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ASH ESE 603 Week 1 Assignment Six Principles of Idea NEW
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ESE 603 Week 1 Assignment Six Principles of Idea NEW

This assignment assesses your ability to describe the components of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act as it pertains to special education practices in the public school setting and to evaluate the effects of legal mandates that contribute to the development of compliant programs, supports and services. This assessment also supports your achievement of Course Learning Outcome 2, 3, 4, and 6 and the MASE Program Learning Outcome 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8.

In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of the weekly learning objectives “Describe the components of Individuals With Disabilities Education Act as it pertains to special education practices in the public school setting” and “Evaluate the effects of legal mandates that contribute to the development of compliant programs, supports, and services.” Additionally, completion of this assignment represents an introduction to Course Learning Outcomes 2, 3, 4, and MASE Program Learning Outcomes 4 and 6.

Federal laws govern the rights of children with disabilities in the educational setting. The three most influential and comprehensive statutes include the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504). Each federal law has specific objectives that serve to provide equal access but were also designed as an independent system or guidelines that protect the rights of individuals with disabilities.

According to the Central Florida Parent Center (2009), the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA), is grounded in six major principles:

  1. Zero Reject,
  2. Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE),
  3. Nondiscriminatory Identification and Evaluation,
  4. Least Restrictive Environment,
  5. Procedural Safeguards, and
  6. Parent Participation.

This federal law provides guidance and a framework for special education services for students who meet the specified eligibility criteria for one or more disabilities.
For students who do not meet the eligibility criteria for services under IDEA, there are additional safeguards in place for these children. Section 504, is a federal civil rights law that protects against disability discrimination by requiring schools to remove “barriers from learning” (Sansberry, 2015, para 4.). Unlike IDEA, Section 504’s definition is more comprehensive, including any physical or mental impairment that “substantially limits one or more major life activities” (Sansberry, 2015, para. 1.).
Section 504 and IDEA protect a student’s rights to be provided equal access to education free from discrimination; however, the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) extends similar protections outside of the academic setting. These settings include employment, communication technology, public services, public accommodations, and other provisions covered under federal and state law (ADA, 2015) throughout the lifespan of the person. Although the ADA has its focus outside of the school setting, this law provides nondiscriminatory access to physical structures and equal access to employment and community service activities.

Using support from your assigned reading, the Instructor Guidance, and the discussions, write a paper intended for an audience of parents, general educators and community leaders who are interested in learning more about the pivotal legislation in the field of special education. Use the following guidelines for creating your written paper.
Content Expectations

Your paper will:
In at least three paragraphs summarize the main principles of the IDEA.
In at least two paragraphs articulate the main purpose of Section 504.
In at least two paragraphs identify the primary protections of the ADA.
In at least one paragraph compare how the ADA, Section 504 and the IDEA work in together at the public school level to eliminate barriers.
In at least one paragraph synopsize the ways the ADA, Section 504, and the IDEA are uniquely different in their protection of students with disabilities in the public school setting.


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ASH ESE 603 Week 2 Assignment Case Analysis Board of Education of the Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley NEW
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ESE 603 Week 2 Assignment Case Analysis Board of Education of the Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley NEW

his assignment assesses your ability to:

1.Determine the impact that current federal legislation has on the compliant implementation of special education programs, and
2.Analyze the legal concept “educational benefit.”
This assignment also supports your achievement of Course Learning Outcome 2, 3, 4 and 5 and the MASE Program Learning Outcome 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8.

In 1982, Amy Rowley’s parents enrolled their kindergarten-aged daughter in the Hendrick Hudson School District in Peekskill New York. Prior to beginning the school year, the school’s administration met with her parents to determine what supplemental services Amy needed, due to her significant hearing loss, in order provide her with a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). She was successful and progressing at the same pace as her non- disabled peers as she advanced to the first grade (Wrightslaw, 2015). Her redrafted annual IEP included the continued use of an amplification system, a tutor for the deaf and speech therapy. Amy’s parents also wanted her to have a full time Sign Language interpreter included, which the school subsequently denied.


Using support from your assigned reading, the Instructor Guidance, and the discussions, you will analyze this case to include the following specifications:

Content Expectations

Define in detail each of the words in FAPE (Free, Appropriate, Public & Education) as it related to the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act.
Summarize why the final ruling favored Hendrick Hudson Central School District’s decision not to provide Amy Rowley with an interpreter.
Analyze the term “meaningful benefit” as it relates to the Rowley v. Hendrick case.
Argue for or against the applicability of the Supreme Court’s final ruling to meet the needs of students
with disabilities.

Explain how the final ruling affects compliant implementation of special education programs.


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ASH ESE 603 week 3 Assignment Case Analysis Board of Education, Sacramento City School District v. Rachel Holland NEW
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ESE 603 week 3 Assignment Case Analysis Board of Education, Sacramento City School District v. Rachel Holland NEW


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ASH ESE 603 Week 4 Assignment When the IEP Team Meets NEW
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ESE 603 Week 4 Assignment When the IEP Team Meets NEW

his assignment assesses your ability to explain the Individualized Education Program team meeting process in accordance with the requirements set forth by the IDEA and to clarify the role of each legally mandated attendee on the IEP team. This assessment also supports your achievement of Course Learning Outcome 2, 3,4, 6 and the MASE Program Learning Outcome 4, 6, and 8.

The IEP meeting typically has a specific process that is followed in order to meet required steps as outlined by IDEA. The video, The IEP Team Process: Chapter 5- The IEP meeting, simulates an annual IEP team meeting in progress that begins with introductions and concludes with the parents being given a copy of the written documents in which they are then asked to provide their signatures indicating consent. To ensure that each step in the IEP process is being addressed, an agenda is disseminated before the meeting officially begins. The written

agenda may also include a copy of meeting ground rules and the student’s schedule among other informative items.


Read the following brief article, “When the IEP Team Meets,” which explains the required elements of the IEP team meeting process as governed by the IDEA. Using support from this article, your required course textbook, and the Instructor Guidance address the following components:

Content Expectations

In at least one paragraph summarize each person’s role and contribution to Destini’s IEP meeting.
In a total of at least three paragraphs provide the details of three types of required information that the IEP
written document must contain at the conclusion of the meeting.
In at least two paragraphs discuss the typical procedures that occur during the IEP team meeting.

In at least one paragraph review the importance of placing this information in writing.
In at least one paragraph describe the process of deciding placement.
In at least one paragraph, explain two points of implementing the child’s IEP according to the IDEA.
Written Expectations
Syntax and Mechanics: Exhibit meticulous use of grammar, spelling, organization, and usage
throughout your submission.
Organization: Use the above listed guidelines for explicit sections/headings within your paper.
Paragraphs: Write at least nine paragraphs (4 pages) that include a topic sentence not including an
introductory paragraph and a concise conclusion.
Source Requirement: Reference at least three scholarly sources, which may include your course
textbook and the required article in order to provide compelling evidence to support your ideas.
Additional Page Requirement: Your submission must include a title and reference page.
APA format: All in text citations, page format, and references must be written in APA 6th edition


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ASH ESE 603 Week 5 Assignment Procedural Safeguards NEW
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ESE 603 Week 5 Assignment Procedural Safeguards NEW

This assignment assesses your ability to identify how the Procedural Safeguards outlined in the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) protect the rights and privacy of children with disabilities. This assessment also supports your achievement of Course Learning Outcome 2 and the MASE Program Learning Outcomes 3, 4, and 6

Similar to a Parent’s Bill of Rights, the Procedural Safeguards are designed to protect the rights of parents and their children with disabilities. Under the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), districts are required to provide the parent with a written notice at least once per year containing a full explanation of the protections available under the IDEA and the corresponding federal regulations. This notice also explains the procedures for dispute resolution processes including mediation and due process hearings.

The Special School District of St. Louis County Missouri provides parents with a one-page, “Parents’ Bill of Rights” that summarizes the 31-page, “Procedural Safeguards Notice” provided by IDEA that is also offered to the parents (Partners for Student Success, 2014). Another example of safeguards that have been written in user- friendly terms is from New Jersey Department of Education Parental Rights in Special Education. This handbook

is separated by subtopics and commonly asked questions to help parents understand their rights as integral member of their child’s multi-disciplinary IEP team.

Knowing that Mr. and Mrs. Marlow, Destini’s parents, have just made their demand for an expensive outside agency to provide supplemental reading support for Destini and that they are not satisfied with her current grade of a “C” instead of an “A” you continue to proceed with the IEP team meeting with the hopes that shared decision making process resulting in a mutually agreeable consensus could be established.

However, when you hand Destini’s parent a copy of the Parents’ Bill of Rights and the Procedural Safeguards they take a minute to quietly review both documents; whispering between themselves. Destini’s mother tells you that she isn’t clear on the purpose of these two documents, how it impacts her and her husband, and how it will influence their daughter’s education.

Content Expectations

Using the Parents’ Bill of Rights as a starting point, create a written submission that:

Elaborates on each of the ten points listed in parent friendly terms.
Explains how each of the ten points supports the parents’ right to participate in the Individualized
Education Program team meeting as outlined by Individuals With Disabilities Education Act.

Relates specific areas in the Parents’ Bill of Rights that may be specific to meeting Destini’s needs.
Identifies any relevant timeline information for any of the ten points to help Destini’s parents make
informed decisions.
Written Expectations
The Procedural Safeguard assignment:
Must be three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted
according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


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ASH ESE 603 Week 6 Final Paper Landmark Case Law Review Honig v. Doe NEW
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ESE 603 Week 6 Final Paper Landmark Case Law Review Honig v. Doe NEW

Throughout this course the founding principles of the main federal statute, the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), have been explored. Specific attention has been given to the core tenets of this comprehensive law:

1.Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE),
2.Least Restrictive Environment (LRE),
3.Individualized Education Program (IEP), and the
4.Procedural Safeguards which are designed to protect the rights of parents and their children with
disabilities within the public school system.
IDEA’s primary purpose is to assure that students with disabilities receive sufficient services throughout their educational career to enable them to lead productive adult lives.

The IDEA contains several components that are designed to provide specific rights and protections to afford parents an equal partnership in the design and implementation of their child’s IEP. These procedures also give families and school systems exclusive mechanisms by which to resolve their disputes. This means that, for example, a school system cannot take certain actions with respect to their child such as formal assessment or the alteration of their academic placement, without the express consent of the parent. Additionally, in providing a free appropriate public education, students cannot be suspended from school for more than five consecutive days for a conduct violation that was a manifestation of their disability (Honig v. Doe, 2012).

While parents are required to be an integral part of the decision-making and educational planning process, they also have their right to disagree with the recommendations made by the school system. When a disagreement occurs, certain procedural safeguards are triggered which are intended to assist the parties in the successful resolution of the issue.

The 1988 Supreme Court case Honig v. Doe involved two boys with disabilities, both of whom were harshly disciplined by their respective schools for aggressive behavior displayed at school. Due to the extreme behaviors exhibited, the two boys were recommended for expulsion. They were suspended indefinitely, until which time the school district completed the expulsion proceedings. The parents of both boys disagreed with the unilateral decision of the district regarding their exclusion from school and as a result, filed suit against the district.

According to the IDEA, children with disabilities are legally required to stay in their current “…educational placements pending the completion of any review proceedings unless parents and state or local educational officials agree otherwise” (Honig v. Doe, 2012, Facts of the Case, para. 2). The Supreme Court determined that each boy’s behavior was directly related to their disabilities; therefore, the school board’s decision violated the intent of the IDEA.

Content Expectations

Summarize the issue surrounding the court case, the parties involved and the case outcome.
Evaluate the impact of the case ruling on compliant implementation of special education programming.
Explain how the legislation, determined by the final ruling, promotes a collaborative decision-making process regarding special education placement and services.
Analyze the ethical and legal conflict regarding instruction and student placement that was brought to the forefront as a direct result of this court case.
Describe how your personal beliefs may have influenced your judgment and the fairness of the final court ruling if you were one of the teachers of John Doe or Jack Smith.


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