Erikson Stages Flashcards
What is the first stage?
Tust verses Mistrust
What are the positive outcome in the first stage?
the positve outcome is that will have faith in thier surroundings and veiw the world in a predicitable way.
What are the negitive outcome in the first stage?
The negitive outcome is that the child will become onsucre and will veiw the world as a unpricatbel and unsafe.
What is the second stage of Erikson?
Autonomy verses Shame or Doudt
What are the positive outcome of Automony verses shame or doudt
THe positve outcome is that they build self confidence and independence.
The negitive outcome of Sutommony verses shame or doudt
the negitive outcome is that they experience self doudt or a sense of shame
What is the third stage in Eriksons?
Intiative verses Guilt
What are the positve outocome of Intiative verses Guilt?
The positve outcome is that they build confidence to try new things and acknoldge that mastakes happen
What are the negitive oucome of intiative verses Guilt.
The negitive outcome is that they are unwilling to try new things and see mistakes as failure
What is the fourth stage of Erikson?
Industry verses Inferioity
What are the positive outcomes of Industry verses Inferioity?
The positve outcome is that they become conifent in understanding their skills and that they are capablibe of doing good things.
What is the negitive outcome for Industry verses Inferioity?
The negitive outcome is that their efforts don’t matter and that they are desgined to fail.
What is the fifth stage in Erikson?
Identity verses Idenitiy confusion
What are the positive outcomes of Indenity verses Idenitiy confusion?
The Positive outcome is that it devlopes reslisent sence of self.
WHat are the negitive outcomes of Indenity verses idenitiy confusion?
the negitive outcome is that it devleoped a fragile sense of ifentiy, oftern refection identity confustion.
What is the sixth stage of Eriksons.
Inimacy verses Isolation
What are the positive outcome of Inimacy verses Isolation?
The positive outcome is felling confident to tell other about themselfves and then build neaful relationships.
What are the negitive outcome for Intimacy verses Isolation
The negitve outcome is that they aviod to open up with others forming shallow relationships.
What is the Seventh Stage of Erkison?
Generativity verses Stagnation
What is the positive outcome of Generativity verses Stagnation?
The Positive outcome is that people feel accomplished and satified, attention to need of others
What are the negitive outcome of Generatvity verses Stagnation?
The negitive outcome is regret and bitter of not accomplished anything self- centered
What is the positve outcome of Ego verses Despair?
The positve outcome is that they feel satified and peace they had achived
What is the final stage of Erikson
Ego veres Despair
What is the negitive outcome of Ego verses Despair?
The negitive outcome is that they feel disatified with how they life turned out
What are the Criticisms/ Limitations of Eriksons theory?
- Each of the positive and negative characteristics is difficult to measure
- His description of each stage is very bad
- Erikson’s Theory failed to include certain demographics in his research
-Poor Guide to action - New evidence suggest careers and other life events can shape identity beyond the adolescents years.