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ASH ESE 633 Entire Course

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ESE 633 Week 1 Assignment Assessing Conflict Styles
ESE 633 Week 1 DQ 1 History and Service Delivery Options for Students with Disability
ESE 633 Week 2 Assignment Developing Curriculum Design
ESE 633 Week 2 DQ 1 Non-Verbal Communication
ESE 633 Week 3 DQ 1 Concerns of the General Educator in the Co-Teaching Environment
ESE 633 Week 3 DQ 2 Collaborative Consultation Model
ESE 633 Week 4 Assignment Helping Parents Promote Independence
ESE 633 Week 4 DQ 1 Transition Planning
ESE 633 Week 5 Assignment Collaborative Problem Solving
ESE 633 Week 5 DQ 1 Discussion on Co-Teaching
ESE 633 Week 6 Assignment Final Project
ESE 633 Week 6 DQ 1 Course Reflection Discussion
ESE 633 Week 6 DQ 2 Creating a Collaborative School Culture

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ASH ESE 633 Entire Course

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ESE 633 Week 1 Assignment Assessing Conflict Styles
ESE 633 Week 1 DQ 1 History and Service Delivery Options for Students with Disability
ESE 633 Week 2 Assignment Developing Curriculum Design
ESE 633 Week 2 DQ 1 Non-Verbal Communication
ESE 633 Week 3 DQ 1 Concerns of the General Educator in the Co-Teaching Environment
ESE 633 Week 3 DQ 2 Collaborative Consultation Model
ESE 633 Week 4 Assignment Helping Parents Promote Independence
ESE 633 Week 4 DQ 1 Transition Planning
ESE 633 Week 5 Assignment Collaborative Problem Solving
ESE 633 Week 5 DQ 1 Discussion on Co-Teaching
ESE 633 Week 6 Assignment Final Project
ESE 633 Week 6 DQ 1 Course Reflection Discussion
ESE 633 Week 6 DQ 2 Creating a Collaborative School Culture

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Ash ESE 633 Week 6 Final Paper

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After completing this assignment, you will have demonstrated your understanding of the following objectives:
Analyze the value of co-teaching as an inclusion model of instructional delivery.
Analyze the value of collaborative consultation as an inclusion model of instructional delivery.
Analyze ways to create a collaborative school culture to promote professional growth and leadership.
Determine some of the causes of education-based conflict.
Evaluate problem solving and negotiation strategies to resolve education-based conflict.
Recognize the importance of knowing personal strengths and weaknesses in conflict resolution.
Evaluate verbal, non-verbal, and para-verbal cues that impact communication with educators, administrators, parents, and community members.
Analyze the range of placements and services offered to students who have a disability.
Additionally, this assignment demonstrates your mastery of the Course Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 and the MAED Program Learning Outcomes 2 & 8 and will have reinforced your competency with the MAED Program Learning Outcome 7.

As you have learned throughout this course, it takes a team to educate a student. The team is composed of stakeholders who have a professional and/or emotional investment in the student’s education and post-graduation success. Although everyone has the same destination in mind, their paths may differ. Being a proactive problem-solver means recognizing a disagreement or differing of opinions and finding an amicable solution through understanding and compromise. To further your abilities with these essential skills for a special educator, you will complete this comprehensive final assignment.
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Ash ESE 633 Week 6 Final Paper

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After completing this assignment, you will have demonstrated your understanding of the following objectives:
Analyze the value of co-teaching as an inclusion model of instructional delivery.
Analyze the value of collaborative consultation as an inclusion model of instructional delivery.
Analyze ways to create a collaborative school culture to promote professional growth and leadership.
Determine some of the causes of education-based conflict.
Evaluate problem solving and negotiation strategies to resolve education-based conflict.
Recognize the importance of knowing personal strengths and weaknesses in conflict resolution.
Evaluate verbal, non-verbal, and para-verbal cues that impact communication with educators, administrators, parents, and community members.
Analyze the range of placements and services offered to students who have a disability.
Additionally, this assignment demonstrates your mastery of the Course Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 and the MAED Program Learning Outcomes 2 & 8 and will have reinforced your competency with the MAED Program Learning Outcome 7.

As you have learned throughout this course, it takes a team to educate a student. The team is composed of stakeholders who have a professional and/or emotional investment in the student’s education and post-graduation success. Although everyone has the same destination in mind, their paths may differ. Being a proactive problem-solver means recognizing a disagreement or differing of opinions and finding an amicable solution through understanding and compromise. To further your abilities with these essential skills for a special educator, you will complete this comprehensive final assignment.
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ASH ESE 633 Week 1 DQ 1 History and Service Delivery Options for Students with Disability

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This discussion is your opportunity to achieve the week’s learning objective to examine the history and service delivery options for students with a disability. This discussion aligns with Course Learning Outcome 3 and reinforces MAED Program Learning Outcome 2.

This week’s readings provided you with a look into the history of individuals who addressed the academic interests of children with disabilities. These individuals accepted many roles during the process because often there were no legal safeguards against social, academic, or legal injustices.

Starting in the United States in the 1960s, advocates for children with disabilities began a strong campaign for equality. The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA) was passed in 1975 with reauthorizations, updates, and refinements occurring continuously. Contemporary special educators continue to serve in multiple roles advocating for equality in schools, communities, and workplaces. Although the federally mandated role of special educators has evolved notably, public education for children with disabilities continues to be a dynamic and progressive area of practice.

Initial Post - Begin by reading Chapter 1 in Murawski and Spenser (2011). Next, using the Ashford University Library or another source for scholarly, conduct additional research to explore the trends since 1950 in the United States related to service and delivery options for students with disabilities.

Then, construct a one paragraph response for each of the following: (a) examine how the special educator’s role has evolved as student rights have changed, including consideration for compulsory education, education placement, and education rights protected by federal law; (b) examine trends in special education and the special educators’ role in public education historically and hypothesize how that role might change in the next decade; and (c) identify leaders and other notable figures who have advanced legislation for and practice of special education since the 1950s.

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ASH ESE 633 Week 1 DQ 1 History and Service Delivery Options for Students with Disability

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This discussion is your opportunity to achieve the week’s learning objective to examine the history and service delivery options for students with a disability. This discussion aligns with Course Learning Outcome 3 and reinforces MAED Program Learning Outcome 2.

This week’s readings provided you with a look into the history of individuals who addressed the academic interests of children with disabilities. These individuals accepted many roles during the process because often there were no legal safeguards against social, academic, or legal injustices.

Starting in the United States in the 1960s, advocates for children with disabilities began a strong campaign for equality. The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA) was passed in 1975 with reauthorizations, updates, and refinements occurring continuously. Contemporary special educators continue to serve in multiple roles advocating for equality in schools, communities, and workplaces. Although the federally mandated role of special educators has evolved notably, public education for children with disabilities continues to be a dynamic and progressive area of practice.

Initial Post - Begin by reading Chapter 1 in Murawski and Spenser (2011). Next, using the Ashford University Library or another source for scholarly, conduct additional research to explore the trends since 1950 in the United States related to service and delivery options for students with disabilities.

Then, construct a one paragraph response for each of the following: (a) examine how the special educator’s role has evolved as student rights have changed, including consideration for compulsory education, education placement, and education rights protected by federal law; (b) examine trends in special education and the special educators’ role in public education historically and hypothesize how that role might change in the next decade; and (c) identify leaders and other notable figures who have advanced legislation for and practice of special education since the 1950s.

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ASH ESE 633 Week 2 Assignment Developing Curriculum Design
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In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of the following learning objective:
• Identify the various roles of team members in providing academic support in an inclusive environment.

The assignment represents your mastery of the Course Learning Outcome 4.
Murawski and Spencer (2011) define inclusion as “an academic setting that provides support and service in the general education classroom so that students with a disability have equitable access to the same curriculum as their peers” (p. 19). Inclusion can consist of one class period up to a full day (i.e., “full inclusion”). Regardless of the time spent within the general education classroom, the overarching theme of inclusive education is collaboration between the general educator, the special educator, service providers, and paraprofessionals/instructional assistants to provide meaningful and engaging curriculum for all students. Strategies for creating materials and providing instructional delivery vary depending on your role in the collaborative education team.
One method for developing and teaching lessons is through Universal Design for Learning (UDL), which is used “to reduce barriers, as well as optimize levels of challenge and support, to meet the needs of all learners from the start” (National Center on Universal Design for Learning, 2012, para. 2). Team members involved in this type of planning and delivery include the general educator and any other education or service providers who support students with disabilities in the general classroom. Another method that can be incorporated with UDL is Differentiated Instruction (DI), whereby “teachers can structure learning environments that address the variety of learning styles, interests, and abilities found within a classroom”(Willoughby, 2005). This means that teachers provide learning options, challenge levels, and assessment choices in order to engage all students according to their needs and ability levels.

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ASH ESE 633 Week 2 Assignment Developing Curriculum Design
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In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of the following learning objective:
• Identify the various roles of team members in providing academic support in an inclusive environment.

The assignment represents your mastery of the Course Learning Outcome 4.
Murawski and Spencer (2011) define inclusion as “an academic setting that provides support and service in the general education classroom so that students with a disability have equitable access to the same curriculum as their peers” (p. 19). Inclusion can consist of one class period up to a full day (i.e., “full inclusion”). Regardless of the time spent within the general education classroom, the overarching theme of inclusive education is collaboration between the general educator, the special educator, service providers, and paraprofessionals/instructional assistants to provide meaningful and engaging curriculum for all students. Strategies for creating materials and providing instructional delivery vary depending on your role in the collaborative education team.
One method for developing and teaching lessons is through Universal Design for Learning (UDL), which is used “to reduce barriers, as well as optimize levels of challenge and support, to meet the needs of all learners from the start” (National Center on Universal Design for Learning, 2012, para. 2). Team members involved in this type of planning and delivery include the general educator and any other education or service providers who support students with disabilities in the general classroom. Another method that can be incorporated with UDL is Differentiated Instruction (DI), whereby “teachers can structure learning environments that address the variety of learning styles, interests, and abilities found within a classroom”(Willoughby, 2005). This means that teachers provide learning options, challenge levels, and assessment choices in order to engage all students according to their needs and ability levels.

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ASH ESE 633 Week 2 DQ 1 Non-Verbal Communication
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Initial Post: Review the information, photos, and videos posted on the Creating Communication website. Specifically, scroll down the page and view the two Amy Cuddy videos: Game changer: Amy Cuddy, Power Poser and Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are.
After watching the videos above, examine each of the photos for the non-verbal messages the body postures convey. Next, visit a busy public place or watch a television show or movie and observe people for 30-minutes. Take note of body language, nonverbal cues, and any other valuable environmental information. Then, construct one paragraph summary for each of the following:
• Where, when, and what you observed;

  • What you learned from your observation such as how nonverbal cues were used and how they were interpreted;
  • Nuances you were more aware of having completed this week’s reading;
  • Explain how you will use this experience and this week’s information to more effectively communicate with other educators, administrators, parents and community members in the role of a special educator. Provide specific examples.

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ASH ESE 633 Week 2 DQ 1 Non-Verbal Communication
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Initial Post: Review the information, photos, and videos posted on the Creating Communication website. Specifically, scroll down the page and view the two Amy Cuddy videos: Game changer: Amy Cuddy, Power Poser and Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are.
After watching the videos above, examine each of the photos for the non-verbal messages the body postures convey. Next, visit a busy public place or watch a television show or movie and observe people for 30-minutes. Take note of body language, nonverbal cues, and any other valuable environmental information. Then, construct one paragraph summary for each of the following:
• Where, when, and what you observed;

  • What you learned from your observation such as how nonverbal cues were used and how they were interpreted;
  • Nuances you were more aware of having completed this week’s reading;
  • Explain how you will use this experience and this week’s information to more effectively communicate with other educators, administrators, parents and community members in the role of a special educator. Provide specific examples.

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ASH ESE 633 Week 3 DQ 1 Concerns of the General Educator in the Co-Teaching Environment
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This discussion is your opportunity to demonstrate mastery of the objective analyze ways to create a collaborative school culture to promote professional growth and leadership and analyze the value of co-teaching as an inclusion model of instructional delivery. The discussion represents your mastery of the Course Learning Outcomes 1 & 2 and MAED Program Learning Outcome 8 and reinforces your competency with the MAED Program Learning Outcome 7.

Before the reauthorization of IDEA in 2004, schools were implementing inclusion, but it was not necessarily the ‘norm’; instead, children with a disability were educated in a self-contained classroom within the general school population. Included with the most updated changes was a closer alignment with NCLB (No Child Left Behind) requirement for data-based decisions, more rigorous standards and highly qualified teachers (No Child Left Behind, 2013). Teachers new to the field of education are being taught during their coursework how to implement inclusive, co-teaching practices and are therefore unfamiliar with past teaching practices. On the other hand, teachers who have been practicing for more than 10 years have experiences in both education environments.

While it is clear that co-teaching is not the most popular method of instructional delivery for all teachers, viewpoints have been made clear and with good reasoning for use of this method. To prepare for this discussion, it is recommended you review Co-Teaching in Inclusive Classrooms: The Pros and Cons, where the author concisely lists each point of view and teaching suggestions related thereto. You will see that co-teaching has many benefits from reviewing that resource in conjunction with your reading of the opening the “Voices from the Field” provided as an introduction to chapter seven in the Murawski and Spencer (2011) textbook for our course.

Initial Post - Imagine you are in a Professional Learning Community that promotes inclusive education and co-teaching. Imagine further that your principal has asked your group to talk with the faculty about the inclusive initiative and boosting teacher morale. Using the first initial of your last name as a guide, select a concern below about co-teaching. In your response, explain why the teacher may have felt that way and describe how collaborative efforts between the two teachers could have proceeded differently.

If your last name begins with the letters N – Z: You will address the concerns of the general educator in the co-teaching environment when you hear statements such as “Co-teaching? No thanks. I don’t really see the benefit of having another adult in the room if he or she doesn’t’ know the content. Plus I hear horror stories of co-teachers always coming late, leaving early, or missing class altogether” (Murawski & Spencer, 2011, p. 93).

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ASH ESE 633 Week 3 DQ 1 Concerns of the General Educator in the Co-Teaching Environment
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This discussion is your opportunity to demonstrate mastery of the objective analyze ways to create a collaborative school culture to promote professional growth and leadership and analyze the value of co-teaching as an inclusion model of instructional delivery. The discussion represents your mastery of the Course Learning Outcomes 1 & 2 and MAED Program Learning Outcome 8 and reinforces your competency with the MAED Program Learning Outcome 7.

Before the reauthorization of IDEA in 2004, schools were implementing inclusion, but it was not necessarily the ‘norm’; instead, children with a disability were educated in a self-contained classroom within the general school population. Included with the most updated changes was a closer alignment with NCLB (No Child Left Behind) requirement for data-based decisions, more rigorous standards and highly qualified teachers (No Child Left Behind, 2013). Teachers new to the field of education are being taught during their coursework how to implement inclusive, co-teaching practices and are therefore unfamiliar with past teaching practices. On the other hand, teachers who have been practicing for more than 10 years have experiences in both education environments.

While it is clear that co-teaching is not the most popular method of instructional delivery for all teachers, viewpoints have been made clear and with good reasoning for use of this method. To prepare for this discussion, it is recommended you review Co-Teaching in Inclusive Classrooms: The Pros and Cons, where the author concisely lists each point of view and teaching suggestions related thereto. You will see that co-teaching has many benefits from reviewing that resource in conjunction with your reading of the opening the “Voices from the Field” provided as an introduction to chapter seven in the Murawski and Spencer (2011) textbook for our course.

Initial Post - Imagine you are in a Professional Learning Community that promotes inclusive education and co-teaching. Imagine further that your principal has asked your group to talk with the faculty about the inclusive initiative and boosting teacher morale. Using the first initial of your last name as a guide, select a concern below about co-teaching. In your response, explain why the teacher may have felt that way and describe how collaborative efforts between the two teachers could have proceeded differently.

If your last name begins with the letters N – Z: You will address the concerns of the general educator in the co-teaching environment when you hear statements such as “Co-teaching? No thanks. I don’t really see the benefit of having another adult in the room if he or she doesn’t’ know the content. Plus I hear horror stories of co-teachers always coming late, leaving early, or missing class altogether” (Murawski & Spencer, 2011, p. 93).

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ASH ESE 633 Week 3 DQ 2 Collaborative Consultation Model
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This discussion is your opportunity to demonstrate mastery of the objectives; analyze the value of co-teaching as an inclusion model of instructional delivery; analyze the value of collaborative consultation as an inclusion model of instructional delivery; and analyze the range of placements and services offered to students who have a disability. The discussion represents your mastery of the Course Learning Outcomes 1 & 4 and Program Learning Outcome 8 and reinforces your competency with the MAED Program Learning Outcome 7.

Hallahan, Kauffman, and Pullen (2012) definecollaborative consultation as when “…the special education teacher or psychologist acts as an expert who provides advice to the general education teacher,” (p. 37). The key to the success of this model is “collaboration” of the general education teacher’s content knowledge and the special educator’s curriculum delivery expertise. The special educator’s role is to provide strategies to the general educator, outside of class time, on curriculum accommodations, meeting and documenting the IEP goals, and review student progress for those who have an identified disability (Why Co-Teaching and Collaborative Consultation, 2008). The special educator and general educator must acknowledge their individual and team value in providing an equal contribution in the student’s education, recognize personal areas of strength and weakness, and share an open line of communication and honesty (Facilitating Collaborative Consultation, 2009). Additional explanations for the purpose and roles involved in the Collaborative Consultation model visit Inclusion in the Secondary Classroom (Collaborative Consultation, n.d.).

Initial Post - Either choose the prompt to explain the difference between the collaborative consultation model and the co-teaching model, or the prompt to weigh the pros and cons of each teaching model.

Explain how the collaborative consultation model is different than the co-teaching model of inclusive education including its strengths and weakness in providing equal education to all students within the general education classroom. Be sure to cite at least two outside sources not included in this week’s required or recommended reading. Your goal is to remain unbiased while presenting the facts to your peers.

Compare and contrast the pros and the cons of collaborative consultation model with the co-teaching model of inclusive education making sure to cite at least two outside sources not included in this week’s required or recommended reading. Your goal is to remain unbiased while presenting the facts to your peers.

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ASH ESE 633 Week 3 DQ 2 Collaborative Consultation Model
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This discussion is your opportunity to demonstrate mastery of the objectives; analyze the value of co-teaching as an inclusion model of instructional delivery; analyze the value of collaborative consultation as an inclusion model of instructional delivery; and analyze the range of placements and services offered to students who have a disability. The discussion represents your mastery of the Course Learning Outcomes 1 & 4 and Program Learning Outcome 8 and reinforces your competency with the MAED Program Learning Outcome 7.

Hallahan, Kauffman, and Pullen (2012) definecollaborative consultation as when “…the special education teacher or psychologist acts as an expert who provides advice to the general education teacher,” (p. 37). The key to the success of this model is “collaboration” of the general education teacher’s content knowledge and the special educator’s curriculum delivery expertise. The special educator’s role is to provide strategies to the general educator, outside of class time, on curriculum accommodations, meeting and documenting the IEP goals, and review student progress for those who have an identified disability (Why Co-Teaching and Collaborative Consultation, 2008). The special educator and general educator must acknowledge their individual and team value in providing an equal contribution in the student’s education, recognize personal areas of strength and weakness, and share an open line of communication and honesty (Facilitating Collaborative Consultation, 2009). Additional explanations for the purpose and roles involved in the Collaborative Consultation model visit Inclusion in the Secondary Classroom (Collaborative Consultation, n.d.).

Initial Post - Either choose the prompt to explain the difference between the collaborative consultation model and the co-teaching model, or the prompt to weigh the pros and cons of each teaching model.

Explain how the collaborative consultation model is different than the co-teaching model of inclusive education including its strengths and weakness in providing equal education to all students within the general education classroom. Be sure to cite at least two outside sources not included in this week’s required or recommended reading. Your goal is to remain unbiased while presenting the facts to your peers.

Compare and contrast the pros and the cons of collaborative consultation model with the co-teaching model of inclusive education making sure to cite at least two outside sources not included in this week’s required or recommended reading. Your goal is to remain unbiased while presenting the facts to your peers.

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ASH ESE 633 Week 4 Assignment Helping Parents Promote Independence
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In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of the following learning objective:
Justify the collaborative role of transition team members who actively participate in transition meetings and examine the steps required in a transition-planning meeting. The assignment represents your mastery of the Course Learning Outcome 5.

In this assignment you will consider a hypothetical transition meeting. To make this meeting more productive, you have decided to create an informational brochure or handout that you would want others in the meeting to understand. For example, as a special educator, what would you want the general educator to know about the transition process, or what would you want the parents to know?

To prepare for this assignment, view the video below titled Be a Superstar - Take the Survey - Student. This video interviews high school graduates one year post-graduation to ask “Where are You Now?” Next, reflect on how creating a realistic and attainable transition from high school to post-graduation independence takes time, planning, and a strong team of professionals and family who all have the student’s best interest at heart. The transition meeting can include the school principal (who may have links to community agencies), representatives from community agencies, a school counselor or psychologist (who was involved in assessments and interest inventories), the special educator, a general educator (who may have a role in the student’s education), the parents, and the student. In addition, parents can invite anyone else they believe will add value to their child’s independence (Levinson & Palmer, 2005).

Your assignment must be submitted in a brochure or handout format. Access several free examples by visiting Microsoft Office Templates or create your own template. Use the following guidelines for creating your brochure/handout.

Definition (2 Points): Include a definition of special education transition services with a foundation in IDEA.
Role (2 Points): Provide an explanation of the role of the team member you chose. For example, if you choose the child’s parents, their role is as the child’s advocate, to share with the team members what their child enjoys at home, and to keep a record of follow up information learned during the meeting.Steps (3 Points): Include each of the steps involved in the transition process with a brief explanation of how the chosen team member is a contributor at each stage.Questions (3 Points): Create at least three common questions that may be asked of this team member, including their possible answers. For example, a transition team will commonly ask parents what their child enjoys at home or where they see their child in five years.
Written Communication
APA Formatting (1 point): Use APA formatting consistently throughout the assignment.Syntax and Mechanics (1 point): Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.Source Requirement (1 point): Reference six scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook that provide compelling evidence to support your ideas. All sources on the references page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment. The source for any images must be included with the brochure/handout references.

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ASH ESE 633 Week 4 Assignment Helping Parents Promote Independence
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In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of the following learning objective:
Justify the collaborative role of transition team members who actively participate in transition meetings and examine the steps required in a transition-planning meeting. The assignment represents your mastery of the Course Learning Outcome 5.

In this assignment you will consider a hypothetical transition meeting. To make this meeting more productive, you have decided to create an informational brochure or handout that you would want others in the meeting to understand. For example, as a special educator, what would you want the general educator to know about the transition process, or what would you want the parents to know?

To prepare for this assignment, view the video below titled Be a Superstar - Take the Survey - Student. This video interviews high school graduates one year post-graduation to ask “Where are You Now?” Next, reflect on how creating a realistic and attainable transition from high school to post-graduation independence takes time, planning, and a strong team of professionals and family who all have the student’s best interest at heart. The transition meeting can include the school principal (who may have links to community agencies), representatives from community agencies, a school counselor or psychologist (who was involved in assessments and interest inventories), the special educator, a general educator (who may have a role in the student’s education), the parents, and the student. In addition, parents can invite anyone else they believe will add value to their child’s independence (Levinson & Palmer, 2005).

Your assignment must be submitted in a brochure or handout format. Access several free examples by visiting Microsoft Office Templates or create your own template. Use the following guidelines for creating your brochure/handout.

Definition (2 Points): Include a definition of special education transition services with a foundation in IDEA.
Role (2 Points): Provide an explanation of the role of the team member you chose. For example, if you choose the child’s parents, their role is as the child’s advocate, to share with the team members what their child enjoys at home, and to keep a record of follow up information learned during the meeting.Steps (3 Points): Include each of the steps involved in the transition process with a brief explanation of how the chosen team member is a contributor at each stage.Questions (3 Points): Create at least three common questions that may be asked of this team member, including their possible answers. For example, a transition team will commonly ask parents what their child enjoys at home or where they see their child in five years.
Written Communication
APA Formatting (1 point): Use APA formatting consistently throughout the assignment.Syntax and Mechanics (1 point): Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.Source Requirement (1 point): Reference six scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook that provide compelling evidence to support your ideas. All sources on the references page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment. The source for any images must be included with the brochure/handout references.

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ASH ESE 633 Week 4 DQ 1 Transition Planning
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This discussion is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the objective justify the collaborative role of transition team members who actively participate in transition meetings. The discussion represents your mastery of the Course Learning Outcome 5 and the MAED Program Learning Outcome 8.

Federal guidelines require children who have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) to have a Transition Plan for post-graduation beginning after their 16th birthday and, in some cases, as early as after their 14th birthday. This meeting is separate from the IEP meeting and focuses on the student’s interests, independence, and self-determination (Wright & Darr-Wright, 2013). The purpose of the Transition Plan meeting is for all stakeholders in the student’s education to help plan an independent future for the student.
According to IDEA 2004, Transition Services refers to:
is designed to be a results-oriented process, that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the child’s movement from school to post-school activities, including post-secondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation;

is based on the individual child’s needs, taking into account the child’s strengths, preferences, and interests;

includes instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives, and, when appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation. (As cited in Wright & Darr-Wright, 2013, para 1).As noted above, IDEA has outline what is required, but parents oftentimes find the transition meeting overwhelming and intimidating with so many team member experts involved in the transition process and with unclear terms and ‘jargon’ (Bangser, 2008).

Initial Post - Imagine you are a parent of a child with a disability who is preparing for a transition meeting. Read the resource IDEA 2004 Close Up: Transition Planning (Cortiella, 2007). In your post, write a question for three different transition team members (3 questions total) about topics that may not have been addressed or that need additional follow-up answers. Additionally, provide an answer to your questions with at least one scholarly resource that supports your chosen answer.

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ASH ESE 633 Week 4 DQ 1 Transition Planning
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This discussion is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the objective justify the collaborative role of transition team members who actively participate in transition meetings. The discussion represents your mastery of the Course Learning Outcome 5 and the MAED Program Learning Outcome 8.

Federal guidelines require children who have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) to have a Transition Plan for post-graduation beginning after their 16th birthday and, in some cases, as early as after their 14th birthday. This meeting is separate from the IEP meeting and focuses on the student’s interests, independence, and self-determination (Wright & Darr-Wright, 2013). The purpose of the Transition Plan meeting is for all stakeholders in the student’s education to help plan an independent future for the student.
According to IDEA 2004, Transition Services refers to:
is designed to be a results-oriented process, that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the child’s movement from school to post-school activities, including post-secondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation;

is based on the individual child’s needs, taking into account the child’s strengths, preferences, and interests;

includes instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives, and, when appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation. (As cited in Wright & Darr-Wright, 2013, para 1).As noted above, IDEA has outline what is required, but parents oftentimes find the transition meeting overwhelming and intimidating with so many team member experts involved in the transition process and with unclear terms and ‘jargon’ (Bangser, 2008).

Initial Post - Imagine you are a parent of a child with a disability who is preparing for a transition meeting. Read the resource IDEA 2004 Close Up: Transition Planning (Cortiella, 2007). In your post, write a question for three different transition team members (3 questions total) about topics that may not have been addressed or that need additional follow-up answers. Additionally, provide an answer to your questions with at least one scholarly resource that supports your chosen answer.

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ASH ESE 633 Week 5 Assignment Collaborative Problem Solving
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In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of the following learning objectives:
Analyze ways to create a collaborative school culture to promote professional growth and leadership; Determine some of the causes of education-based conflict. Evaluate problem solving and negotiation strategies to resolve education-based conflict. Recognize the importance of knowing personal strengths and weaknesses in conflict resolution. Justify the collaborative role of transition team members who actively participate in transition meetings.
Additionally, the assignment represents your mastery of Course Learning Outcomes 1, 2, & 3.

Providing tools for academic success to students with disabilities is a collaborative effort. Sometimes however, individuals within the collaborative team face conflict due to a strong emotional or professional investment from a particular member. Examples of education-based conflict include disagreements over the allocation of limited resources and funding, differing curriculum delivery methods, class behavior management styles, misinterpreted conversations (due to cultural differences, communication styles, personal or professional backgrounds, and other differences), and misunderstanding of professional roles, school policy, and other school or district-based guidelines. Chapter 9 in your Murawski and Spencer (2011) text outlines the causes of conflict and how to problem-solve through negotiation strategies with peers and in a collaborative team setting.


The collaboration steps, as defined by Windle and Warren’s (n.d.) Collaborative Problem Solving: Steps in the Process, are listed below. Use the headings named in this section within your paper.

Before the Meeting - Interests and Options (1 point): Windle and Warren (n.d.) suggest that interests are the “underlying need, want, or desire that we are trying to satisfy with our position (solution)” Consider that statement, then:
Identify each team member’s interest in Lily’s post-graduation goals, including options that may be available given each team member’s point of view.

During the Meeting - Perception/Emotions (1 point): Remember that by sharing why your perception is important and relevant, the team will understand why each member has a certain perspective. In this section of your assignment:
Hypothesize each team member’s perceptions and the emotions tied to those perceptions, including an explanation that supports your rationale for the perception and associated emotions.
During the Meeting - Define the Issue (2 points):Windle and Warren (n.d.) suggest that an issue “may be defined as an element of the dispute that represents a party’s need or interest.” Consider that statement, then:
Identify one issue that the team will discuss, including a supporting rationale for your choice of this issue over others.
During the Meeting - Generate Options/ Brainstorming (2 points): Windle and Warren (n.d.) suggest that “Most of us are not accustomed to inventing options and we slip easily into critiquing and judging as soon as possibilities are put on the board.” Consider this statement, then:
Using each team member’s ideas, perceptions, and the overall issue, describe at least five options that may satisfy the interest of all the team members, including a rationale for your chosen options.
During the Meeting - Objective Criteria/ Reach Agreement (1 point): After you have generated a list of brainstorming options, in this section of your assignment you will:
Decide which option is the most agreeable to everyone, including a justification of how this agreement meets each team member’s interests, options, and perceptions.
During the Meeting - Self-Reflection (2 points):Using what you learned about yourself from the Week 1 self-assessment and other knowledge you have acquired throughout the course:
Write a self-reflection about the strengths and weaknesses you have in relation to the case study for this assignment. Be sure to consider what you know about how you can leverage your personal strengths as a team leader in the transition meeting in the role of special educator.

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ASH ESE 633 Week 4 DQ 1 Transition Planning
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This discussion is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the objective justify the collaborative role of transition team members who actively participate in transition meetings. The discussion represents your mastery of the Course Learning Outcome 5 and the MAED Program Learning Outcome 8.

Federal guidelines require children who have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) to have a Transition Plan for post-graduation beginning after their 16th birthday and, in some cases, as early as after their 14th birthday. This meeting is separate from the IEP meeting and focuses on the student’s interests, independence, and self-determination (Wright & Darr-Wright, 2013). The purpose of the Transition Plan meeting is for all stakeholders in the student’s education to help plan an independent future for the student.
According to IDEA 2004, Transition Services refers to:
is designed to be a results-oriented process, that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the child’s movement from school to post-school activities, including post-secondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation;

is based on the individual child’s needs, taking into account the child’s strengths, preferences, and interests;

includes instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives, and, when appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation. (As cited in Wright & Darr-Wright, 2013, para 1).As noted above, IDEA has outline what is required, but parents oftentimes find the transition meeting overwhelming and intimidating with so many team member experts involved in the transition process and with unclear terms and ‘jargon’ (Bangser, 2008).

Initial Post - Imagine you are a parent of a child with a disability who is preparing for a transition meeting. Read the resource IDEA 2004 Close Up: Transition Planning (Cortiella, 2007). In your post, write a question for three different transition team members (3 questions total) about topics that may not have been addressed or that need additional follow-up answers. Additionally, provide an answer to your questions with at least one scholarly resource that supports your chosen answer.

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ASH ESE 633 Week 5 Assignment Collaborative Problem Solving
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In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of the following learning objectives:
Analyze ways to create a collaborative school culture to promote professional growth and leadership; Determine some of the causes of education-based conflict. Evaluate problem solving and negotiation strategies to resolve education-based conflict. Recognize the importance of knowing personal strengths and weaknesses in conflict resolution. Justify the collaborative role of transition team members who actively participate in transition meetings.
Additionally, the assignment represents your mastery of Course Learning Outcomes 1, 2, & 3.

Providing tools for academic success to students with disabilities is a collaborative effort. Sometimes however, individuals within the collaborative team face conflict due to a strong emotional or professional investment from a particular member. Examples of education-based conflict include disagreements over the allocation of limited resources and funding, differing curriculum delivery methods, class behavior management styles, misinterpreted conversations (due to cultural differences, communication styles, personal or professional backgrounds, and other differences), and misunderstanding of professional roles, school policy, and other school or district-based guidelines. Chapter 9 in your Murawski and Spencer (2011) text outlines the causes of conflict and how to problem-solve through negotiation strategies with peers and in a collaborative team setting.


The collaboration steps, as defined by Windle and Warren’s (n.d.) Collaborative Problem Solving: Steps in the Process, are listed below. Use the headings named in this section within your paper.

Before the Meeting - Interests and Options (1 point): Windle and Warren (n.d.) suggest that interests are the “underlying need, want, or desire that we are trying to satisfy with our position (solution)” Consider that statement, then:
Identify each team member’s interest in Lily’s post-graduation goals, including options that may be available given each team member’s point of view.

During the Meeting - Perception/Emotions (1 point): Remember that by sharing why your perception is important and relevant, the team will understand why each member has a certain perspective. In this section of your assignment:
Hypothesize each team member’s perceptions and the emotions tied to those perceptions, including an explanation that supports your rationale for the perception and associated emotions.
During the Meeting - Define the Issue (2 points):Windle and Warren (n.d.) suggest that an issue “may be defined as an element of the dispute that represents a party’s need or interest.” Consider that statement, then:
Identify one issue that the team will discuss, including a supporting rationale for your choice of this issue over others.
During the Meeting - Generate Options/ Brainstorming (2 points): Windle and Warren (n.d.) suggest that “Most of us are not accustomed to inventing options and we slip easily into critiquing and judging as soon as possibilities are put on the board.” Consider this statement, then:
Using each team member’s ideas, perceptions, and the overall issue, describe at least five options that may satisfy the interest of all the team members, including a rationale for your chosen options.
During the Meeting - Objective Criteria/ Reach Agreement (1 point): After you have generated a list of brainstorming options, in this section of your assignment you will:
Decide which option is the most agreeable to everyone, including a justification of how this agreement meets each team member’s interests, options, and perceptions.
During the Meeting - Self-Reflection (2 points):Using what you learned about yourself from the Week 1 self-assessment and other knowledge you have acquired throughout the course:
Write a self-reflection about the strengths and weaknesses you have in relation to the case study for this assignment. Be sure to consider what you know about how you can leverage your personal strengths as a team leader in the transition meeting in the role of special educator.

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ASH ESE 633 Week 4 DQ 1 Transition Planning
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This discussion is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the objective justify the collaborative role of transition team members who actively participate in transition meetings. The discussion represents your mastery of the Course Learning Outcome 5 and the MAED Program Learning Outcome 8.

Federal guidelines require children who have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) to have a Transition Plan for post-graduation beginning after their 16th birthday and, in some cases, as early as after their 14th birthday. This meeting is separate from the IEP meeting and focuses on the student’s interests, independence, and self-determination (Wright & Darr-Wright, 2013). The purpose of the Transition Plan meeting is for all stakeholders in the student’s education to help plan an independent future for the student.
According to IDEA 2004, Transition Services refers to:
is designed to be a results-oriented process, that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the child’s movement from school to post-school activities, including post-secondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation;

is based on the individual child’s needs, taking into account the child’s strengths, preferences, and interests;

includes instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives, and, when appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation. (As cited in Wright & Darr-Wright, 2013, para 1).As noted above, IDEA has outline what is required, but parents oftentimes find the transition meeting overwhelming and intimidating with so many team member experts involved in the transition process and with unclear terms and ‘jargon’ (Bangser, 2008).

Initial Post - Imagine you are a parent of a child with a disability who is preparing for a transition meeting. Read the resource IDEA 2004 Close Up: Transition Planning (Cortiella, 2007). In your post, write a question for three different transition team members (3 questions total) about topics that may not have been addressed or that need additional follow-up answers. Additionally, provide an answer to your questions with at least one scholarly resource that supports your chosen answer.

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Ash ESE 633 Week 5 DQ 1 Discussion on Co-Teaching
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This discussion is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the objectives; Analyze the value of co-teaching as an inclusion model of instructional delivery; Determine some of the causes of education-based conflict, and evaluate problem solving; Evaluate problem solving and negotiation strategies to resolve education-based conflict;, and Recognize the importance of knowing personal strengths and weaknesses in conflict resolution. Additionally, the discussion represents your mastery of the Course Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3 and the MAED Program Learning Outcome 8.

In previous weeks, you learned about the value of co-teaching including the benefit to the all the students in the classroom. However, many special educators feel that they are not a content-area expert, that they are seen as a “helper teacher”, or there is not enough planning time to properly define roles and responsibilities (Co-Teaching, 2013). Some may simply default to the classroom teacher because they do not yet have tenure, are unsure of how to approach the topic, or are simply uncomfortable with conflict and want to avoid it.

To develop a successful co-teaching environment, the National Education Association (NEA) lists six steps to facilitate the collaboration between the special and general education teachers:
establishing rapport,

blend teaching styles,

leverage strengths and weaknesses,
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Ash ESE 633 Week 5 DQ 1 Discussion on Co-Teaching
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This discussion is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the objectives; Analyze the value of co-teaching as an inclusion model of instructional delivery; Determine some of the causes of education-based conflict, and evaluate problem solving; Evaluate problem solving and negotiation strategies to resolve education-based conflict;, and Recognize the importance of knowing personal strengths and weaknesses in conflict resolution. Additionally, the discussion represents your mastery of the Course Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3 and the MAED Program Learning Outcome 8.

In previous weeks, you learned about the value of co-teaching including the benefit to the all the students in the classroom. However, many special educators feel that they are not a content-area expert, that they are seen as a “helper teacher”, or there is not enough planning time to properly define roles and responsibilities (Co-Teaching, 2013). Some may simply default to the classroom teacher because they do not yet have tenure, are unsure of how to approach the topic, or are simply uncomfortable with conflict and want to avoid it.

To develop a successful co-teaching environment, the National Education Association (NEA) lists six steps to facilitate the collaboration between the special and general education teachers:
establishing rapport,

blend teaching styles,

leverage strengths and weaknesses,
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ASH ESE 633 Week 6 DQ 1 Course Reflection Discussion

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This discussion is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the objectives; Analyze ways to create a collaborative school culture to promote professional growth and leadership; and Recognize the importance of knowing personal strengths and weaknesses in conflict resolution. Additionally, the discussion represents your master of the Course Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3 and the MAED Program Learning Outcome 8.

Throughout the course you have learned the importance of collaboration between teachers in an inclusive teaching environment, how each person plays an important role as part of a team effort, and how an array of opinions can be united into one common goal using proactive problem-solving strategies. The same foundational theories can be applied to a larger system when creating a proactive school culture that is fully inclusive, and requires each stakeholder to play an important role in the team and to use proactive problem-solving to avoid potential conflicting situations.

According to Nadine Engels article Principals in Schools With a Positive School Culture (as cited in School Culture Matters, (2013), contributing factors to positive culture include “a shared sense of purpose and values, norms of continuous learning and improvement, collaborative collegial relationships… and sharing experiences” (para. 4). Furthermore, according to chapter eight in Murawski and Spencer (2011), creating a collaborative school culture is akin to writing an IEP, where team members evaluate the school’s present level of performance; create a long-term goal to be reevaluated annually and short term, scaffolded objectives for meeting the long-term goal (p. 139). As Murawski and Spencer (2011) explain, we begin by thinking about where the school is in its current condition as a social culture, the parent/teacher collaboration dynamic, the emotional environment, and overall instructional practices. Then, using proactive problem-solving steps, stakeholders will share perceptions and emotions of their “Collaborative Culture” vision. Using that shared information, the overall issue will be identified (i.e., the long-term goal), and the team will brainstorm ideas for how to accomplish it. Finally, the team will determine how the school’s culture will be improved over a period of time (short term objectives) and each person’s role in the team’s success.

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ASH ESE 633 Week 6 DQ 1 Course Reflection Discussion

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This discussion is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the objectives; Analyze ways to create a collaborative school culture to promote professional growth and leadership; and Recognize the importance of knowing personal strengths and weaknesses in conflict resolution. Additionally, the discussion represents your master of the Course Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3 and the MAED Program Learning Outcome 8.

Throughout the course you have learned the importance of collaboration between teachers in an inclusive teaching environment, how each person plays an important role as part of a team effort, and how an array of opinions can be united into one common goal using proactive problem-solving strategies. The same foundational theories can be applied to a larger system when creating a proactive school culture that is fully inclusive, and requires each stakeholder to play an important role in the team and to use proactive problem-solving to avoid potential conflicting situations.

According to Nadine Engels article Principals in Schools With a Positive School Culture (as cited in School Culture Matters, (2013), contributing factors to positive culture include “a shared sense of purpose and values, norms of continuous learning and improvement, collaborative collegial relationships… and sharing experiences” (para. 4). Furthermore, according to chapter eight in Murawski and Spencer (2011), creating a collaborative school culture is akin to writing an IEP, where team members evaluate the school’s present level of performance; create a long-term goal to be reevaluated annually and short term, scaffolded objectives for meeting the long-term goal (p. 139). As Murawski and Spencer (2011) explain, we begin by thinking about where the school is in its current condition as a social culture, the parent/teacher collaboration dynamic, the emotional environment, and overall instructional practices. Then, using proactive problem-solving steps, stakeholders will share perceptions and emotions of their “Collaborative Culture” vision. Using that shared information, the overall issue will be identified (i.e., the long-term goal), and the team will brainstorm ideas for how to accomplish it. Finally, the team will determine how the school’s culture will be improved over a period of time (short term objectives) and each person’s role in the team’s success.

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ASH ESE 633 Week 6 DQ 1 Course Reflection Discussion

Ash ESE 633 Week 6 DQ 2 Creating a Collaborative School Culture
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ESE 633 Week 6 DQ 2 Creating a Collaborative School Culture
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ASH ESE 633 Week 6 DQ 1 Course Reflection Discussion

Ash ESE 633 Week 6 DQ 2 Creating a Collaborative School Culture
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ESE 633 Week 6 DQ 2 Creating a Collaborative School Culture
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