Es Fs Gs Hs Is Js Ks Flashcards
The branch of government that makes policy.
Fair Labour Standards Act 1939.
This was amended between 1949 and 1968 to increase minimum wage.
FERA - Federal Emergency Relief Administration.
Public works organisation founded in 1932 to create employment. It gave over 3 billion in grants to states until it was replaced by other bodies in 1935.
Native American equivalent to sit-in but where they fished on rivers and lakes until their rights to fish the waters were restored.
Fort Laramie Treaty 1851
Treaty between the US government and the Arapaho and Cheyenne in which more land was surrendered.
People released from slavery
Freedmen’s bureau
Set up by Congress in March 1865 to care for former slaves. It provided food, shelter, hospitals and education. Set up 2 Universities but its 900 agents were subject to intimidation and violence from hostile white southerners.
Gilded age
Name given to the period of US history in the last quarter of the 19th century which saw economic expansion and opulent lifestyles for the rich. The term was coined by the writer Mark Twain.
Glass ceiling
The idea that there were limitations to progress for certain groups despite official equality and opportunity. It had been particularly associated with obstacles to equal employment for women.
Hayes-Tilden comprise 18..
- The presidential election of 1876 was disputed and there was uncertainty whether Hayes or Tilden had won. Democrats conceded the vote in disputed states as a bargain for the withdrawal of federal troops from the south which allowed the white southern democrats to end reconstruction.
Haymarket affair
Violent strike in Chicago in which police and workers were killed. The violence was blamed on Germans and is seen as a sign of hatred towards the new immigration of the late 19th century and early 20th century.
Heavy industry
Industries such as coal iron and steel and textiles.
Homestead strike
143 day strike at the homestead steel works which ended in a battle between strikers and private security agents. The plant was finally occupied by the state militia. The union was virtually bankrupted and union support declined.
Indian Child Welfare Act 19..
- This attempted to end the practice of forcibly removing Indian children from their families.
Indian Claims Comission
Set up after WW2 in theory to regain lost land for the Native Americans but it was slow and usually offered compensation rather than land.
Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act.
Passed under the presidency of Gerald Ford this recognised the Native Americans right to self-determination and witnessed the abandonment of assimilation. Tribes could take responsibility for their own education, health and social services.
The development of large scale industries such as steel and textiles across the country.
Legal order prevents an action from being carried out or in some instances forcing an action to be carried out.
Jim Crow laws
Contemporary term for an African American coined in a music hall song of the 1830s which was used to refer to discriminatory laws. The laws affected the whole way of life in the South.
Lol - knights of labour
Labour organisation founded in 1869 and developed in the period after 1879 under the leadership of Terence Powderly. It conducted a successful strike against the Wabash Railroad in 1885 which further encouraged workers to join. However it lost influence following the Haymarket affair of 1886.