 5 of Swords appears in the context of love, conflict is a near surety. Things may not work out as you would hope with a love relationship. Think calmly and carefully about what your deal-breakers are in a relationship. Be honest with yourself first, then be honest with your beloved. Accept reality.

Finances: There is a need for caution and restraint in relation to money when this card appears. Draw on your ingenuity when necessary, when it comes to money. Are there things you don’t need that you can sell? Can you cut expenses any further? Above all, don’t give up. Don’t be too proud to ask for help if you need it. Help is always available.

Health: You’re likely to be under stress from a combination of factors, so it’s particularly important when this card appears to be gentle with yourself. If you’re angry, allow yourself to express it (safely and carefully) rather than turning your anger and sorrow on yourself. Rest and relaxation is crucial. Worry and guilt are useless. Let them go.

Spirituality: Even if you have suddenly found the spiritual answers that you’ve been looking for your whole life, remember that they are your answers and not everyone else’s. You don’t need to convert anyone else to your way of thinking. The 5 of Swords can also indicate a sudden break from spirituality that no longer works for you. Give yourself time and space to find new answers, if that’s the case.

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5 de espadas revés


General: In general, the reversed 5 of Swords can indicate power struggles and conflicts. As they say, pick your battles. Not everything is worth fighting for or about. Consider your priorities and the things that matter most to you. Be as pleasant to others as you can muster.
Work: In the context of work, the reversed 5 can show that you may be shooting your own self in the foot. Do not create conflict where none exists if you remotely want to keep your job, and do not escalate conflicts that are already there, unnecesarily. Accept situations as they are, unless something illegal or immoral is happening, and if it’s the latter, consider making a report to the appropriate authorities. Some problems are too big to try to solve on your own.

Love: When the 5 of Swords reversed appears in the context of love, you may be sacrificing your happiness because of a need to show/feel that you are “right.” People have sensibly asked “Do you want to be ‘right’ or do you want to be happy?” Sometimes you have to let go of your ego and simply accept things, whether you are looking for love or whether you are in in a long-term relationship.

Finances: There could be conflict because of money when the reversed 5 of Swords appears. Keep a cool head and look at the basis of the problem. Have you made a mistake? If so, admit it. Are you or people close to you putting too much influence on the importance of money? Work through problems, don’t try to run away from them. One thing at a time.

Health: The reversed 5 of Swords shows that you may be under tremendous stress now. However, at least some of this is stress which you are causing for yourself. Back up and realize that you can control some of this. You don’t have to (and can’t) do everything. Make time for rest and relaxation, and realize that not everything must be perfect. You are human, after all. Forgive yourself.

Spirituality: You may have removed yourself from a spiritual tradition from your past, or, for instance, finally told your romantic patner that you no longer wish to attend services of your/their faith community. This may feel like a “win” and it is good that you stood up for your desires, however, your spiritual needs do not just stop or go away; how will you fill them? Don’t pretend that your spiritual needs no longer exist. Look for like-minded people, who see spirituality in the way that you do.

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6 de espadas derecho


General: Generally the 6 shows at least a slight reduction in stress and strain. Things may not be perfect, but they are going to be better than they may have been in the recent past. Take this time to get your head above water and decide where you’re going from here. Even a short break or change of scenery will be helpful. This doesn’t have to cost money.
Work: You may make the decision or be in the process of leaving a job that no longer works for you. Trust that the universe is taking you to where you want to be, and that all this is happening for a reason. Don’t hesitate to ask for help or to seek new information as you are getting your bearings in your new environment. The 6 can also point to a literal change in the place where you do business. This is a good thing.

Love: In the context of love, the 6 of Swords can depict the need for a change of scenery. If you are already in a relationship, take your beloved on a trip, even if it’s just down the street for a picnic or something of the sort. If you’re looking for love, this card points to a need to get out of your routines and your usual haunts if you want to meet someone new. Explore.

Finances: The appearance of the 6 of Swords can literally mean that your financial tide is turning; for the better if you’ve been struggling, or for the worse, if you’ve been “riding high” for some time. If it’s the former, you might treat yourself to something small but don’t get carried away, use your influx of money wisely. If it’s the latter, batten down the hatches. Now is not the time to gamble, in either situation.

Health: If you are dealing with a health problem, your usual health care practitioner may not be the best one to help you. If you can do so, look into clinics and treatment outside your local area. Barring a serious health problem, this card can show that what you truly need most of all is a vacation or a change of scenery. Find a way to give this to yourself, even if the only way you can do it is just by talking to people you’ve never talked to before.

Spirituality: Some spiritual answers that have eluded you for some time may come in to your awareness suddenly. This is sometimes tied to a change in routine; travel, or experimenting with different spiritual traditions. Pay attention to your dreams. They often show you things you miss during your waking hours.

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7 de espadas derecho


General: If you are involved in any sort of competition this month (formal or informal) you will want to keep a close eye out for any cheating. This can range from anything from someone cheating at a pick-up poker game to someone trying to frame you at work for something serious. The bottom line is basically to cover your tail, make sure you are doing things the right way, and then you’ll have nothing to worry about, even if someone is out to get you.
Work: In the context of work, the appearance of the 7 of Swords can mean that your employer is looking at your work and conduct very closely. Keep your shoulder to the grindstone, and make sure your work is above reproach. Try not to get involved in work politics. If you’re looking for work, don’t hesitate to speak to people you know or have worked with in the past.

Love: If you’re already in a committed relationship when this card appears, the clear message is that trust is crucial. If you’re feeling suspicious for some reason about your partner, make a point to talk about this even if it’s difficult. Being passive-aggressive is only going to make things worse. If you’re looking for love, you may meet someone interesting now, but try to avoid appearing as though you just aren’t interested in a relationship; prospective suitors will move on to someone who is more engaged. Strive for balance.

Finances: When the 7 appears, this is definitely not the time to gamble or to loan money, as you are likely to lose to a major degree. You may have to make some tough choices with regards to money – don’t sacrifice your integrity just for a buck, ultimately your self esteem and your spiritual well being will suffer. Money can’t buy those things.

Health: Don’t take the first pronouncement you hear about your health as the gospel. Get a second or even third opinion before you sign up for anything that is irrevocable health-wise (invasive procedures or surgery.) Be open to spiritual healing, but if you are struggling with a serious illness, know that a cure is not always equated with “healing.” There are many ways to heal. What exactly needs healing in you and in your life?

Spirituality: Be very cautious about religious or spiritual gurus or leaders that require your money in exchange for so-called enlightenment. The truth is that you don’t necessarily need a leader to learn and grow spiritually. Explore on your own. Be careful with new-found spiritual friends.

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8 de espadas derecho


General: In general, the 8 tells us that we must be open to defeat in order to ever possibly win. Do not fear the unknown; many blessings reside for you there. Examine your thoughts, speech, and behavior for negativity and know that what you say and do and the choices that you make affect the outcomes in your life. If you need help managing and dealing with your fears, ask for it.
Work: If you hate your work, believe that you hold the power to change your situation because you do. There may not be a whole lot that you can do to change your specific work environment, but that should not keep you from looking for a different, better situation if that is what your heart and spirit is crying out for. You cannot have it both ways; either you want out of your current situation or you are prepared to put up with the way things are. Which one is it?

Love: In the context of love, the 8 of Swords points to a need to seriously re-evaluate a relationship. You may be sticking with someone that is actually bad for you, since you figure it’s “better than nothing.” If that’s the case, rethink. Being in an unhealthy relationship is much worse than being alone. If you are looking for love, first look at how well you love yourself. Someone else cannot come along and fix you. Start where you are.

Finances: The 8 tells you that you need to beware the self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe your bad financial luck will never change, that may be the reality that you create in your life. Think through what your skill set and options are or might be. Explore new income streams. Expect the best, even as you are preparing for the worst.

Health: More than anything else, in the context of health, this card points to the mind/body connection and the urgency with which we all need to look at our thoughts and expectations and behaviors when we are dealing with troublesome symptoms or health conditions. We do not create every symptom or illness (genetics and environment certainly can play a role), but health is almost always made worse when our thinking is mainly negative or filled with anxiety. Such things can be buried very deep. Find help if you need to in order to unearth these damaging negative patterns.

Spirituality: Know that you have the answers that you need inside already. Time spent in quiet and in meditation will be helpful. If you still need direction, ask spirit and the universe for signs and signals. These can be as subtle as repeatedly seeing a phrase or hearing a song. You are not kept down unless you allow yourself to be kept down.

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9 de espadas derecho


General: You will need to guard against a feeling of anxiety. If you are feeling anxious, take a good look at whether or not any of that is under your own power or control (and thus, you could lessen it) or if other things or people in your life are contributing to this anxiety. If it is the latter, take a good look at that, and see whether or not something in the relationship can be changed to make it more workable for you. There’s something about this time period that can cause people to feel like their life should be, in some way, “more” or “bigger” than it is. Try to take comfort and joy in the ordinary things. That’s where the beauty is.
Work: Worrying about your job is not going to help matters. Focus on what you can control, and try to leave your anxiety by the wayside. If you are looking for work, think positively, and don’t hesitate to ask for help in your search. The next person you talk to about may just be the one who knows of an opening which would be perfect for you.

Love: Something may be troubling you with regard to your relationship. Don’t ignore your gut feelings. If you feel that something in your relationship is unhealthy, you are very likely quite correct. If you suspect that something is going on behind your back, your best bet is to ask your partner about it. If you’ve recently met someone, don’t get too carried away that believing all is what it seems to be. Trust takes time to develop. Don’t be in too much of a hurry.

Finances: You may be robbing Peter to pay Paul. If that’s the case, slow down and look critically at what is happening. Are you trying too hard to make it on your own? None of us is an island. Find out what resources are available to help you if you need them and make use of them. Don’t bother gambling or buying into get rich quick schemes. Miracles do happen, but don’t be foolish. If in doubt, ask questions.

Health: This is a time to be very cautious about your intake of substances such as drugs or alcohol, because you may be self medicating, when what you really need is to get to the bottom of what is bugging you. Stress can be taking a mighty toll. Look at ways to mitigate your risk factors and to deal with stress. If all else fails, think about changing your lifestyle and the things you’re spending your money on. Sometimes it really is money or your life, in more ways than being robbed at gunpoint.

Spirituality: When the 9 appears in the context of spirituality, it’s a clear sign that you must slow down your rocketing brain and stress level. If you can do it on your own, meditation will bring you enormous benefits. If you don’t have any idea how to begin, read a good book or take a class. Read up on the Buddhist concept of the monkey mind. Learn to silence the chatter.

How well did you know this?
Not at all

10 de espadas derecho


General: In general, when the 10 comes up in relation to a question as to whether you can believe what a person is telling you, or trust that a situation is stable, this is a pretty clear answer of “no.” However, try to bear in mind that whenever a door closes, another door opens. You are being guided to a situation that is better for you. Trust yourself and trust in the universe.
Work: The appearance of this card may signal that your work situation is about to come to an end. Your best bet is to get your ducks in a row and think through what you will do if you do indeed lose your job, for any reason. You may have been treated badly by someone. Don’t waste your time and precious energy plotting revenge. Just get on with the next phase of your life. If you’re looking for work, a potential position that you’d pinned your hopes on may not come through. Above all, don’t give up.

Love: In relation to love questions, this is sadly not a good omen. Something about the love situation you are in is not quite right. Ask yourself a lot of questions, accept reality, don’t close your eyes to the truth. You cannot force someone to love you or to behave respectfully. If you have recently met someone new (and are looking for love,) keep looking. The contenders you’ve met so far are not who they seem to be.

Finances: In terms of money, you may be facing a disappointment. This is not under any circumstances a time to gamble, but it is a time to take stock. If money has taken a downturn for you, or someone you trusted has not come through, be careful not to beat yourself up. This is not the end of the world. Try to think logically and rationally. What now?

Health: Your health situation may not be as good as you had hoped. Be careful in what healer and what methods you put your trust. Don’t be afraid to call on all healing energies you can think of; angels, the universe, ancestors, your higher power, God, whatever you can relate to. There is much more to life than what meets the eye, and miracles happen every day. However, you have to be sure that you are doing your part. What can you do, right now, to better your health situation? Consider alternative healing methods.

Spirituality: You may finally let go of a long, deeply held spiritual belief that has actually been standing in your way. Again, you must be careful where you put your trust in terms of spiritual leaders who may seem to have your best interests at heart but who may actually be looking only to line their pockets. You make a break from the past. This is actually a good thing, although it may be somewhat painful.

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Not at all

Page de espadas derecho


General: In general the Page of Swords tells us that the querent may be trying too hard, pushing too fast, or in general stepping on the toes of others. You may need to study the body language of others, and consider how well you do (or do not) accept constructive criticism from others. You are likely to have a great deal of mental and physical energy now. Use it wisely.
Work: In relation to work questions, the Page indicates that you may soon be dealing with some conflict at work if you are currently employed. If you’re looking for work, you may need to behave with a great deal of humility in interviews to land the position you’ve been hoping for (but don’t put yourself down.) Be cautious with contracts.

Love: In love questions, the Page of Swords points to mild conflict. Know when to push and when to back off, many fights and discussions are not actually worth having (as long as your partner is treating you with respect.) Allow your partner to have his or her space. This is crucial for happiness. If you’re unattached, get out and mingle. Love doesn’t drop out of the sky by itself.

Finances: In relation to money questions, be careful to not assume you know more than you do. The Page can indicate skimming the surface of matters. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from experts if there is even a chance that you don’t quite know what you’re doing with relation to money matters. Don’t overextend yourself financially and assume you’ll take care of it later. You’ll regret it.

Health: When the Page comes up in relation to health matters, chances are good that you have been overdoing it, working too hard, behaving too intensely. Give yourself and the others around you a break, your frayed nerves demand it. Silence and rest works wonders. If you’ve started a new workout regime, don’t push yourself too hard.

Spirituality: You may have been ignoring your spiritual side. Even the most logical secular humanist in the world must realize that there is an esoteric side to the world that is not necessarily immediately visible to the eye or logical. Explore spiritual belief systems that interest you, even if you don’t buy into them. Open your mind. If you think it’s already open, look more deeply and open further.


Knight de espadas derecho


General: If you’re waiting for news from someone or something, you are likely to like what you hear. The Knight of Swords can point to lots of activity, travel, being out and about, getting things accomplished. You are unlikely to feel like waiting for anything to come to you; that’s a good thing… go after your heart’s desire.
Work: In relation to work questions, this is a particularly good omen if you are looking for work. A job that is just what you’ve been hoping for may suddenly come your way. If already employed, things are about to get a lot busier, in a very positive way. You will be getting so much accomplished that you may make your peers look bad. That’s mostly their problem, but don’t be obnoxious about it.

Love: You may literally be about to be swept off your feet, whether you are male or female. If you are currently in a committed relationship, It may be about to brighten up quite a bit and become a whole lot deeper and more satisfying. If you’re looking for love, it may come along when you least expect it but you have to be having some sort of contact with other people for the door to be open to this. Get dressed up and go out on the town. You’ll have a blast.

Finances: With regard to money, the picture looks good when the Knight appears. You may receive some cash that you weren’t expecting. Don’t spend it all in one place. Your return on investments are looking good. Keep doing what you’re doing. Share your wealth in whatever way you can.

Health: The Knight of Swords points to relatively good news with regard to health, but you may be told to slow down a little. If so, do as you’re told. The Knight has an element of somewhat grandiose energy and behavior. Yet doing your own homework into what’s ailing you can be helpful. You can harness your own healing energy and power now.

Spirituality: In the context of spiritual questions, the Knight points to a need for silence and space to deepen your understanding. It’s hard to increase your spirituality if you’re running around like a chicken with your head cut off. Remember one of the greatest affirmations ever offered to the world: Peace. Be still.


Queen de espadas derecho


General: In general the Queen of Swords can indicate that your instincts are serving you well. You already know what it is you want and need, now you just have to go after it. Be mindful of other people’s boundaries as you are doing so, however. This Queen has forceful energy which some people find abrasive.
Work: Even though you may be very clear on what needs to happen in your work environment, this is not the time to broadcast your impressions. Don’t overreact to any perceived slights or disrespect. If you’re looking for work, you’re in the space of being able to present yourself very well. Look to the women in your life to point you in the right direction.

Love: With regards to love, the only caution with this Queen is to beware the impulse to be too forceful. We’ve all been told that we’ll get more flies with honey than with vinegar, and there’s truth to this. Your mother or a mother-like figure may interfere in your relationship, whether she means to or not. Figure out where your boundaries lie with this, and let her know.

Finances: With regard to money, the Queen of Swords can show that a strong woman is about to play an important role in your financial life. There is a lot that you can learn from her, if you can be open to what she has to say.

Health: You may be repressing your emotions, and if so, this will impact your body negatively. Having said that, you must still be careful how, when, and where you vent your emotional reactions. Anything that reduces your stress level will be helpful now, even a five minute walk. Pick your battles. Stay in the moment.

Spirituality: The Queen can indicate that your emotions are the gateway to opening up your spiritual life. Think about what you are feeling and why. Then stop thinking and feel. Keeping a dream diary can be particularly insightful now. Be open to messages from spirit in the everyday.


King de espadas derecho


General: In general, the King of Swords points to very forceful energy. You may not be able to get a man in your life to change his mind or to do what you want. You may need to change something major about your behavior, thoughts, and/or expectations. Don’t overextend your reach.
Work: A man in your work environment may behave or talk to you in a way that you find bothersome, but the truth is that you may be being too sensitive. He’s just doing his job. If you are looking for work, a man, likely to be dark haired and the stereotypical “man’s man” may be in a position to hire you, but you will have to impress him on every level to get the job. Know where to draw the line, but don’t be too quick to claim offense.

Love: In relation to love, the King can mean that a strong, forceful, opinionated man may be part of the scenario. If this man is your beloved, it means that you are going to have to accept him as he is, and whether you are male or female, you’ll best deal with him by drawing on the feminine aspects of your nature. Don’t put up with being mistreated, however. This man can walk the line between being stereotypically manly, and overstepping his bounds. Protect yourself.

Finances: When it comes to finance, the King tells us that you need to fully understand and face the reality of your financial situation. Hiding from it will solve nothing. It also points toward a need for generosity toward others. You may not feel inclined to be generous, but behave that way anyway. The rewards you reap will be more than worth it.

Health: If you’re having symptoms that are not specific, be aware that your medical practitioner, especially if they are a western medical practitioner, may order a bazillion tests. Educate yourself as much as possible before you walk in the door. Be an active participant in your medical treatment.

Spirituality: In order for you to feel connected to a set of spiritual beliefs, they have to make sense to you mentally as well. You can deepen your spiritual awareness and practice by actively seeking out new sources of information and insight. Try something new, even an oracle or reading that you do for yourself can sometimes offer new clarity. Active meditations are useful now.


6 de espadas revés


General: Generally the reversed 6 of Swords shows that you may well make some new discoveries and decisions; and you may have some important information that you wish to share. However, the way in which you communicate is at least as important as what it is that you have to say. Think carefully about what you need to “get across.”

Work: This is an energy under which simple mistakes can cause major problems at work. Be especially careful with important documents and correspondence; make sure your work is backed up and carefully stored. If you are looking for work, you may feel as though you are “on your own,” in your quest. That’s not such a bad thing - allow yourself to look for work in places no one else might suggest or consider.

Love: In the context of love, the 6 of Swords reversed can show that you are about to confront some necessary issues in order for your relationship to move forward. This does not have to involve fights or arguments, if you communicate calmly and well. This is not a time to hold things in, however, again, think before you start spouting things off. You could cause enormous damage if you are not thoughtful about how you “speak your piece.”

Finances: This card can indicate that you’re feeling a bit at a loss when it comes to finances. You may not feel that you have enough money to meet your needs, and you may not know where to begin in order to get these needs met. Don’t be too proud to reach out and ask around, if you need to make more money. This is not a time to make risky investments; watch where you put your trust.

Health: With the reversed 6 of Swords, something in your life may be out of balance, and this can be causing health challenges. Give some thought to where this imbalance may lie. Are you eating too much? Not enough? Not getting enough exercise? Correct the imbalance and you’ll find yourself feeling better, perhaps more so than you have for years.

Spirituality: You may feel overwelmed spiritually when the 6 of Swords appears. Everything and nothing may seem to make sense to you spiritually, all at the same time. The answer to this is to relax and empty your mind, rather than trying to grasp onto one “answer.” In time, you will realize the direction that you need to go. For now, give yourself some peace. Everything that grows does so in stages, not all at once.


8 de espadas revés


General: In general, the Reversed 8 of Swords tells us that although it is time to move forward, that we cannot plan or be utterly prepared for everything in life that might happen, and that accepting that fact is an important part of adulthood. Know that when we need help, help is always available. Take one step at at time. Worry solves and changes nothing.
Work: If you would like to make a change in your work, the reversed 8 of Swords lets you know that this is possible, but that patience and deliberate steps forward are going to be needed. Be open and aware for chance meetings which could help you in your career and any hoped for changes. Everyone may not understand or support your wishes to make a change. Know that you must do what is best for you.

Love: When it comes to love, the 8 of Swords reversed points to potential disagreements and petty arguments in an existing relationship. Try to get to the root of any problems; arguments are not always about what they seem to be about on the surface. If you are feeling lonely and looking for love, this card is a hint that you have some work to do on yourself first. Another person cannot fill you up, if you are feeling empty. And feeling empty drives prospective partners away.

Finances: The reversed 8 tells you that unexpected things may occur with your finances - this is an important time to make sure that you have some form of a financial “safety net.” At the same time these unexpected things can be related to financial increase that you weren’t expecting. However, this is not a time when you are likely to be lucky with gambling.

Health: When you see the reversed 8 of Swords in the context of a health question, it points to things not being clear with the physical body. This is a very important time to pay attention to any symptoms that you might be having, and is also a very important time to seek advice from a qualified medical professional. Self-treatment when this card appears is not advisable. You neeed to know exactly what you are dealing with. Still, don’t panic. Just have a check-up.

Spirituality: In order for your spirituality and your peacefulness in this moment to be on the upswing, it is possible that you need to re-examine your past when the reversed 8 of Swords appears. There may be an incident or trauma from the past which you have not fully dealt with and resolved. Think back, and see if there is something that you need to work through. You may find it and find yourself feeling a thousand pounds lighter once you work through it.


7 de espadas revés


General: This is a time to think carefully about the way things are “supposed to be done,” and whether or not you are meeting that standard. It may be time to clean up your act. Take things one step at a time and don’t try to do everything at once. You already know in your gut where the most important changes need to be made.
General: This is a time to think carefully about the way things are “supposed to be done,” and whether or not you are meeting that standard. It may be time to clean up your act. Take things one step at a time and don’t try to do everything at once. You already know in your gut where the most important changes need to be made.

Work: As with the upright 7, the appearance of the reversed 7 of Swords in the context of work, can mean that your employer is looking at your work and what you do very closely. This is not a time to try to “get away” with anything whatsoever; you will surely be found out. Something which seems very small to you (like taking home a few pens from work) may seem like a huge breach of trust and result in major problems at work with your boss, up to and including the possible losee of your job. If you are looking for work, play up your trustworthiness and willingess to commit.

Love: You may be feeling a sense of dissatisfaction with your love relationships when this card appears. If that is the case, and you are in a committed relationship, give deep thought to why and what you are dissatisfied about before speaking to your partner about it. Also consider what your role is in the conflict or problem in the relationship. Is there something you should or could be doing differently?

Finances: When the reversed 7 of Swords appears, you are probably getting good advice about money but you may be tending to ignore it. Listen hard to what you hear other people saying. This is not a time to gamble or take risks with money in any way. Make sure you know what you are getting into. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t true.

Health: Trust the wisdom of your body and of your higher power/the universe when the reversed 7 of Swords appears in the context of a health question. If you think you need more rest, then rest, even if you just got back from a two week vacation! If you feel the urge to talk to someone about your health concerns then do so. At the same time, don’t hesitate to get second or third opinions when it comes to invasive procedures.

Spirituality: This is a good time to keep your own counsel when it comes to your spiritual beliefs. You can associate with others without believing everything they believe, of course. However, if you keep an open mind and open eyes and ears, you can recieve spiritual wisdom now from people (and from the universe) whether or not you are really trying to do so. Inspiration can come in a nanosecond sometimes.


9 de espadas revés


General: Especially when it comes to people you have just met, the reversed 9 of Swords definitely suggests caution. These new people may not be who they seem to be. Use caution and reasonable doubt when signing anything, and when it comes to business deals. Slow down.
Work: As with the upright 9, the reversed 9 of Swords tells you that worrying about your job is not going to change anything. Do the best you can, and don’t be timid if you feel that someone in your workplace is not treating you fairly or has taken credit for your work in some way. If you are looking for work, you will not help your case by holding back. Speak up for yourself and your talents.

Love: When the reversed 9 of swords appears in a love context, you may need to give deep thought to what is happening in an existing relationship. If you feel that your partner is or has been dishonest, this is a good time to check into it. If you’re looking for love, take your time when getting to know new people now. You could come up against someone who is out for a good time, and nothing more - and who is practiced at telling people what they want to hear but doesn’t follow through. Trust your gut.

Finances: The reversed 9 of Swords tells you that you need to be cautious about who you trust when it comes to money. Check and double check before you loan money, and don’t loan more than you can afford to lose. There is a very small chance that you could be accused of something you didn’t do when it comes to money. If this occurs, stand up for yourself and get legal help if necessary.

Health: With the reversed 9 appears in the context of health, this is no time to be embarrassed or timid about your body. If something is concerning you about your health, talk to your doctor about it in no uncertain terms. The help you need is available. You just have to go after it.

Spirituality: You may be “beating yourself up” about something and this could be interfering with your spiritual development. Whatever happened in the past is over now and there’s nothing you can do to change it. Forgive yourself, if necessary. You are not defined by your past or by any single action. You are your own worst critic.


10 de espadas revés


General: You may have recently come through a very difficult time when the reversed 10 of Swords appears, and indeed, the worst may be over. You have come up with some solutions and plans to improve your situation and that’s a good thing. Just be sure that you don’t make the same mistakes which contributed to the problem that you just solved again. Be sure that you see your own role in the matter.
Work: This card may indicate that there are serious problems in your workplace. This doesn’t have to be the end of the world (or the end of your job) but ignoring these problems will not make them go away. You have reached the point where you can now see what is best for you, your thinking is clearer. Take some quiet time to decide what your next moves are. Is it really best for you to stay where you are? If looking for work, you may be looking in the wrong places. Rethink.

Love: You may have already taken steps to improve an existing love relationship when this card appears, if so, that’s a good thing. However, more work may be needed if this relationship is to survive. Remember that any relationship takes two; problems are almost never entirely the fault of one party. If you are looking for love, it’s possible that you think that you are more ready for a long term commitment than you actually are. Give this some deep thought. You don’t have to conform to society’s expectations - unless they are truly right for you.

Finances: The reversed 10 of Swords can indicate that you have taken some constructive and important steps to improve your financial situation. This is a good thing. It’s easy to fall back into old, bad habits, however. Be vigilant and careful. You are on the right track; stay there.

Health: You are taking or thinking of taking some steps which will indeed improve your health situation. Try not to think about the whole rest of your life, focus on today. Take one step at a time. If you are in need of healing, allow yourself to believe that you deserve to get better. Ask for any help that you may need.

Spirituality: The reversed 10 of Swords can mean that you have finally overcome some extremely painful parts of your past. Now it’s time to look forward. What do you want to see your life look like a year from today? Five years from today? Know that in spiritual communities, people pass in and out of favor just like they do in any other community. Don’t take such things too seriously.


Page de espadas revés


General: In general the reversed Page of Swords tells you that you simply can’t plan for everything. Unexpected occurrences are part of life and you shouldn’t beat yourself up because of them. Work through any problems that crop up one step at a time.
Work: In relation to work questions, the reversed Page indicates that you may soon be dealing with some unexpected conflict at work or a message you were not expecting. Neither is necessarily a bad thing, just take a few minutes to think before you respond. If you’re seeking work, know that some employers are very likely to do intensive background checks before hiring you. Be prepared to respond about questions regarding your past and/or about information you consider personal, like your credit score.

Love: In love questions, the reversed Page of Swords points to difficulty in communications. Say what you mean and mean what you say. However when relating to your partner, you may need to look at deeper meanings behind the words. If you are looking for love you may be attracted to someone who then strikes you as a braggart or a “big talker.” Sometimes this is just nervousness - give them a chance.

Finances: When it comes to money, the reversed Page can indicate that you may recieve a message that you aren’t thrilled about, such as you or your partner not getting an expected pay rise. Don’t panic; you can work with the situation and things could be a whole lot worse. Don’t overreact, either. The initial information you get may be incorrect. Dig deeper and be patient.

Health: The reversed Page of Swords can indicate people talking off the cuff in relation to health in a way that could be worrisome. Remember that all may not be as it seems, initially. Before agreeing to major, invasive health procedures, seek a second opinion if at all possible. Don’t share health information that you want to be kept private, particularly with someone you don’ t know well. They are unlikely to keep your secret.

Spirituality: This card in the context of spirituality can indicate that you will meet someone who sets themselves up as a “spiritual guru,” but who in fact talks a great deal more than they actually know. Be cautious and circumspect, take what this person has to say which really resonates with you, and leave the rest behind. Beware of egotistical “spiritual advisors.”


Knight de espadas revés


General: If this card appears when you have some travel coming up, be prepared for the trip to take longer than you would like or expect. Be cautious about sharing information in any form; emails are generally not secure and nearly any telephone conversation can be overheard or recorded. No need to be paranoid, but there is a need to be prudent.
Work: When the Knight of Swords appears reversed when you are already working, watch out for a co-worker who may shamelessly try to take all the credit for your work. Be sure that you have a paper trail and backups to prove you have been doing things the correct way. Someone may also try to blame you for a problem that wasn’t your fault. Stand up tall and protect yourself. This would be a good time to polish your resume and do background tasks, rather than actively seeking work.

Love: When the Knight of Swords appears in reverse and you’re looking for love, this would be a signal to keep your eyes open and to try to look below the surface when you meet new prospective partners. Just because someone may try overly hard to impress you when you first meet doesn’t mean that they’re a loser. In an ongoing love relationship, something may be bothering your partner. If you sense this, ask.

Finances: The reversed Knight can indicate that someone may try to swindle you out of some money, or at the very least, may ask you to pay far more than an item is worth. Do your homework and don’t be swayed by any “fast talkers.”

Health: Your health care practitioners may be coming across as though they are completely sure what is ailing you when in fact the situation could be less clear than they, or you, think. This doesn’t have to be bad news, in fact it could be very good. Do some research of your own and consider a second opinion if necessary.

Spirituality: With regard to spiritual questions, the Knight of Swords reversed tells you to evaluate spiritual information you are getting very carefully; regardless of its’ source. It is easy to become confused or deluded now. Give yourself time and space to absorb new information.


Queen de espadas revés


General: In general the Reversed Queen of Swords can indicate stumbling blocks; these are most often created by other people besides you but occasionally refers to those which you are creating. Do you behave in ways that people find abrasive? Are you shooting yourself in the foot without realizing it? If you don’t know, ask someone you trust to be honest with you.
Work: The reversed Queen points to communication problems at work, both between people and with things like computers and information being misunderstood or misinterpreted. Take your time, explain yourself thoroughly and make sure that you are understood and that you have understood instructions and information as best you can. Assumptions can be very problematic now, both in established jobs and when job hunting.

Love: With regards to love, the main caution with this reversed Queen of Swords is that your memory of what happened or what was said in a romantic relationship may not be the actual reality of things. Be open to hearing your partner’s point of view. If you’re looking for love, you’ll have to work harder than usual to understand where your prospective partner is coming from. Don’t assume; ask.

Finances: With regard to money, the Queen of Swords reversed can show that communication and data mistakes can impact your financial life now. Check reciepts and financial statements carefully. Your bank or a store (or utility) could make an accidental mistake; catching it could save you substantial money.

Health: You need to be vigilant about remembering to take any medication that you are on, and this would also be a good time to make sure that women in your life that you care about are doing the same. If you have concerns about your health or the way your memory is functioning, this is an important time to seek medical attention. Be honest with your health care provider, even about things that may seem small.

Spirituality: The Queen of Swords reversed can indicate that a strong woman can really enrich your spiritual life now, however, she may do so in a way that is difficult to deal with or in a negative way. Sometimes people teach by showing us how we don’t want to be. But with eyes open, we can learn from everyone, even people who have a tendency to be hurtful - whether they mean to be or not.


King de espadas revés


General: In general, the King of Swords reversed points to very forceful energy, whether or not he represents a literal man in your life. You will need to accept that you can’t always change anyone’s mind; sometimes the best you can hope for is compromise. And being forceful or like a bully yourself is not going to change anything; in fact it is likely to have the opposite effect.
Work: With the reversed King of Swords, a man in your work environment may be holding back from saying things that it would be helpfulf for him to be saying. Keep your ear to the ground and listen carefully. If you are looking for work, as with the upright meaning, a man, likely to be dark haired and the stereotypical “man’s man” may be in a position to hire you, but you will have to impress him on every level to get the job. Stress your understanding of tradition and the importance of following the rules.

Love: In relation to love, the reversed King of Swords can mean that a strong, forceful, opinionated man may be part of the scenario. He could be stubborn to a fault. As with the upright meaning of this card, if his man is your beloved, it means that you are going to have to accept him as he is, and whether you are male or female, you’ll best deal with him by drawing on the feminine aspects of your nature. Don’t put up with being mistreated, however. This man can walk the line between being stereotypically manly, and overstepping his bounds. Protect yourself, and also do not accept dishonesty from him, “man’s man,” or not.

Finances: When it comes to finance, the reversed King tells you that it is important that you are meticulous now regarding your finances. You could easily find mistakes which have been made - and some or all of it could be in your favor. If you can’t face slogging through “your books” on your own, ask for or hire help. You may be very plesantly surprised about what you find out.

Health: It’s possible that your medical practioner is not open to hearing what you have to say and may doubt your interpretation of events and symptoms, with the reversed King of Swords in the reading. It may help to keep records. Overall, though, it is your responsibility to advocate for yourself and if your current medical doctor is not open to hearing your concerns; you may need to switch to one who will.

Spirituality: You may need to think critically and logically about some spiritual information coming your way now. It’s possible that a spiritual leader of some kind is twisting something for the benefit of his organization (yes, he is likely to be male - or a woman with very masculine energy.) Again, trust your instincts and your intuition. If something doesn’t resonate with you, then it doesn’t resonate; it doesn’t matter who says it or why. You don’t have to accept everything even a trusted advisor offers.