Esophageal Disorders Flashcards
_______ used to be the ONLY H2 receptor antagonist medication given to patient’s until _______ medication came out.
These medications can be given PO, IV, and IM.
We don’t really see these medications being used that much anymore because of the introduction of the _________.
Proton Pump Inhibitor
This type of hernia is attached to the esophagus but it can also slide. This is diagnosed with a barium swallow or endoscopy. Treat the patient even if they don’t have any symptoms.
What type of hernia is this?
Mixed Hernia
What are the 2 most commonly used Gastrointestinal Stimulants used to treat GERD?
Metoclopramide / Reglan
Dexpanthenol / Ilopan
This medication is contraindicated in patient’s that have a perforation because the patient’s GI contents will leak into the abdomen and the nurse wouldn’t want to speed up that process or GI bleeding because it can cause a hypertensive crisis in patient’s that have pheochromocytoma.
What medication has this nursing intervention?
Metoclopramide / Reglan
This medication is given to prevent stress ulcers as a prophylaxis. They do stress ulcer and DVT prophylactics on 90% of the patient’s in the hospital.
What therapeutic classification of medication is this?
Proton Pump Inhibitor
Study Tip: When doing your care plans and taking care of your patient’s and you can’t find anywhere that they have GERD and they chart states that they do not have GERD then it is being used as a prophylactic and you can find that in the physician’s notes.
What are the two major Esophageal Disorders?
Hiatal Hernia
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
A piece of the fundus is wrapped around the distal esophagus and that helps to strengthen and anchor the lower esophageal sphincter below the diaphragm. What is the name of this surgical intervention?
Nissen Fundoplication
Study Tip: The fundus is the upper part of the stomach.
When the stomach is digesting or there is something going on that has increased the intra-abdominal pressure which could include ________, _______, _______, and _______. All of these things will increase the pressure on that sphincter and if that sphincter isn’t strong enough, it will open up and the stomach contents will reflux back up into the esophagus and it is will lead to pain and narrowing of the esophagus.
What is the name of this gastrointestinal disorder?
Coughing Sneezing Wearing tight clothes Heavy lifting Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
No treatment is necessary in a _______ hernia although if it occurs with ________ hernia which can cause the stomach to become strangulated. Surgery is usually recommended if that occurs and that can be done laparoscopically.
This patient will have an incompetent _______ that which will allow contents from the stomach to reflux back up into the esophagus, it occurs most often in adults, and the problem is that the esophageal cells are very delicate and they are not designed to withstand that highly acidic content like the stomach cells are made to withstand so this can cause scar tissue to develop that is able to resist that highly acidic content but it can also be a precursor to a malignancy or cancerous growth. This is why early treatment of this disorder is very important.
What is the name of this gastrointestinal disorder?
Lower Esophageal Sphincter
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
This medication is contraindicated in patient’s that have a sensitivity or have a mechanical obstruction of their GI tract.
If the patient has a bowel obstruction or something blocking it like they are constipated or they have a stricture, or adhesions, then you do NOT want to stimulate the upper GI tract, you don’t want to get that peristalsis active when it is just going to hit an obstruction which can cause an even bigger problem.
What medication has this nursing intervention?
Metoclopramide / Reglan
These medications stimulate motility in the upper GI tract, they help to increase the rate of gastric emptying without stimulating gastric, biliary, or pancreatic secretions. What is the therapeutic classification of medication?
Gastrointestinal Stimulants
What is the most commonly used GI stimulant medication given to treat GERD?
Metoclopramide / Reglan
Most of the time we do NOT know the cause of this type of hernia. This usually happens in patient’s over the age of 50. This is commonly seen in overweigh people and especially women and people that smoke.
What type of hernia is this?
Paraesophageal Hernia
This medication has been around for a long time and it is used for patient’s GERD with an ileus (blockage) and the patient has NO peristalsis.
Dexpanthenol / Ilopan
Study Tip: This medication can help stimulate peristalsis in these patients.
This medication is not safe to administer to pregnant women because we don’t have data to support the safety of it’s use in pregnant women.
What medication has this nursing intervention?
Metoclopramide / Reglan
Study Tip: Anytime safety and pregnancy has NOT been established by the FDA then it is considered contraindicated.
Proton Pump Inhibitors have very little side effects which is the major benefit of giving it to your patient. There is a major adverse effect they are finding that in women who are on high doses or prolonged treatment that they are more susceptible to ______ and that is a pretty significant adverse effect.
Hip Fractures
Now everyone in the hospital is on a ______ when in the past everyone used to be on H2 antagonists.
Proton Pump Inhibitor
Study Tip: This medication is used to prevent stress ulcers BECAUSE NOT EVERY PATIENT HAS GERD. This is IMPORTANT!
This medication can cause Parkinsonian like symptoms so people given this medication will look like they have Parkinson’s Disease.
What medication has this nursing intervention?
Metoclopramide / Reglan
Study Tip: The pill rolling and resting tremor symptoms will go away when the patient discontinues this medication.
If you notice the name of a medication ends in -prazole this is a MAJOR indicator that your patient is on what therapeutic classification of medication? What is the only exception to this rule?
Proton Pump Inhibitors
The anti-psychotic drug Aripriprazole
Narcotic analgesics
These can decrease the effect of this medication.
What medication has this nursing intervention?
Metoclopramide / Reglan
These can increase the effect of this medication.
What medication has this nursing intervention?
Metoclopramide / Reglan
Suppress secretions of gastric acids to treat GERD. These medications can alleviate symptoms of heartburn and they assist in the prevention of peptic ulcer disease.
What therapeutic classification of medication is this?
Histamine H2-Receptor Antagonists
IMPORTANT: These medications can also be used to prevent stress ulcers.
What are the 5 most commonly used Histamine H2-Receptor Antagonists used to treat GERD?
Cimetidine (Tagamet) Famotidine (Pepcid) Nizatidine (Axid) Ranitidine (Zantac) Ranitidine (bismuth citrate)
This disorder is characterized by the cardinal symptom that a portion of the stomach and the esophagus just slide up into the chest through that opening called the hiatus.
What type of hernia is this?
Sliding Hiatal Hernia
Study Tip: The hiatus is the opening in the diaphragm that the esophagus goes through to connect to the stomach.
This is the least commonly seen hernia but it the biggest cause for concern. The esophagus and the stomach stay in their normal position but then a part of the stomach squeezes right through so there is not that sliding it’s the stomach coming up through the hiatus and you can have this without any symptoms but the DANGER here is that part of the stomach can strangulate and have it’s blood supply cut off which is very dangerous.
What type of hernia is this?
Paraesophageal Hernia
This medication is usually given right before meals like 30 mins before meals and right before bedtime around 4x a day.
What medication has this nursing intervention?
Metoclopramide / Reglan
What are the 5 most common therapeutic classifications of medications given to treat GERD?
GI Stimulants Antacids H2 receptor antagonists Proton pump inhibitors Anti-ulcers agents
Study Tip:
GI Stimulants > Cisapride & metoclopramide
Antacids > to be given after GI Stimulants
Anti-ulcers agents > Sulcrafate
What are the 5 most commonly used Proton Pump Inhibitor used to treat GERD?
Esomeprazole (Nexium) Lansoprazole (Prevacid) Omeprazole (Prilosec) Pantoprazole (Protonix) Rabeprazole (Aciphex)
Study Tip: LOPER
_________ is a surgery that is performed if surgery is indicated for a patient with a hernia or GERD.
Nissen Fundoplication
What are 3 surgical interventions used to treat a Hiatal Hernia?
Hill’s repair
Belsey’s repair
When you have a patient who is on long term _________ they should have bone density measurements taken regularly. This effect on the bone’s density occurs because this medication interferes with the absorption of _________ in the stomach because it alters the acidity.
Proton Pump Inhibitors
The esophagus ends in a sphincter called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and this sphincter needs to be strong enough to stay closed when there is high pressure activity going on in the stomach. What is the name of this gastrointestinal disorder?
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Restlessness Drowsiness Extrapyramidal reaction (unintentional movements) Dizziness Insomnia Headache What medication has these side effects?
Metoclopramide / Reglan