Esami vecchi Flashcards
Haptic hallucinations
a. classified as hallucinations of bodily sensation
b. are hallucinations onvolving internal organs
c. are hallucinations involving the surface of the body or directly accessible body cavities
d. represent severely distorted feelings about pathological experiences of changes in internal organs
e. they do not even belong to hallucinations
Recurrent depressive disorder is considered to be:
a. That the patient has had at least one hypomaniac episode in the past in addition to the current depressive episode
b. That the patient has had at least one depressiveepisode in the past in addition to the current depressive episode
c. That the patient has had at least one hypomaniac episode in the past in addition to the current maniac episode
d. That the patient has had at least one hypomaniac episode in the past in addition to the current maniac episode
e. That the patient has had at least one depressive episode in the past in addition to the current mixed episode
For the withdrawal state of delirium due to alcohol abuse is characterized by: (3)
a. Present disorientation, most in time
b. consciousness is deliriously scaled
c. attention is never distracted
d. there may be associated disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system
e. to to fall under dementia
A, B, D
It is characteristic of schizophrenia: (3)
a. occurrence of thinking disorders
b. occurrence of perceptual disorders
c. the appearance of auditory hallucinations that speak of the patient in the 3rd person
d. occurrence of disturbances of consciousness
e. none of the above
A, B, C
Addictive behavior is: (1)
a. Behavior that in the long run leads to negative consequences in important areas of human activity
b. which is characterized by not bringing immediate satisfaction of some need
c. type of behavior characterized by excessive desire for PAS and compulsiveness in the search for PAS
d. behavior which the person easily controls
e. behavior characteristic of psychotic disorders
Some types of schizophrenia are
a. hebephrenic schizophrenia
b. paranoid schizophrenia
c. vestibular
d. catatonic
e. simple
A, B, D, E
Bipolar mood disorder is characterized by: (2)
a. higher risk of suicidal behavior
b. onset between 18 and 24 years
c. occurrence almost exclusively in males
d. changing mood levels
e. occurrence almost exclusively in women
A, D
Depressive episode: (3)
a. it starts after stressful events of spontaneously
b. the main features of the clinical picture are depressed mood and lack of interest in almost all activities
c. manifests as well as can with vegetatice signs
d always occurs together with depressive delusions
e. never occurs together with delusions
A, B, C
Permanent mood disorders: (2)
a. cyclothymia
b. depressive episode
c. dysthymia
d. bipolar disorder
The two permanent mood disorders are:
a. Cyclothymia: This is a chronic mood disorder that causes persistent fluctuations in mood, with periods of hypomanic symptoms and periods of depressive symptoms. Unlike bipolar disorder, the mood swings in cyclothymia are not as severe or long-lasting.
b. Dysthymia: This is a chronic, low-grade form of depression that lasts for at least two years. Symptoms are less severe than major depressive disorder, but can include feelings of hopelessness, fatigue, and loss of interest in activities.
The types of hallucinations are:
a. optical or visible
b. olfactory and gustatory
c. hallucinations of bodily sensation
d. acoustic and auditory
e. kinesthetic
f. all of the above
all of the above
Perceived anomalies include: (1)
a. hyperesthesia
b. optical hallucinations
c. alcoholic delirium
d. hallucinations of bodily sensation
e. acoustic and auditory hallucinations
f. kinesthetic hallucinations
Perception disturbances include: (4)
a. hallucinations
b. perceptual anomalies
c. illusions
d. suggestions
e. elementary perceptual disturbances
A, B, C, E
General psychopathology deals with: (2)
a. treatment of mental disorders
b. treatment of psychopathological phenomena
c. treatment of psychopathological syndromes
d. classification of mental disorders
e. with non of the above
A, D (?)
Specific developmental disorders in school skills include: (3)
a. specific reading disorder
b. specific writing + spelling disorder
c. speicific computational disorder
d. personality disorders
e. none of the above
A, B, C
Expressing emotional and psychosocial problems with physical symptoms is called:
a. hypochondriac delusions
b. percussion
c. catatonia
d. somatization
e. none of the above
When anxiety and depressive symptoms, non of which is clearly
a. mild depressive episode
b. generalized anxiety disorder
c. dysthymia
d. mixed anxiety and depressive disorder
e. bipolar mood disorder
Phobic anxiety disorders: (2)
a. include agoraphobia
b. are a group of disorders characterized by fear being only or mainly in certain, well definied circumstances which are not generally dangerous
c. these include cryptamnesia
d. are a group of disorders characterized by fear that is generalized and permanent
e. belong to organic mental disorders
A, B
Dissociative convulsions: (2)
a. can greatly mimic an epileptic seizure
b. tongue bites, bruising when falling, and leaking urine are common
c. consciousness is preserved or replaced by a state of stupor and trance
d. always occur in patients with bipolar mood disorder
e. always occur in patients with schizoaffective disorder
A, C
Content delusions include: (3)
a. anacastic
b. compulsive
c. regilio-mystical
d. application (reference)
e. persecutory
C, D, E
The following drugs are classified as cognitive modulators: (4)
a. gabapentin
b. galantamine
c. rivastigmine
d. donepezil
e. memantine
B, C, D, E
The patient was prescribed rivastigmine at a dose of 6 mg in the morning and 6 mg in the
evening in capsule form. He did not receive the medicine for a week because he ran out of
medicine. What dose of rivastigmine would you prescribe?
a. 6 mg in the evening
b. 6 mg in the morning and 6 mg in the evening
c. 6 mg in the morning
d. 1.5 mg in the morning and 1.5 mg in the evening
e. 3 mg in the morning and 3 mg in the evening
A patient with dementia has bradycardia. Which of the two prescribed medications were mostlikely to cause this side effect: (2)
a. memantine
b. donepezil
c. propanolol
d. risperidone
e. zoldpidem
B, C
5.psychiatric history consist of: (3)
a. personal history
b. patient description
c. patient’s cognitive abilities
d. family history
e. current complaint (issues)
A, D, E
A general assessment of intellectual abilities is made: (2)
a. only with the result of intelligence tests performed
b. based on anamnestic data on schooling and work efficiency assessing the ability to understand, verbal expression, general knowledge, interests of the
d. by assessing the subject’s abilities
e. according to heteroanamnestic data
B, C
Detection disturbances include: (3)
a. haptic hallucinations
b. perceptual anhedonia
c. illusions
d. memory hallucinations (ie presentation disorders)
e. akoazme
A, C, E
Haptic hallucinations
a. classified as hallucinations of bodily sensation
b. are hallucinations involving internal organs
c. are hallucinations that cover only the surface of the body + d. directly in accessible body cavities
represent severely distorted feelings about pathological experiences of changes in internal organs
e. hallucinations that also involve directly accessible body cavities
f. an example is the feeling of spiders crawling all over the body in alcoholic delirium
A, E,, F
a. synonymous with synesthesia
b. means that e.g. you hear the color
A, B
Another one about hyperkinetic disorder:
a. reduced attention
b. they are often damaged
c. “Bad” and “good” days
d. they often do not complete what they have begun
e. another incorrect one
f. all of the above
Correct claims about hyperkinetic disorder: (2)
a. More common in girls
b. Hyperactivity
c. Restless thoughts
d. Listen
e. impulsivity
B, E
A child with hyperkinetic disorder
a. is anxious
b. is restless
c. has eating disorders, needs
The characteristics of hyperkinetic disorder are: (2)
a. high level of anxiety — not mentioned.
b. unstoppable restlessness
c. lower intellectual abilities- intelligent abilities normal
d. feeding and bowel disorders - bowel disorders, eating disorders may not be mentioned.
e. markedly depressive emotional disorder. - mood swings.
f. Disturbances of attention and concentration
B, F
a. is observed before 3 years of age
b. is a pervasive disorder
A, B
What is characteristic of a patient with Asperger syndrome?
a. lack of empathy and social sense
b. lag in cognitive functions
c. speech disorders (speech expression is precise, very meticulous)
d. the interest is narrowly focused, in-depth , extremely detailed
e. lack of a real sense of social contacts
f. they have no sense of humor
g. motorically very immobile
A, D, E, F, G
A diagnosis of isolated developmental disorders can be made ; (speech disorders, specific learning
disorders, motor skills disorders) (p.302)
a. in mentally retarded children
b. in children with sensory or other neurological disorders
c. when such a disorder is expressed in a child who has received appropriate educational incentives
d. when some lower ability of a child severely worries or disturbs his parents
e. when the child’s other abilities are normally present
f. when no organic reasons for the delay have been identified in the child
C, E, F
the following disorders pass from chilhood to adulthood
a. and vtizem
b. reading and writing disorder
c. hyperkinetic disorder
d. 2 more options
B, C
The risk of developing a mental disorder is increased by:
a. mental disorders in other members
b. bad early emotional experiences
c. unfavorable living conditions
d. poorer general adaptability of children
e. disease
f. all of the above
f. all of the above
Post-concussion syndrome:
a. after a head injury
b. gradually disappears without treatment
c. let us be relaxed towards the patient, do not challenge him or objectify his subjective problems
d. is lasting
A, B
Amnestic syndrome is characterized by a memory disorder for:
a. n recent events
b. ancient events
c. semantic memory
d. procedural memory
For patients with dementia:
a. primitive reflexes usually occur in the middle stage of dementia
b. primitive reflexes usually occur at a late stage
c. they lose the ability to communicate verbally sooner than the ability to communicate verbally
d. they can be upset when they see themselves in the mirror
e. they usually forget the year of birth rather than age
f. they forget age rather than year of birth
g. the written text is not legible due to hand shakin
B, D, F
A patient with dementia may be upset about:
a. lack of orientation
b. ghosts
c. urine retention
d. prescribed medicines
e. all of the above
Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia do not include:
a. depression
b. aphasia
c. insomnia
d. hallucinations
e. melting
An organicmentaldisordercanmanifestas:
a. pseudopsychotic personality (not the same as pseudopsychopathic)
b. pseudodepressive personality + pseudopsychopathic
c. pseudoneurotic personality
d. pseudodependent personality
e. pseudoschizoid personality
The clinical picture of dementia includes: (p. 141)
a. amnesia (memory disorders and retrieval of new information)
aphasia (impaired comprehension and expression. Symbolic expression is affected, difficulties in
naming things, neologisms appear. Incoherent speech flow, may be polylalia)
c. apraxia (do not dress, later do not feed themselves)
d. agnosia (do not recognize themselves in the mirror, do not recognize previously known faces)
e. decline in executive functions (planning, forecasting
A man who is constantly haunted by the thought of driving off the road. When something rumbles, he
immediately stops, gets out of the car and looks in all directions of the car because he is sure he has run
over someone.
What is it?
a. obsessions
b. Compulsions
A, B
a. are a very common disease (rare, prevalence 24-30 / 100,000)
b. onset in middle adulthood and later adulthood
c. a chronic course is characteristic
B, C
Where are the REM sleep disorders?
a. Lewy-Body dementia
Frontotemporal dementia is not characterized by:
a. stereotypical behavior
b. anomie
c. accumulation of amyloid protein beta
d. inclusions with tau protein
e. frontal lobe atrophy
The occurrence of delirium is associated with:
a. By increasing norephinephrine
b. By increasing dopamine
c. By lowering serotonin
Difficulties in waking during sleep are found in
a. Depression
b. Acute effets of PAS
c. Withdrawal from PAS
d. Dementia
e. Schizophrenia
Difficulties in falling asleep are found in:
a. Anxiety
b. Circadian rythm disorder
c. Acute effects of PAS
d. Withdrawal from PAS
e. Psychogenic disorder
Difficulties in waking during sleep are found in
a. Depression
b. Acute effets of PAS
c. Withdrawal from PAS
d. Dementia
e. Schizophrenia
For cognitive development
a. Vigotsky defined the zone of proximal development
In the zone of proximal development, the child’s development depends on learning facilitated by
the social environment
c. If a child is not stimulated by his\her environment, he or she will not develop to his\her potential
What are the expected developmental milestones for a normally developing child?
a. Social smile at the end of the first month of age
b. Sitting with support at month 3
c. Crawls at month 9
d. Drawinf a person with a torso and limbs, hopping on one leg at 4 year
For child and adolescent psychiatry
a. In slovenia, there is an independent specialisation
b. Investigates, prevents and treats mental disorders in child and adolscents
c. The paedopsychiatrist must also assess the mental state of family members
When a pesopsychiatric assesses a parent as having a mental disorder, he or she refers the parent
for apprpriate treatment and insists on it
The psychiatric diagnosis for your child includes
a. Assessment of family relationships
b. Assessment of the child’s intellectual (mental abilities)
c. Communication, creativity, social skills
d. Information on your psysical health
e. Description of aducational approaches in the family
General psychopathology deals with
a. Addressing psychopathological phenomena (sign ans symptoms)
b. Treatment of psychopathological syndromes
a, b
Patient who is awake, lying motionless, unresponsive to pain stimuli, not moving his eyes, staring straight
ahed. What is the most likely condition:
a. Stupor
Specific developmental distabilities in school skills include:
a. Specific reading disorder
b. Specific writing + spelling disorder
c. Specific calculation disorder
a, b, c
Family of a mentally retarded person:
a. needs constant psychiatric help
Psychiatric rehabilitation is intended for patients with:
a. psychosis
b. severe mental disorders that recur and leave minor abilities
c. personality and interference and
Fregoli syndrome:
a. Recognize acquaintances in strangers
b. a person close to the patient is replaced by a duplicate
c. the feeling of being constantly followed
What does not fall under the assessment of mental state?
a. u vi d
b. traumatic events
c. if anyone in the family had anything like it
d. speech
The tasks of a mental health representative are:
ta. o inform the patient in an appropriate way about the rights such as sending and receiving
shipments, to the telephone, to receive visits
b. to give the patient concrete advice and explanations regarding the exercise of rights
c. strives to respect patients’ rights
d. checks that the treatment is carried out in a professionally correct manner
proposes the implementation of administrative control over the order and the implementation of
a special protective measure
Supervision over the exercise of the rights of persons admitted to treatment in wards under special
supervision of psychiatric hospitals is performed by:
a. Supervising physician of a health insurance company
b. Supervising physician of the Medical Chamber of Slovenia
c. Courts under the Mental Health Act
d. Ombudsman as d ržavni Preventive Mechanism
e. Patient Rights Representative
C, D
How can a person be brought to a closed ward of a psychiatric hospital:
a. by car
b. with an ambulance
c. with a police vehicle
d. with an ambulance and an accompanying doctor (or other medical staff designated by the doctor)
d. with an ambulance and an accompanying doctor
Who are the patients in the forensic psychiatry department? (p. 43 5 )
Criminals , who have imposed a security measure of compulsory psychiatric treatment and custody
in a medical institution
b. sent from detention or imprisonment because they suffer from a mental disorder or illness there
c. those in prison behave violently
d. those who would rather serve a sentence the same as in prison
a, b
Precautions for compulsory treatment:
a. are intended for relatives to make it easier for the patient to see a psychiatrist
b. are designed for healthcare professionals to defend themselves against violent patients
c. are intended for patients who want to spend a prison sentence in a hospital instead of in prison
d. shall be pronounced in court to perpetrators who have committed an unlawful act in a state of
incompetence / substantially reduced mental capacity
e. are an outdated form of punishment for psychiatric patients
Forensic psychiatry:
a. is at the crossroads of justice and psychiatry
b. examines the relationship between mental disorder and crime
c. determines the amount of punishment for persons with a mental disorder.
d. study t U is a link between certain mental opaque and crimes
e. a large part is represented by psychiatric forensic expertise (in both civil and criminal law)
f. it has its own doctrin
A, B, d, e
Forensic psychiatry:
a. examines the relationship between mental disorders and crime
b. explores the link between mental disorders and crime
a, b
Working groups for the community on treatment are:
a. Hospitals
b. Centers for social work
c. Basic health care facilities
d. municipalities
e. non-governmental organizations
A, B, C, E
What is community psychiatry? (3)
a. psychiatrists work working with family and employers
b. connected operation of all mental health services in the local environment
c. psychiatric teams visiting patients after discharge
d. the work of NGOs together with psychiatrists
e. day centers and day hospitals
b, c, d
How can we manage stigma
a. with protest
b. with education
c. by persuasion
d. by treating patients in tidy and new premises
e. with the personal testimony of recovering patients
B, E
Consequences of stigmatization:
a. poorer somatic health
b. medicine makes more (less?) effort
c. the processes drag on for a long time
d. systemic neglect of these groups
e. some with staff
Structural stigmatization is a consequence of: (p. 422)
a. internalization of stigma (patients internalize stigma, accept it as justified and lose hope)
stigmas in everyday life and politics (less funded psychiatric services compared to other medical
b.discrimination in the workplace
What is the Index of Expressed Emotions? (str.420)
a. the relationship between positive and negative emotions
b. degree of fear and prejudice
c. a criterion for expressing anger with critical remarks
d. a measure of expressing excessive emotional commitment
e. a criterion for expressing excessive patronage concerns
Behavioral cognitive psychotherapy works through:
a. accurate analysis of the patient’s past - psychoanalytic
b. influencing the patient’s cognitive processes (beliefs, expectations)
c. research of family relations - systemic
d. systematic exposure to sources of symptoms
e. problem solving
B, D, E
Family therapy:
a. Education
b. We remove the individual from the disturbed family
c. Counseling
d. Confrontation
e. Facing the family with patient problems, in this style
A, C, E
Listed psychotherapy, circle correctly:
a. psychoanalytic
b. cognitive-behavioral
c. group family
d. deepened
e. another wrong one
a, b, c
Treatment of behavioral and psychiatric symptoms of dementia, mark the correct answers:
SSRI antidepressants are effective in managing aggressive behavior, disinhibition, and pathological
b. Benzodisepines are used to calm agitation and / or aggression and for insomnia
c. Antiepileptics are rarely used.
Patients with dementia are not overly sensitive to the side effects of antipsychotics, so they are used
Patients with dementia are very sensitive to side effects - extrapyramidal symptoms, tardive
We donot use to treat dementia:
a. AchE inhibitors
b. antidepressants
c. m of NMDA receptor odulator
d. antipsychotics
e. psychostimulants
a. They are among the mood mood stabilizers.
b. And it has a wide therapeutic window.
c. It has a narrow therapy window.
d. It interacts with thiazide diuretics and NSAIDs
e. P of the phase adjustment checking its plasma koncent raid at 2 to 3 months.
f. During prophylactic treatment, however, every 6 months.
g. We also check the ECG, creatinine clearance, thyroid function and tm
A typical person who becomes addicted to benzodiazepines; mark the correct statements:
He takes the prescribed therapeutic doses for several months or years, even when he has no more
b. may take higher doses than prescribed,
c. he cannot stop taking them because withdrawal symptoms keep recurring,
d. needs benzodiazepines to perform daily activities,
e. he may carry the tablets with him so that he can take them before expected important events
f. Despite taking benzodiazepines, he has various symptoms of mental disorders
g. always ask your doctor for new prescriptions,
Pseudo parkinsonism is treated with:
b. reducing odmerko a antipsychotics
c. change in antipsychotic medication
d. by administration of anticholinergic antiparkinsonian drugs
e. barbiturates.
b, c, d
Maximum possible dose of haloperidol (mg)
a. 20
b. 30
c. 40
d. 50
e. 60
The objective signs of akathisia are:
a. sneezing
b. stepping from foot to foot
c. constant walking up and down
d. folds
e. repetitive crossing and crossing of legs
f. moving the legs while sitting
g. constant squinting
b, c, e, f
NaSSA-mirtazapine: (2)
a. Their mechanism of action involves, in particular, the blockade of alpha2-adrenergic receptors.
b. It is a selective alpha2-adrenergic receptor antagonist.
c. It acts on serotonin receptors and on histamine H1 receptors.
a, c
How to treat a 54-year-old who first had a depressive episode: (book p. 376)
a. sertraline = SSRI; for another 12 months after symptom relief after the first episode
b. rivastigmine = inhAchE (acetylcholinesterase) (Alzheimer’s dementia)
c. risperidone =
Depression is treated in three stages:
a. acute treatment usually lasts 6 to 12 weeks
b. acute treatment usually lasts 16 to 22 weeks
c. continued treatment usually lasts 6 to 24 months
d. continued treatment usually lasts 4 to 9 months.
e. maintenance treatment lasts more than a year
A, D, E
What does not apply to addiction:
a. More than half of them have a poor prognosis for treatment
b. Withdrawal syndrome in alcohol is never an emergency
c. Withdrawal syndrome in opioids is always an urgent condition
d. Discontinuation of benzodiazepines may result in seizures
a, b, c
Opioid overdose.
a. more often intentional as accidental
b. more often on first use opioid in
c. more often when consumed concomitantly with alcohol and other CNS depressants
d. W e 2 options
a. It is the adaptation of the brain to excessively strong and excessive stimulation due to PAS
b. It is caused by neuroplasticity.
c. Mechanism: reduction in the number and sensitivity of receptors
a, b, c
A 28-year-old man comes to the clinic and says that he has not slept for 3 days, that all his muscles are
sore, that he is sweating. Piloerection and wide pupils (withdrawal reaction) are present in the status. The
abuse of which psychoactive substance is most likely:
a. opioids
b. cocaine
Mental consequences of addiction:
a. Alcohol mimics mental illness
b. personality disorders
c. residual or late-onset psychotic disorder
d. Withdrawal condition with delirium
e. Amnestic syndrome
a, c, d, e
Somatization disorder, its main features are multiple, recurrent and often
changing physical symptoms lasting at least
b. half a year
c. two years
d. five years
e. does not belong to somatomorphic disorders
Delirium is considered to be etiologically:
a. specific
b. non-specific organic syndrome manifested by disorders:
c. to seduce
d. attention
e. psychomotor activities
Tutte tranne A
The patient complains of persistent severe and anxious pain that cannot be explained by any physiological process or physical disorder that occurs in connection with emotional conflict.
The patient most likely has:
a. persistent obsessive pain
b. permanent somatoform pain disorder
c. dyspareunia
d. sciatica
e. sitophobia
Myths (untruths) about suicide include:
a. whoever has once committed suicide never hesitates
b. not every statement of suicide needs to be taken seriously
c. if a person suddenly brightens up after prolonged depression, he may be more at risk
of suicide
d. talking about suicide is dangerous because it can trigger the thought of suicide
e. suicide attempt is an expression of human distress and should always be taken seriously
C ed E
Choose the correct statements:
a. all psychotropic drugs are excreted in breast milk
b. the use of psychotropic drugs is not recommended during breastfeeding
c. breastfeeding is not recommended for women in urgent need of medication
d. lower doses of medication are recommended during breastfeeding
e. only prolactin-boosting drugs (eg rispeeridone) are not recommended during
The following applies to dysmorphophobia: nell’ aspetto fisico: immaginario esagerata
a. is a syndrome when an individual complains about their appearance or body part, but the appearance, size and shape of the body are outside the normal and expected limits
b. is a symptom when an individual complains about their appearance or part of the body, but the appearance is the size and shape of the body within normal and expected limits
c. the patient complains that the surroundings notice his flaw and that this flaw lowers his self-confidence
d. dysmorphophobia is mostly found in the form of a prevalent idea
e. the patient is afraid of the morphology of the distal parts of the body
B, C, D
The patient was prescribed mirtazapine, one tablet in the evening. He asks you if he can drive a car
tomorrow. What do you answer him?
a. no, under no circumstances
b. not if he feels bad tomorrow
c. yes, if it will not have side effects of the drug
d. yes, in the afternoon anyway, not in the morning
e. yes, anytime
The correct answer is (b) not if he feels bad tomorrow, as the drug can cause drowsiness.
Mirtazapine is an antidepressant medication that can cause drowsiness as a side effect. Therefore, it is not recommended to drive a car or operate heavy machinery until it is clear how the medication affects the patient. Option (a) is incorrect because it is too absolute and may not be necessary in all cases. Option (c) is incorrect because it is not always possible to predict the side effects of a drug. Option (d) is incorrect because it is not safe to assume that the patient’s driving ability will not be affected by the medication. Therefore, the correct answer is (b) not if he feels bad tomorrow, as the drug can cause drowsiness.
Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by:
a. is a chronic anxiety disorder
b. is more common in women
c. is treated with antidepressants and psychotherapy
d. it is often accompanied by unipolar depression
e. patients often completely lose touch with reality
The correct answers are (a) it is a chronic anxiety disorder and (b) it is more common in women.
In bipolar mood disorder, the subtype of the disorder (I or II) is determined according to:
a. mania / hypomania in the last episode
b. the depth of depression in the last episode
c. expression of hypomania and mania, at any time during the course of the disease
d. the number of all episodes in life
e. number of mixed episodes
In bipolar mood disorder, the subtype of the disorder (I or II) is determined according to the presence or absence of a manic episode.
Bipolar I disorder is diagnosed when an individual has experienced at least one manic episode, which is a distinct period of abnormally elevated or irritable mood lasting at least one week, and often including symptoms such as grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, racing thoughts, distractibility, and impulsivity.
Bipolar II disorder is diagnosed when an individual has experienced at least one major depressive episode and at least one hypomanic episode, which is a distinct period of abnormally elevated or irritable mood lasting at least four consecutive days, but is not severe enough to cause marked impairment in social or occupational functioning and does not require hospitalization.
Therefore, the correct answer is (a) mania/hypomania in the last episode.
Unipolar depression most often occurs concomitantly with the following disease:
a. pneumonia caused by viruses
b. Parkinson’s disease
c. pelvic fracture
d. acute myocardial infarction
e. cerebrovascular disease
B, C, D
The patient describes unbearable pain in the body, which is not explained by any examination. The pain is constant, has been going on for years and has completely changed his life. Which of the following diagnoses would be possible?
a. posttraumatic stress disorder
b. impulse control disorder
c. permanent somatoform pain disorder d. somatization disorder
e. unipolar depression
Examine the patient in the outpatient clinic of a general practitioner, find out that the patient has a depressive episode. The patient confirms that he has attempted suicide twice in the past and is now reconsidering suicide. The patient is most likely to:
a. little
b. severely suicidal and likely to be in need c. guidance from a personal physician
d. outpatient psychiatric treatment
e. hospital psychiatric treatment
b, e
First-line drugs for long-term treatment of generalized anxiety disorder are:
a. antidepressants
b. antipsychotics
c. benzodiazepines
d. mood stabilizers
e. none of the above
Post-traumatic stress disorder can occur in people who are:
a. weaker and less adjusted
b. survived life-threatening circumstances
c. socially isolated
d. have mood disorders
e. addicted to psychoactive substances
As a rule, depressive delusions are:
a. persecutory
b. hypochondriac
c. nihilistic
d. on economic collapse
e. all-encompassing guilt
B, C, D, E
Dissociative disorders were sometimes called:
a. conversion disorders
b. somatization disorders
c. hysterical disorders
d. somatization disorder
e. depression
A, C
In the treatment of drug addiction, we use drugs to help:
a. in the treatment of withdrawal problems - e.g. benzodiazepines
b. in maintaining abstinence - e.g. naloxone
c. as maintenance treatment - substitution therapy
d. in the treatment of comorbid disorders / diseases
e. none of the above
A, B, C, D
Substitute drugs for the treatment of opioid dependence used in Slovenia include:
b. methadone
c. buprenorphine
d. slowly releasing morphine
e. none of the above
B, C, D
For opioid overdose branch
a. death usually occurs within 1-3 hours
b. death occurs mostly immediately after opioid injection
c. most overdoses are due to first drug use
d. Risk factor is the concomitant use of CNS depressants (BZO, alcohol)
e. there are fewer overdoses for suicidal purposes than accidental overdoses
A, D, E
The following can be said about acute stimulant poisoning:
a. pupil dilatation
c. psychomotor retardation
d. heart rhythm disorders
e. tearing
A, D
Choose drugs for which we need to regularly monitor blood levels:
a. citalopram
b. clozapine
c. lithium
d. biperiden
e. diazepam
b. clozapine
c. lithium
Clozapine and lithium are two drugs that require regular monitoring of blood levels. Clozapine is an antipsychotic medication that is used to treat schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, and regular blood monitoring is necessary to ensure that the medication is not causing potentially dangerous side effects, such as a decrease in white blood cells. Lithium is a mood-stabilizing medication that is used to treat bipolar disorder, and regular blood monitoring is necessary to ensure that the medication is within a safe and effective range, as high levels of lithium can be toxic.
For the treatment of behavioral and psychiatric symptoms of dementia, the following are considered:
a. SSRI antidepressants are effective in managing aggressive behavior, disinhibition, or pathological crying
b. antiepileptics are used less frequently
c. benzodiazepines are used to calm agitation and / or aggression and insomnia
d. Haloperidol (2 mg) and risperidone 1 to 2 mg may be helpful in controlling aggression.
e. all antipsychotics increase the risk of cerebrovascular adverse events
A, B, C, E
. Memantine is considered to be:
a. it is used to treat dementia in Alzheimer’s disease
b. it is used to treat resistant schizophrenia
c. acts on NMDA receptors
d. acts on dopamine receptors
e. to act on acetylcholinesterase
A, C
Which of the following drug (s) should be discontinued before the planned surgery because it reacts with muscle relaxants:
a. mirtazapine
b. venlafaxine
c. biperiden
d. rivastigmine
e. donepezil
D, E
Stress-related mental disorders include:
a. generalized anxiety disorder
b. adaptive disorder
c. post-traumatic stress disorder
d. anorexia
e. acute stress response
B, C, E
- Which of the following mechanisms is not related to the emergence of pleasure?
a. increase dopamine release in the accumbent
b. inhibition of the dopamine reuptake transporter ✓
c. increased activity of neurons of the ventral tegmental area
d. inhibition of dopamine receptors
e. electrical stimulation of mesolimbic dopamine neurons
Which of the drugs has the narrowest therapeutic window:
a. haloperidol
b. rivastigmine
c. galantamine
d. olanzapine
e. lithium
Which of the following factors in drug addiction is not associated with recurrence
a. hypometabolism of the frontal cortex upon recognition of a stimulus associated with drug use
b. hypermetabolism of the frontal cortex while recognizing natural stimuli for pleasure
c. decreased CRH release (corticotropin-releasing factor)
d. conditioned reflexes associated with drug use
e. ingestion of a low dose of the drug
Typical signs of Wernicke’s encephalopathy are:
a. cognitive impairment (impaired concentration and short-term memory)
b. psychomotor retardation
c. ataxia
d. nystagmus
e. optical pseudohallucinations
A, B, C, D
Fetal alcohol syndrome is characterized by:
a. facial anomalies
b. low body weight
c. psychosis immediately after childbirth
d. lower intelligence
e. behavioral disorders with hyperactivity
A, B, D, E
Antidepressants include:
a. paroxetine
b. escitalopram
c. risperidone
d. quetiapine
e. sertalin
A, B, E
They affect the development of a child’s brain. a. genetic design
b. environment
c. the process of attachment between mother and child
d. hormones released under the influence of mother-child interaction and through epigenetic mechanisms affect gene expression and the formation of connections in the brain
e. perinatal injuries
Disorders that appear in early childhood and continue later include:
a. hyperkinetic disorder
b. autism
c. school phobia
d. reading and writing disorders
e. schizophrenia
Treatment of mental disorders in childhood and adolescence includes:
a. exclusive drug treatment
b. exclusively psychotherapeutic treatment
c. holistic treatment of the child by including the different environments in which he is involved
d. work with parents
e. work with educators
C, D, E
In the diagnosis of mental disorders in young children use:
a. interview with parents
b. information obtained from school / kindergarten
c. Rorschach psychodiagnostic test
d. clinical psychological examination with instruments developed for the adult population e. standardized clinical scales and interviews
A, B
Primarily on the nervous system with which neurotransmitter does haloperidol act?
a. with acetylcholine
b. with dopamine
c. with serotonin
and the operation of this system
d. encourages e. brakes
. Dissociative disorders are more common at :
a. persons with post-traumatic stressful disorder
b. women with pelvic pain
c. PAS addicts
d. adolescents with the disorder feeding and sexual history of abuse
e. people with advanced dementia
A, B, C, D
With an ambulance bring patient who _ is awake , lying motionless on wheelchair , does not respond to painful stimuli , eyes not moving ( not even blinking ), staring predse . What is most probably condition ?
a. coma
b. stupor
c. Lock - in syndrome
d. PAS poisoning
e. delirium ?
A, B; C, E
An individual can not to achieve independence , primarily recognizes their parents and be on them responds with voices and bad articulated individual in words , he can’t to eat alone . Gre for :
a. Treasure mentally underdevelopment
b. Moderate mentally underdevelopment
c. Hudo mentally underdevelopment
d. Deep mentally underdevelopment
e. None of the above
For lithium applies to :
a. has narrow therapeutic window
b. you can is toxic
c. at prophylactic treatment we monitor plasma concentration at 6 months
d. at prophylactic treatment we monitor plasma concentration everyone month
A, B, C
Mentally underdevelopment we find out when developmental level intelligent ability is
not reached degree that _ fits certain development opbdobju , and when is up to it
a. pred birth
b. before the 5th year
c. pred entering school _
d. before the age of 16
e. before the age of 18
Problems at falling asleep we find at :
a. Anxiety
b. Disorders circadian rhythm
c. Acute the impact of PAS ( also alcohol )
d. Withdrawal from PAS
e. Psychogenic disorders
A, B, D
Problems at falling asleep we find at :
a. Anxiety
b. Disorders circadian rhythm
c. Acute the impact of PAS ( also alcohol )
d. Withdrawal from PAS
e. Psychogenic disorders
A, B, D
Problems at awakening med by sleeping we find at :
a. Depression
b. Acute the impact of PAS ( also alcohol )
c. Withdrawal from PAS
d. Dementia B o
e. Schizophrenia
A, D