Error detection & correction Flashcards
What is majority voting
A method of checking for errors by producing the same data and confirming its the same each time
What are advantages of majority voting
Know errors location
What are disadvantages of majority voting
Only detects one error
If a message is 10101 what will it be in majority voting? (3)
If the majority vote is 1111101110111000 then what is the message? (3)
What is a checksum
A small sized datum
What is a checksum derived from
A block of digital data
What is the purpose of checksum
To detect errors
How could errors be introduced
In transportation or in storage
What is the purpose of a check digit
To check if the data is accurate
What is a check digit
A digit added to the end of a binary string
What are the steps of using a check digit
O (original)
W (weighting)
M (multiply)
A (addition)
D (divide 11)
S (subtract 11 - remainder)
C (check digit)