Bastos Flashcards
As de bastos derecho
General: This card depicts being upbeat, optimistic, and hopeful about your future - with good cause! You are likely to be feeling quite energetic and positive, or you very soon will be feeling that way. Aces also tell you that now is a good time to start something new. What will you begin?
Work: If you are looking for a new position when the Ace of wands appears, know that something new and very positive is likely to be headed your way soon. Be bold and ask for what you want/need in the work/career arena. You are likely to be more successful than you’d dream possible.
Love: If you are single, this can indicate the beginning of a new love relationship heading your way. Make yourself available for love in whatever way makes sense to you. If you are already committed, the ace tells you that the relationship is about to undergo a ‘new beginning,’ and you will rise to new levels of understanding each other. Express yourself.
Finances: The appearance of this card is usually the sign of a turn for the better in terms of fortune and wealth, and sometimes it can even indicate gifts of money, or inheritance from unexpected sources (but it certainly doesn’t mean that someone has to pass over for you to receive this inheritance.) This gift does not have to be money of course; any kind of gift that has value to both the giver and the receiver can be indicated by the Ace.
Health: You will soon reach new, positive levels of health and vitality. This is an excellent time to begin a new health regime. Start where you are. If this means exercising for two minutes, or eating vegetables at one meal a week, then that’s what you should do. The payoff for doing so will be huge. Don’t delay.
Spirituality: Remember that your mind and body are more closely linked then you tend to consider. One affects the other, without fail. This card can indicate a new spiritual influence coming into your life. Think about your spiritual role models. If you don’t have one, find one. There is always help available, if you are open to it.
3 de bastos derecho
General: In general the 3 of Wands refers to work, in an extremely positive way. Even if you don’t work outside the home, it means that your efforts are seen, appreciated, and are well respected. Give yourself some credit.
Work: When the 3 of Wands appears in the context of work, it tells us that you have a lot to be proud of regarding your work performance, even if you haven’t quite seen the rewards you would expect from this yet. If you’re looking for work, you will soon find a position that is going to be better than you expected. Hold your head up high and know that you have a lot that you’re bringing to the table.
Love: Your romantic relationships are likely to be going well, but only if your partner is willing to treat you as an equal. If they are not, it may be time to move on - after you’ve made your complaints and position clear. If you have recently met someone new, know that you are held in very high regard by this new person. If you’re in the market for love but feel as though you don’t have any prospects, you are probably currently spending too much time and effort on your career. Think about allowing more time for your personal life.
Finances: Things are looking up financially. Your hard work is already in the process of being rewarded whether you see evidence of this yet or not. Still, don’t over extend yourself financially. Put away a little something for a rainy day. Be sure to share the wealth. You may do better financially than you had ever dreamed.
Health: The health news is likely to be very good when this card shows up. Your health efforts are likely beginning to show fruit. Don’t hesitate to consider alternative ways to treat or deal with health challenges, within reason.
Spirituality: You have an at least somewhat mature, sensible spiritual view in place. Even so, realize that if you are paying attention at all, you are growing spiritually, and that thus, your spiritual views can and should change and develop over time. Don’t be afraid of change and new information.
2 de bastos derecho
General: In general the 2 of Wands reminds us to stay mindful of the give-and-take required for all successful relationships. If things are feeling “out of balance” for you in general now, know that they are about to get substantially better. Keep your eyes on the prize that you’re looking for, metaphorically, and remain or get positive.
Work: You’re about to fit things together in new or unusual ways. Work is about to get a lot smoother, and if you’re looking for employment, you are about to find the right fit. Don’t let anyone knock you off your stride. You’re more together and balanced than you might realize, work-wise.
Love: If you’re already in a relationship, it’s about to get a lot more equal. Pay attention to your ideas about equality and balance and share them. If you’re looking for love, someone who could be very good for you is already likely part of your life. Don’t judge a book by its cover. If someone is interested in you, give them a chance. This relationship could be just what you’re looking for.
Finances: Your income and outgoing is moving toward a better state of balance. The 2 of Wands indicates fairness and equality, don’t hesitate to ask for what you are truly due or worth. You are likely to be pleasantly surprised by how much you can improve your financial situation.
Health: The theme of balance particularly holds true for this card in terms of health. Energy work aimed at balancing your chakras and/or your body/mind/spirit is particularly effective and helpful health wise now. Are you paying adequate attention to all three? If not, now’s the time. The benefits are far greater than any effort you can put out. Your health is most likely in better shape than you fear.
Spirituality: A spiritual partnership with just one other person may be greatly beneficial to you now. Remember too that you are also always spiritually in partnership with yourself as well. Remember to take time and space to care well for yourself spiritually and emotionally. This is an essential ingredient to having spiritually successful relationships with others. Start with yourself.
4 de bastos derecho
General: Although this is a very positive card in a reading, it shows also a need to keep your wits about you, that although you deserve and should treat yourself to some fun, but know that you are still in a building up phase and now is not the time to rest completely on your laurels. This card can also sometimes mean that you will be moving your place of residence.
Work: Things are probably going very well for you work-wise. Still, whatever you do, don’t take this initial success for granted and feel like it will all be smooth sailing from here on out. Yes, you’ve earned your success and some kudos (and some fun and some time off too) but don’t forget that you will have to continue to strive to stay on top and to continue to grow and stretch yourself. It’s exactly like playing “king of the mountain” when you were a kid - once you got on top, you might have been able to catch your breath for a minute but the next thing you knew you were fighting to stay at the top.
Love: When it comes to love, this card can indicate that your relationship is about to become a whole lot more committed - up to and including a potential marriage. If you’re looking for love, it shows that special events (wedding, bar and bat mitzvahs, commitment ceremonies, etc.) are a good place to meet someone special now. If you get invited to something like this, and are single, make a point to GO.
Finances: Your finances are likely in good shape and are also likely to get a whole lot better. However, this will be as a result of your hard work, and not something like pure luck like a lottery win. Have faith in yourself and keep trying. You will reap positive rewards.
Health: If you’re waiting on results from a test, you are likely to soon be celebrating positive news. If there is something that has been bothering you health-wise and you’ve not been able to find a solution, know that there is help available for you. Be persistent in trying to find that help!
Spirituality: If your friends and family don’t agree with your spirituality, don’t let that bother you. You see things the way that you do for a reason. Be open to considering the input of others, but know that ultimately you must (and have a right to) make up your own mind.
5 de bastos derecho
General: When this card appears, your need to believe in yourself is stronger than ever now. Hold your head up high, and have faith that you will end up in the place that is right for you. You may be thinking of making a career change. Know that you can be successful, if so.
Work: Know that you are facing competition, but if you play your cards right, that you can compete successfully. The only way to lose for sure is not to try. Play fair even if all around you are not doing so. People who play dirty may seem to win in the short term, but as Gandhi said, that sort of win is never, ever permanent.
Love: The person you have your eye on may be being pursued by several people. Even so, give it your best shot. You need to know that you have done all that you can for this relationship where your heart is involved. This can also work the other way and mean that you are going to be pursued by several interested people romantically.
Finances: Even though money may be tight, try to look at your financial situation calmly and dispassionately. You may not be able to meet all your obligations immediately. That does not mean that you will never be able to meet them. Do what you can, and be honest about the situation. Things will be better financially soon, likely in a matter of weeks.
Health: You may be frustrated in your search for answers about your health. If you’re being blocked, pushing forward may not be the best response. Sometimes the best solution is to go around the obstacle. At minimum, give yourself a break for a few hours. You could use the rest. You may be working far too hard, which could affect your health negatively.
Spirituality: It’s difficult to grow spiritually if you are running around like a chicken with your head cut off. Take time to rest, to do nothing. Create space for yourself to be quiet and hear the music of the spheres. Life is not all about competition. Everyone needs room sometimes to just be. Give yourself this gift of time and space, and you should see and feel spiritual growth in response.
6 de bastos derecho
General: In general, the 6 is about happiness and celebration. You are about to see some results for your hard work and efforts. Give yourself a break or treat yourself in some way. You have certainly earned it.
Work: If you’re looking for a position, this card is a very positive portent. You will find something that is better than you dared hope. If you’re currently in a position that you want to stay in - things are about to get even better at work for you than you would have hoped. Your efforts are valued. Just keep doing what you are doing.
Love: In a committed relationship, this card means that things are looking up. Suddenly, you are likely to find yourself feeling closer and happier with your partner than ever before. If you’re unattached, take heart - the appearance of this card can mean you’re about to enter a relationship with someone you’ve been dreaming about. This is a very positive omen.
Finances: Things will be going much better for you financially soon. Regardless of what is happening all around you, things are going to be on the upswing for you financially. Be prudent, however, in what you do with any increase. Particularly these days, it’s important for everyone to be prepared for a rainy day. Still - expect increase.
Health: If you’re worried about health, relax. Things are not as bad for you or the person that you’re asking about as you fear. There is an underlying, spiritual strength that will sustain the health of the person you’re asking about. Take heart.
Spirituality: In the context of spirituality, the 6 of Wands can indicate getting in touch with deep joy and love of living. You are already on the right track. Get in touch with the joy inside you, and then share it. The world needs the gifts that only you can offer.
7 de bastos derecho
General: Don’t hesitate to make where you stand clear to people. Your thinking is clear, and you are likely to help someone out by spelling things out for them. This card can indicate that a change is coming - a positive change - in your personal or business life. This card also points toward being independent and thinking for yourself.
Work: If you’ve ever wanted to be self-employed, now is the time to give this a great deal of thought and to do your homework. You have the wherewithal to make your own business work, IF you are willing to put in the time and effort it will take to make it happen. Be logical, however. If you can start your business while still employed elsewhere, it makes sense to do so.
Love: If you are already committed, don’t hesitate to speak your mind to your beloved. This will only improve your relationship as long as you are simultaneously considerate of the way in which you speak your mind. If single, this card can indicate that you are about to meet someone new away from your usual haunts. Try something new.
Finances: Expect an increase. You end up with a year-end bonus you were not suspecting, something you own is worth more than you thought, in short, money is on the upswing. Be sensible with how you use and invest this money. Think long-term.
Health: You may be worrying unnecessarily. Even when facing serious health challenges, a positive attitude can work wonders. If you suspect something is wrong with your physical being, insist that your medical providers check it out for you. If your usual doctor will not check it out, look until you find a doctor who will. Trust your instincts.
Spirituality: By facing your fears and turning them to your advantage, you grow even stronger, and ready to face the next obstacle in your path. Indeed, there can be no courage without fear to inspire it. That fear does not need to be your master any more. If an opportunity calls you, cast away your doubt and go for it with courage in your hands. If you feel that now is the time to take a step towards your dream, throw hesitation to the winds and let nothing stand in your way. In short, whatever your clear desires are, go for them!
8 de bastos derecho
General: When this card appears, nothing seems to be moving ahead. Don’t try to force things, as that is likely to backfire on you. Speaking metaphorically, sometimes our actions are all in the wrist, all you can do is put your best out there and see where it lands. You’ve put your best out there. Now wait.
Work: You are probably waiting on decisions that have to be made by others. Chances are good that the outcome will be positive, but don’t try to push people before they are ready. Be patient. The logjam will break soon, but it isn’t up to you to break it.
Love: In the context of love, when the 8 appears, you probably are feeling ready for a commitment that doesn’t seem to be forthcoming. Again, you must not push someone before they are ready. You can’t get your needs met by force. Distract yourself if necessary, and your beloved may be back to you before you know it, offering the love you’d been hoping for, on a silver platter.
Finances: Things don’t seem to be moving, financially. This is not a good time to take speculative investments, unless you are looking at the very long-term. Things are in flux. Save money. Watch your spending habits. Again, patience is called for.
Health: You may be anxiously waiting for test results or for information on what a particular health problem actually means. Take one moment at a time, think positively, and know that it may take a while to get to the bottom of what is really happening. Advocate for yourself, ask questions, educate yourself as much as you can. Your healers have a lot of patients to care for. You only have yourself. Keep plugging ahead and things are likely to be fine.
Spirituality: For most of us, patience can be a difficult spiritual lesson to grapple with. However when this card appears, it’s a clear signal that stillness and patience are issues that you need to work on. Meditation is helpful now. If you can’t sit still and meditate for twenty minutes, that’s fine… start with thirty seconds. With stillness, very often, comes peace. Look for it.
9 de bastos derecho
General: When the 9 of Wands comes up, the first and best step is often to take a deep breath and calm down. Don’t let the things you are worried about overwhelm you. Take it one day at a time, one hour at a time, if you must. At least some of your worries will very likely turn out to be imaginary. Get very specific on what you are afraid of and pick it apart. What is the true likelihood of the worry actually happening? Comfort yourself, and if you need help, don’t hesitate to ask for it. Asking for help is the mark of a strong person.
Work: Things may be tense at work. Try not to contribute to the tension; think before you speak, be calm and unruffled as possible on the surface, at least. Get clear about the things you can and cannot control and try to give very little “mind-space” to the latter. Do your best with the former, and things will very likely be well. If you’re wondering if your job may be eliminated, unfortunately, when this card appears, the answer can be yes. Forewarned is forearmed. If that happens, what will you do about it?
Love: In the context of love, it’s important to remember that no relationship, and nothing on earth, in fact, can stand up to constant dissection. Try to give your beloved some breathing space. If you are uncommitted, and longing for love, understand that the time may simply not yet be right for you. Are there things about yourself that you would like to change? This is a good time to get yourself whole emotionally, so that when you are ready for a new relationship, that the person that you attract into your life is also whole. Don’t be in too much of a hurry.
Finances: In terms of finances, worrying will not “keep the wolves from the door.” Try to stay calm and methodically pick through your situation and potential courses of action. Take small steps. Look at ways that you might increase your income, even if it’s only a little.
Health: Worry, stress, and anxiety is very likely to be affecting your life now. Be sure that you are treating yourself as well as you can; balance in exercise, food and water intake, and getting adequate rest. Breathing exercises and meditation are particularly useful for you now. If you are waiting on test results, try not to worry too much, and remember that there’s only so much you can do. Focus on the positive. Write down things that you are grateful for. Surround yourself with positive people. You will soon have the answers that you seek.
Spirituality: You may not be very inclined to discipline yourself now, but even so, now is a time that discipline will help you meet your spiritual goals. Focus, plan, call yourself to higher levels of spiritual study and commitment. You have the strength within you to get where you want to be.
10 de bastos derecho
General: Sometimes the 10 of Wands indicates that you have been too successful and would be well-served by scaling back. You are probably tired, you’ve been working very hard, personally and professionally, and could use a break. Give yourself one.
Work: Your workload may be unrealistically heavy now. Don’t hesitate to ask for help or ask questions, and if your supervisors or a colleague comes to you with a request for something new on top of your already incredibly overflowing plate, ask them which thing you should not do to make room to do the new thing? If you are looking for a position without much success, do not lose heart. Keep trying, and you cannot fail.
Love: The appearance of the 10 usually signifies a hard place in a relationship. It can be that your beloved is undergoing a rough time that has nothing to do with your relationship but needs your support. Most often, however, it indicates that there is something in the relationship which needs to be examined, looked at, and considered. You will not gain by pretending that there are no problems. If you’re in the market for love, do not despair. Your time will eventually come, but perhaps now is a good time to halt your search and just take some time for rest and reflection.
Finances: You are probably feeling over-burdened and stressed about money when this card appears in the context of a financial question. You will be best served by looking at your situation calmly and dispassionately, and making a plan. A wise man said “expect the best, but plan for the worst.” You can do both things now. Avoiding the problems will not make them disappear. Be creative in your problem-solving and don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it.
Health: Stress may have taken a serious toll on your body, but there are things that you can do to re-build. First of all, calm down. Secondly, be sure that you are getting adequate rest and sleep. Then consider supplementation if you need it; stress is particularly bad about depleting the vitamins in your body. Massage and vacation can work wonders now. If fatigue and sleeplessness and physical problems have persisted, get treatment - even if you have no money and no health insurance, there is help available to you. Find it.
Spirituality: Don’t be afraid to reach out for assistance if you need it. But you also have to learn when enough is enough, and when it is time to get out from under your burdens. The major theme here is to take good care of yourself, in every way, as to do so is especially critical now.
Page de bastos derecho
General: In general, this card indicates that things that you started some time ago are starting to come to fruition. It can also show a need for new things - new adventures, new approaches, and new ideas. The Page brings us positive energy. We must supply the follow-through, however.
Work: In terms of work, this card can show a woman (likely to have light hair) who is inclined to be very helpful to you at work. She also may be a little younger than you are - this could be by a matter of days or weeks. If you’ve been waiting on a decision for a job that you’ve already applied for, the news is very likely to be good. The job is also likely to be better and more enjoyable than you would have hoped
Love: Messages of love and affection are likely to be coming your way. If you are single, a new suitor with whom you have a lot in common, and who is also very adventuresome, may be about to burst into your world. Take a chance on them, but only if you’re available. If you’re committed and unhappy, now’s the time to begin deciding if the relationship can be saved, and how long you will try to make it happen. Both parties have to be willing to work in a relationship. If your partner isn’t, it might be time to move on.
Finances: Money is very likely to be headed for an upswing when this card appears. Some of what you’ve put out into the world (in the form of good energy) is likely to be returning to you, with interest. This is a very good time to start planning long range, even if you’re twenty years old. Where do you want to be, financially in thirty years? How will you make it happen?
Health: In terms of health the Page points to a need for action. You will have to make some efforts to improve your health situation. Do you need more exercise? Do you need nutritional education to make sure that you are eating better? There are resources available. Nothing will change by wishing things were different. Take control. It won’t be easy, but it can be done.
Spirituality: This can be a very creative time for you, and a good time for you to actually become childlike… dream, play, be inventive. You never know what your creations during this time might come to, and at any rate you will enjoy yourself and this play will deepen and enrich your life.
Knight de bastos derecho
General: Knights are often message bearers, and in the Wands suit, the messages are likely to be positive and related to work or career. Your projects are likely to be/have been more successful than you would have expected or predicted. You have a lot of reasons to feel pride. Savor it.
Work: You may be asked to travel in connection with your job - this should go well and have at least some enjoyable moments. The work news is good. If you’re waiting on results from an interview, you are likely to find that you got the position. This will be good for you.
Love: You may meet someone new through your work. This new person is likely to have hair on the lighter end of the spectrum. If you’re already committed, be sure that your communication is as clear as it can be. Make a point to make time to just talk to each other. This will improve your feelings of closeness substantially.
Finances: Money should be flowing more easily during this time. (i.e. your finances should be going well.) Even so, be sure to save at least a little. Cut expenses where you can.
Health: Your health situation is likely to be good, but be careful when exercising, the Knight can sometimes indicate minor injuries or sprains. If you’re in the process of healing from an injury, don’t overdo it, or you could end up in worse shape than you were in when you were originally injured. Slow and steady wins the race.
Spirituality: You may be suddenly introduced to a new way of looking at things spiritually which appeals to you deeply. Take some time to explore this “new way” before spending a great deal of time or money on it. Devote some time and energy and money if possible to the spiritual causes that you believe in. That’s one of the highest forms of prayer that there is.
Queen de bastos derecho
General: The Queen of Wands can also refer to a woman who has a lot of fire energy about her e.g. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. When not referring to a literal person, she stands for getting a lot accomplished, and often, a focus on work/career. The Queen is positive, uplifting energy. When she stands in for a woman in your life, she’s a good friend, who is solidly on your side, even though she may seem a bit self-absorbed. If you are trying to conceive and this card appears, it’s one of the most positive signs that there can be.
Work: When the Queen of Wands appears in a reading about work, you are going to get a great deal accomplished successfully in a short period of time - this is a very positive omen. If you are looking for work, this Queen can mean that a woman (usually with light-colored hair) will be instrumental in helping you find employment. All in all, things will be looking up professionally.
Love: Again, this Queen is a very positive omen in the context of love relationships. If you are looking for love, this can mean that you’ll meet someone suitable through a light haired friend or acquaintance. You aren’t in the mood to be on your own now. Get out, mingle, trust yourself and the universe to bring you the love and support you want and need.
Finances: You may be tempted to get carried away buying things when this Queen appears - exercise moderation or you may come to regret your expenditures. This doesn’t mean money will be bad, it just means that you are not in the mood to think before spending. Your home surroundings are a good place to put your efforts now. But home improvement doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Be creative.
Health: In general the Queen of Wands is a very positive sign of health. Your energy level and vitality should be good, and again, if pregnancy is a possibility for you, whether you’re ready or not, the Queen says that you could very well conceive soon. So if you are not in the market, take the appropriate precautions, and then some. You are likely to be at least a little keyed up when the Queen appears; make time for rest and relaxation, no matter what.
Spirituality: You are suddenly likely to be spiritually hungry when the Queen of Wands appears. There’s nothing wrong with that, but don’t get carried away thinking you’ve suddenly found “THE” total answer you’ve been looking for your entire life and sell everything you own, for example, to join a spiritual group in another country. Take your time, read and reflect, talk to lots of people, before making huge life changes. Your exploration is admirable. Crossing over into huge life-changing decisions without full consideration might not be as healthy.
King de bastos derecho
General: In general the King of Wands is a positive omen. Even when he does not represent a literal individual in your life, he signifies that men around you are generally supportive and think well of you. You will be feeling ambitious and goal-oriented, and furthermore, you will have the wherewithal to accomplish what you have in mind. Think positively.
Work: In the context of work the King of Wands can indicate a man with hair on the lighter end of the spectrum who wants to serve as a mentor for you. This is a man who you can trust and can count on, although to a degree his people skills can be a bit rough around the edges. Learn what you can from him but pay attention to the places where you wish to conduct yourself differently from the way he does things. Overall, things should be going well work-wise and if you’re looking for employment, the King is a very positive significator that a position that you’d be pleased with is likely to be forthcoming soon.
Love: In terms of love, the King of Wands is an excellent omen. He signifies that someone you care about also has protective and caring feelings about you, and that they are also willing to work hard if necessary to make the relationship work. You may be more than usually focused on your own work/career now, make time for romance (even if you are currently single) or you’ll end up with work being the only thing in your life.
Finances: Again the King of Wands is a quite positive omen. You may discover a talent that you didn’t know you had which could lead to more money. If you have ever thought about starting your own business, this can indicate that this is a very good time to start taking steps. Not that you should leap headlong into something if you’re not in that position yet - start where you are. Read, research, talk to others doing what you think you’d like to do. Don’t hesitate to dream big, however. Boldness has power in it.
Health: The King of Wands is rich with vitality. However, he also carries a warning not to overdo things or push your body further than it is able to go; rest and recuperation is also a critical part of health. Make time too to examine what you are really feeling, down deep. Anger and negative emotions can take a toll on your body. Allow yourself to feel what you feel, but let those feelings go in a positive way.
Spirituality: The King of Wands is a sign that you are already well on your way with regard to spiritual exploration. However, it also warns of a slight tendency to perhaps get carried away and to try to push too far, too fast. Developing spirituality is a process, not an overnight sensation. Give yourself time and space to just be. If sitting still and meditating is difficult for you, that points to an even more urgent need to make time and efforts to do it. Start with thirty seconds, if that’s all you can muster. Walking meditations can be very effective as well. Do what works.
As de bastos revés
General: In general the reversed Ace still points to reason for feeling good, but you may be having difficulty “feeling it.” If you are struggling with anxiety, try to get a handle on what you are worrying about and what is bothering you. You may benefit by talking to someone new about the way that they handle such things; this could be very inspirational.
Work: The Ace of Wands reversed shows good possibilities at and for work, but there is a downside implied here as well. For instance you may find/have a good job, but have a supervisor who is difficult. Or there may be misunderstandings at work which make you feel as though you aren’t valued. Don’t jump to conclusions, if you are having difficulty, ask questions.
Love: As with the upright meaning, if you are single, the reversed Ace of Wands can indicate the beginning of a new love relationship. This card can also indicate the birth of a child; so if this is a possibility for you and you are not yet ready, make sure you take all the appropriate precautions, and then some. In an existing relationship, this card shows a need to think before you speak and to listen hard to your partner. Misunderstandings are easy now.
Finances: The Ace of Wands reversed shows a need to pay close attention to what you are doing with your money. This is not the time to take chances or to just hand over your financial responsibility to a broker or banker and expect them to act in your best interest. There is no such thing as a “sure bet,” in investing or in horse racing, so be careful.
Health: The reversed Ace of Wands points to a need to watch out for–and limit or stop–indulgences. Being moderate in your habits now is very important. Overindulgence in food, alcohol, or drugs (even over-exercise or over-dieting) can wreak serious havoc with your system and your long-term health. If you need help acheiving balance, reach out for it. There are knowledgable people and information all around you.
Spirituality: The reversed Ace of Wands can show that you are so tired from all the things you are undertaking in your daily life that you have not been paying attention to your spirituality. Take a few moments for yourself, a few moments to allow your spirit to drink in the energies of the universe. This will help sustain you, and will benefit you more than you can imagine.
2 de bastos revés
General: In general the reversed 2 of Wands reminds us to put emotion in perspective. Sometimes what you feel is not the total reality of the situation. Still, sometimes you have to make a change and try new things in order to enjoy life. Weigh the balance carefully if you are considering taking a risk and/or making big changes in your life.
Work: You can expect things to go well in your working world; you may be pleasantly surprised by new business or new procedures at work - or even by a new job offer. The time may have come, on the other hand, to leave a working situation which has been good for you in the past. Don’t burn your bridges, if you do decide to leave.
Love: When the reversed 2 of Wands appears in a love question, you can expect that a relationship will either deepen and become even more committed, or if you’re looking for love, that a new relationship is very likely to begin soon. Someone could quite literally sweep you off your feet or surprise you in a stunning, uplifting way. Enjoy the magic. If you’re lonely and can’t imagine how there could be love on your horizon; make sure that you are putting yourself where you can be found. Love is unlikely to come knocking while you’re sitting home in the dark reading a book or watching televison. Reach out.
Finances: You may have a positive surprise headed your way with regard to money when the reversed 2 of Wands appears. Don’t bet the farm, but this could be a small lottery or gambling win. More likely, the increase will come from money you have earned (a surprise pay rise at work) or the discovery that something you own is worth much more than you thought. Enjoy.
Health: When the reversed 2 of Wands appears in the context of a health question, know that no one in the world holds all the answers as to what will happen with your health. If you are in need of healing, start by imagining that healing is possible and read up on positive health outcomes that doctors call “idiopathic,” - other people call those surprise positive outcomes “miracles.” Miracles happen. If you are healthy, this is not the time to take stupid risks. Know your physical limitations.
Spirituality: The reversed 2 of Wands can indicate that a “spiritual leader” may attempt to dominate you personally. This is a time to think for yourself, and not accept what others say just because they say it. No human spiritual leader is perfect, of course, but the good ones don’t present themselves as perfect or use strongarm tactics to control others. Trust your own impressions.
3 de bastos revés
General: In general the reversed 3 of Wands can refer to a wish coming true, in a positive way. Think carefully about what it is that you really wish for and why. You are likely to find yourself with sudden understanings coming to you - about yourself, about other people, and about the world. Generally, you can trust this new knowledge.
Work: When the 3 of Wands reversed appears in the context of work, it tells us that you will be making important steps and leaps with regard to your work. You could even be preparing to start your own business in some way. In general, you can expect good things with regard to what you do. Don’t be shy. Let your talents be obvious to people. Cooperate with others.
Love: Recent difficulty in your love relationship may be coming to an end when the reversed 3 of Wands appears. If you are looking for love, someone may try to establish a relationship with you. As the saying goes, “don’t judge a book by its cover.” If you’re looking for love, give people a chance. You may be surprised in a very good way if you do.
Finances: As with the upright meaning, the reversed 3 of Wands can indicate that things will shortly be looking up for you financially. However, this increase will definitely be tied to collaboration and cooperation with others. Don’t try to do it all on your own. If you have financial questions, find a good advisor.
Health: The reversed 3 of Wands implies that your upcoming health reports will be better than you had imagined. You are on the right track with regard to caring for yourself. Keep up the good work. If you could use support to keep up your efforts, know that the support is already out there and that there are a lot of people “in your shoes.” Just reach out.
Spirituality: You may be on the verge of making a concerted attempt to grow spiritually when this card appears. Know that you can do so, and that the benefits of such growth are large. Inspiration and new information can come from the most surprising of sources. Take one step at a time.
4 de bastos revés
General: Unexpected good fortune could be headed your way when this card appears. Still, that doesn’t mean to throw away all your hard work and simply sit back. All good things are added to when we make efforts and when we make a point to share and give to others, in whatever way we can. Just do your best.
Work: When you see the reversed 4 of Wands, things are likely ot already be going very well for you in the workplace. Don’t forget that your continued effort will be needed, there is no such thing as a completed life’s work if one is still alive. Accept the compliments headed your way with good grace and be sure to share “credit” when it is appropriate. There is no such thing as a completely self-made man or woman.
Love: The reversed 4 of Wands can indicate that a relationship is likely to become much more committed in the near future, up to and including marriage. You may have a marriage or special event to attend even if you are single and uncommitted. Make a point to go if you are invited to such an event, and don’t use it as an excuse to feel sorry for yourself. You could meet the love of your life at someone else’s wedding. Think positively.
Finances: You have, without doubt, been working hard to build up a financial safety net when this card appears in the context of a financial question. Know that what you have acheived is good and that your investments are as secure as it’s possible for them to be right now. Give yourself a break before resuming these efforts. No amount of money buys complete security in this ever-changing universe.
Health: When the 4 of Wands reversed appears in regard to a health question, the news looks very encouraging. You have a lot to be happy about and thankful for regardless of your health status; focus on that, and think positively. There is a demonstrated link to positive attittudes and good health outcomes.
Spirituality: You have the right to attend to your own spirit in your own way regardless of what others think about it. You are likely to discover new things about yourself and your spirituality in the future when the 4 of Wands appears reversed; and these are likely to be positive, uplifting discoveries. You may want to try a new spiritual discipline, such as yoga or tai chi. Sometimes such things can lead to overwhelmingly positive new growth.
5 de bastos revés
General: As with the upright 5 of Wands, you have a real need to believe in and trust yourself now. If something or someone doesn’t pass the “smell test” to you now, trust your instincts. However, no matter what happens, be hesitant to escalate conflict or to take irrevocable steps. Don’t be hasty, no matter how angry you get in coming weeks.
Work: There may be disputes coming up at work if you are currently employed when this card appears. If so, think calmly and rationally and avoid arguments to the best of your ability. Make sure you have protected yourself as well as you can, in terms of tracking your actions, having a paper trail, having witnesses during contentious discussions, and so forth. If you are looking for work, don’t be discouraged by the comptetion out there. You have your own unique talents to bring to the table. Think positively.
Love: If you are currently in a committed love relationship when the reversed 5 of Wands appears, what looks like conflict on the surface can actually be very beneficial to your relationship (provided both parties “fight fair,”) as you will learn more about yourselves, and each other, and clear the air. If you are looking for love or have your heart set on someone who doesn’t seem to be “moving forward” with you, know that their reluctance has more to do with their issues than with you. If you really want this person, you will need to be patient.
Finances: If you are having money difficulties now, this is a time to carefully question your old assumptions. You may have assumed there is nothing you can do to cut your expenses, or to bring in more money, or to get a higher return on your investments. Think again. Try to look at your situation as though it was that of a third party. What would you advise that they do?
Health: The reversed 5 of Wands can indicate that you are trying to deal with physical pain. (If this were to be the case you would already be feeling this pain before the reading is cast.) If you are in pain, these are not signals to ignore or to let your health care practitioner ignore, even if there is no clear reason for the pain that has been found yet. Pain affects ones’ quality of life if it is not relieved. Insist that they take you seriously and meanwhile do what you can to ease the symptoms. A dietary change may help. Heat and massage are also often useful.
Spirituality: Know that spiritual growth is not a competition. When the reversed 5 of Wands appears, people may try to convince you that you need to grow a certain way, at a certain speed, and so forth. Know, too, that spiritual growth can involve dealing with and accepting some apparent contradictions. Try to become more comfortable with paradox.
7 de bastos revés
General: The reversed 7 of Wands can point to a feeling of anxiety. If you are feeling anxious, try to get to the root of why you might be feeling this way, and what you can do to make a difference. Sometimes anxiety is alleviated by taking action. If you need help dealing with your feelings or with taking action, don’t be too proud to admit it.
Work: You may be at a loss about what to do with regard to your work situation if you are already employed. If that’s the case, talk to someone you trust, seek out the advice of others who have experienced similar situations. The answers are out there. If you are looking for work, try to “think outside the box.” Who could you contact for work that you hadn’t considered talking to yet?
Love: In a committed relationship, the 7 of Wands reversed can indicate that one or both of you is being indecisive about something. This is usually because of one of two things: either the fear is too intense to move forward, or the time is simply not right. Something can be done about the former, generally speaking. If you are looking for love, the first thing to do is to get outside your front door. Get out, have fun, and see where life takes you. Thinking for too long about the exact specifics of the “perfect partner” for you is counterproductive–there’s no such person.
Finances: The reversed 7 of Wands can indicate some confusion with regard to money. People may promise and then not deliver or pay on time. Expected financial bonuses may not materialize or may only come through for certain people. If the latter thing happens at your workplace, it may be time to look for a different job. People who value their employees don’t treat them that way.
Health: When the 7 of Wands reversed appears in a health reading, anxiety can be the biggest problem that you are facing. That doesn’t mean to ignore your physical symptoms, but it does mean that it’s important to understand the mind body connection. Get your symptoms checked out, and if you’re given a clean bill of health by a trustworthy medical professional, then it’s time to consider your thoughts and your spirtuality, if you continue to have problems.
Spirituality: If you aren’t careful when the reversed 7 of Wands appears in a reading about spirituality, you could be tempted to talk and talk (and listen to others talk and talk) about spirituality. Your best bet is actually not to do that; your best bet is to be quiet and listen to the universe, and see what comes to you now. Silence can be healing. Be still.
6 de bastos revés
General: In general, the reversed 6 of Wands is about victory. However, you may need to be cautious about in whom you place your trust. There may be one person who on the surface looks like a supporter but who may acttually be jealous or negative in some way. Trust your instincts about people and don’t hesitate to stand up for yourself if necessary.
Work: You should be cautiously optimistic when the 6 of Wands appears reversed. If you are currently employed, although your work is appreciated and valued in general, there may be at least one person who for no good reason is dishonest or working against you. Open conflict is not going to help your case, this is more of a “kill them with kindness” situation. If looking for work, don’t believe everything you hear. Still, your job hunt is likely to be more successful more quickly than you would expect when this card appears.
Love: When this card appears with regard to a committed relationship, you may find yourself feeling fear about the relationship. If so, examine it alone first. What are you afraid of? Are there specific things that your partner has said or done which has contributed to this fear? Everyone needs reassurance sometimes. If you are looking for love, you may be fearing that you will never find love. This does not have to be the case - unless you make it the case. If you find yourself feeling that way, look at your self esteem. Believe yourself worthy of being loved; because you are worthy.
Finances: This is a time to be detailed and methodical with regard to money when the 6 of Wands appears reversed. Pay attention to bank statements, income and outgoings, reciepts, and any other financial transaction. You may find money you didn’t know that you had. Think carefully.
Health: If you pull the reversed 6 of Wands with regard to a health question, know that there is a great deal that you can do yourself to support your good health. Are you eating extremely well? Are you drinking pure, clean water? Thinking positively? All that “boring, normal stuff,” especially in the face of illness, can make a tremendous positive difference. You may get conflicting information about your health from professionals, never hesitate to ask for and/or get a second or even third opinion if necessary.
Spirituality: The reversed 6 of Wands can indicate that you are somehow expecting the universe to give you answers or guidance without any input or effort from you. Yes, it sometimes happens that way, but more often, we are expected to ask about specifics, and take action on our own, rather than waiting for everything to line up in perfect order. Be open to the insights you are given from others, at least enough to consider them fully even if you ultimately reject their interpretation.
8 de bastos revés
General: You may be feeling guilty about something when you recieve the reversed 8 of Wands. Remember that there is nothing that can be changed about the past; the only good thing that guilt can create is a change in future behavior. Sometimes the best thing to do is to forgive yourself. But your conscience is there for a reason. Don’t ignore it.
Work: There may be disagreements and arguments at work when this card appears. You and/or the people you work with have put too much effort into things to let relatively petty issues derail major issues. Back off, cool down, and rethink. If you are looking for work, unfortunately there may be a delay in a decision you have been waiting on. Be patient and trust that things will work out the way they should.
Love: In the context of love, when the 8 of Wands reversed appears, you may need to watch out for pangs of jealousy, whether in an existing committed love relationship or in a relationship that you are just hopeful about. Jealousy gets you nowhere and is not proof of love. Be self-posessed and self-sufficient.
Finances: The reversed 8 of Wands, as with the upright meaning, counsels patience and long-term thinking with regard to finances and money. Rome was not built in a day and neither will your long term financial security. Take a deep breath and hang on.
Health: Again, when the 8 of Wands reversed appears in a health question, patience and calmness is necessary. You will not help your health status by being overly anxious or fearful. Send your body loving and healing energy, no matter what the potential problems in your body might be. Don’t fear the worst, and don’t suffer over health problems which may not ever happen.
Spirituality: The 8 of Wands reversed calls for focus, determination, and cooperation on every level, including your spiritual outlook. It is easy for energy to dissipate now. Ground yourself as best you can and try to make time for meditation, stillness, and contemplation. You cannot do all things at once or be all things to all people. No one can.
9 de bastos revés
General: When the 9 of Wands reversed comes up, it is important not to “beat yourself up,” if you find your mental, emotional, or physical strength waning. None of us can be perfectly strong all the time. Allow yourself to lean on someone or something positive, and know that your strength will return. Everything is a cycle.
Work: You may be feeling absolutely overwhelmed at work and be unsure about where to turn. If this is the case, talk it through with people in your personal life that you trust, and then consider what the appropriate action would be in your workplace. There is no need to be a bull in a china shop, but there is also usually little sense in doing multiple things halfway rather than a few things very well at work. If possible, ask for help. Take one hour at a time, if you need to.
Love: You may be 100% convinced that you are right and your partner is wrong about something when the reversed 9 of Wands appears in the context of love. That may indeed be the case, but you are not going to force your partner to see your point of view through anger and coercion. Try a gentle approach, and find out what underlies your partner’s point of view or actions. If you are looking for love, again, a gentle, thoughtful approach can work wonders. Hot and fast pursuit is likely to get you burned now.
Finances: In terms of finances, the reversed 9 bears essentially the same meaning as the upright card. Driving yourself crazy with fear and worry will not help your financial situation. Don’t beat yourself up for being where you are, just take one thing at a time, ask for help if you need it, and consider ways to cut expenses and/or increase your income. You can get through this, but freaking out will hurt instead of help. Nothing is likely to change overnight and this is not the time to gamble, either.
Health: Do the best you can to stay calm and patient. Anxiety can be a major problem now if you let it overwhelm you. Deep breathing, vigorous exercise (if you can tolerate it/if your doctor has okayed it) can be very helpful now. If you’re waiting for answers on health questions, you may have to wait just a little longer. Don’t hesitate to seek support and talk about what is concerning you. Release tension as best you can.
Spirituality: You may not be feeling very “spiritual” when the reversed 9 of Wands appears. You may feel that there are too many functional concerns in your life right now to give much attention to your spirit. That would be a mistake, as we are at all times a mixture of body, mind, and spirit, and the people who are the happiest and function the best typically are mindful of all three parts of that triad. Even if all you can muster now is a few moments in silent contemplation or a visit to a house of worship once every few weeks, that’s a start. Start where you are. Some attention to your spirit is better than nothing at all, and it’s more than okay to handle your spirituality in your own way, no matter what anyone else says or thinks.
Page de bastos revés
General: Occasionally the reversed Page of Wands can depict unwelcome news that may be coming soon. This is not ususally anything horrendous or dire, just something that you would rather not have happened. More often it indicates a need for focus and decisiveness.
Work: In terms of work, the Page of Wands reversed can show a woman (likely to have hair on the lighter end of the spectrum) who may be causing complications at work because of her indecisiveness. It’s possible that you are standing in your own way through your own difficulty with making a decision. If you are looking for work, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Hiring decisions may also be delayed a little longer.
Love: When the reversed Page of Wands appears in a love context, the focus may be on getting to know each other better, trading stories, etc, rather than on an immediate, serious commitment. You are well advised not to push if you are currently seeing someone but are not yet committed - the time may not yet be right. If you are looking for love, someone may warn you away from a new interest; make up your own mind. Gossip and “warnings” aren’t always true - but usually shouldn’t be completely ignored, either.
Finances: As with the upright meaning of this card, money is very likely to be headed for an upswing when the Page of Wands appears. Someone with financial expertise could come into your life and give you excellent advice. You could also get excellent financial news that you weren’t expecting. When the abundance comes, consider what you can do to share a little of it, if only to keep the “wheel of prosperity” turning.
Health: In terms of health the reversed Page points to people nearby who are ready, willing, and able, to be helpful to you in terms of your health. This can be professionals, or simply an inspirational exercise buddy or friend. Don’t try to do everything on your own. This card shows you’ll get farther being open to the understandings, good influences, and expertise of others.
Spirituality: The Page definitely points to a need to honor and listen to your own intuition. Creativity may go far to enrich your spiritual experiences now. Someone that you already know may have some important spiritual insights to share. Even if you’re usually very private about such things, consider talking to a friend or two about their spiritual “take” or experiences. This can be unbelievably insipirational.
10 de bastos revés
General: When the 10 of Wands appears reversed, you may be tired, dealing with delays, and feeling overstretched. This is not necessarily something that you need to push through. You may be far better served by taking a break. Even a short few hours to relax and de-stress can be helpful. Seek out upbeat people.
Work: The reversed 10 of Wands is a hint that you may be best served by seeking a new employment situation if you are currently working and unhappy in your job situation. You may literally be being mistreated, and even in a tight job market, you don’t have to stand for that. Take things one moment at a time, and think through what has been happening. Don’t take injustice personally, but don’t feel that you have to put up with it forever, either. The best solution may simply be to leave.
Love: As with the upright meaning, the appearance of the 10 of Wands reversed usually signifies difficulty in an existing relationship. It may be time (or past time) that both of you lay all the cards on the table and really talk about the relationship. There is a slight possibility when this card appears that you are actually being misled or that there is infidelity involved when this card appears. Consider whether there have been changes in behavior etc., that may point to this or to other untruths that need to be faced in order for the relationship to either work on a more honest level, or to end. Hiding from the truth serves no one.
Finances: When the 10 of Wands reversed appears, it can indicate current or coming difficulty with money. This is certainly not a time to be extravagant (no matter how flush you may be feeling) but it is also not a time to panic. If you’ve been short of money for a long time, you may need to give yourself permission to take a break from worrying about the cash flow for a while. It’s a cliche but it’s also true: money really and truly is not everything.
Health: If you have not been feeling well when this card appears, first give some thought to whether some or all of your symptoms could be a result of stress. You are likely to have been pushing yourself too hard for far too long. However, if in doubt, give yourself the peace of mind of obtaining a thorough medical check-up. Even if money is an issue, there are health care services available in most communities in some form if you know where to look. Ask around.
Spirituality: When this card appears it’s critical to realize that you have a duty to protect yourself; physically, spiritually, and emotionally. If you have been treated badly by anyone, repeatedly, whether it is your boss, your children, or your best friend, it is now past time to either address the situation or to end the relationship. You are your own best advocate, no one can (or should) do it for you.
Knight de bastos revés
General: Knights are often a sign that you are about to get a message, whether they show up in a reading reversed or upright. Unfortunately though, if you are using the reversals for interpretation, the Knight of Wands in reverse can signify that the message will be along the lines of “There will be a delay, you will have to wait.” If so, try to wait patiently. This Knight means what he says.
Work: There may be some sort of interruption with work. For example, you may be pulled away from the work you prefer to attend some sort of training or meeting. Or the building you work in may literally be shut down for a few days. Try to take this with as good an attitude as you can muster. If you are looking for work, hiring decisions may be delayed. Don’t worry too much - it won’t help.
Love: The Knight of Wands reversed can indicate stress and minor arguments in an existing relationship. Try to get to the bottom of what is really happening. An argument about the toaster isn’t usually really about the toaster! If you are looking for love, it’s possible that you think you may have found “the one” and a permanent committment may even come about. Be as sure as it is possible to be that you know what you are getting into before you “tie the knot.” You could be rushing things.
Finances: There are sometimes arguments and disagreements over money when the Knight of Wands appears reversed. Keep your head, take things one step at a time, and do some soul searching about money. People often have issues and attachments to money which are not what they seem to be on the surface. This is definitely not a time to gamble.
Health: This is not a time to overdo it with regard to exercise or new health regimens. Yes, you must support your health, but you don’t want to sabotage yourself by going overboard. Be honest with, and get advice from, medical professionals that you trust before undertaking a new, strict regimen, whether that’s with diet, exercise, or simply with taking several new supplements. You don’t have to be “perfect” to be healthy.
Spirituality: When the Knight of Wands reversed appears, you may suddenly decide to end a long term spiritual practice or leave your spiritual community. This is not a decision to make lightly, of course, and there may well be many friends or family members who will not take it well or who will not understand. Still, the bottom line is that it is your spirit and your life, and if a spiritual tradition no longer “works” for you, there is no sense whatsoever in pretending that it does. This change doesn’t have to happen all at once, you can gradually withdraw, if necessary. You will replace this with something that works better for you, even if that “something” is a fairly solitary contemplation.
Queen de bastos revés
General: In general, the Queen of Wands reversed can indicate that there may soon be a need for you to help out others who are having a problem of some kind. It could also be that an older woman would like to help you with a situation that you are facing, but for some reason she is unable to do so. Still, her moral support will be helpful. If you are facing a difficult situation, reach out.
Work: When the reversed Queen of Wands appears in a reading about work, there may shortly be frustrating obstacles and delays that you will be up against. It’s important to not take these personally; just work through them one moment at a time. There may be an older, light haired woman in the workplace (or who is in the position of hiring, if you are looking for work) who is throwing up obstacles. Don’t get frustrated about it, just show her the rational reasons why she needs to do things your way (or hire you.) Do this and you could be more successful than you imagine.
Love: With regard to love, an older, light-haired woman could be involved indirectly in your relationship. If she is your “mother in law,” do your best to make her an ally, regardless of how you feel about her. If you are looking for love, you could well meet a very interesting potential partner through an older woman. Let the women in your life know if you are looking to meet someone new.
Finances: As with the upright meaning, the reversed Queen of Wands can carry a tendency to overdo it with regards to expenditures. There’s a reason why people say “money can’t buy happiness.” At the same time, there’s no need for you to go to the other extreme and refuse to spend any money whatsoever, or nickel and dime everything and everyone. Moderation is the key to use your finances well and to let them enrich your life and the lives of others.
Health: The Queen of Wands reversed generally refers to strong basic health and a positive basic underlying health status. If you are not feeling well, a female health care practitioner may have very important and helpful advice for you. The Queen of Wands is generally linked to fertility; however if you draw this card in the context of having been trying to conceive a child without success, it shows that you should not give up but that the time may have come to seek outside counsel, as in seeing your doctor and discussing your concerns and efforts. Try to relax.
Spirituality: A convincing, and perhaps domineering, older woman may try to convince you that she has all or many of the answers when it comes to spirituality. You may need to draw boundaries with her several times, in order to not be pulled into something that works for her but which you have no interest in. She may be angry or hurt as a result, but remember that no one has the right to tell you how to live your spiritual life. It’s important to think and experience for yourself.
King de bastos revés
General: In general the King of Wands reversed is a positive card. People around you are likely to be kind, tolerant, and understanding. You should have more than enough energy to get what you need to do accomplished. Again, a light haired, older man may play an important and helpful role in your life.
Work: In the context of work the reversed King of Wands generally indicates helpful men, but it can also signify that one man in particular may tend to be condescending and patronizing toward you. Depending on the situation you may need to accept a certain amount of this, however if this man creates too much difficulty or becomes fully inappropriate toward you there may need to be a confrontation or action taken about it. You do not have to accept a hostile or fully inappropriate work situation. However, neither should you allow yourself to be too thin-skinned.
Love: The King of Wands reversed is a good omen with regard to love, especially if you are interested in an older man who is energetic, kind, and warm. Regardless of who you are interested in or involved with, this card indicates though that your beloved may need some time to think through what he or she needs and what they want to happen in your relationship. It’s important that you be patient and open while they figure it out. Take one step at a time.
Finances: When the reversed King of Wands appears, it ‘s usually a clear signal that you could use some financial advice from someone knowledgable - even if you yourself are a financial professional! Don’t be too proud to ask. You are likely to have enough excess money to do at least some small investments. Don’t hide it in a mattress, make your money work for you. Carefully.
Health: The King of Wands reversed definitely points to strong physical health. You may benefit immensely from a session with a physical trainer or nutritional counselor now provided you are open to hearing what they have to say and acting upon it. If you have new-found health goals, be sure not to push yourself too hard and risk injury. Slow and steady is the way to go.
Spirituality: The King of Wands , whether reversed or upright, is a sign that you are already well on your way with regard to spiritual exploration. Know that you don’t have to deny yourself the entire world in order to grow spiritually; we are put here on this abundant planet, with other people, for a reason. Plenty and Joy can be spiritual experiences just as surely as denial and austerity can be. And the first two are certainly much more fun! Relax a little, and you may find your spiritual growth happening faster.