Ergot Alkaloids are usually produced by the fungus?
Claviceps purpurea - may infect grasses and grains.
What are the major actions of ergot alkaloids?
- Act as partial agonists at alpha adrenoceptors and 5HT receptors.
- Act as potent agonists at dopamine receptors.
Outline the 3 major subgroups of ergot alkaloids based on their primary effects.
- Vessels e.g Ergotamine - causes prolonged vasoconstriction .
- Uterus e.g Ergonovine - causes powerful uterine contractions.
- Brain
– Lysergic acid Diethylamide causes prominent hallucinations .
– Pergolide & bromocriptine inhibit prolactin release ( potent dopamine agonists).
Outline the major clinical applications of Ergot Alkaloids.
- Used in treatment of migraines.
- Management of post Partum Haemorrhage.
- Treatment of hyperprolactinaemia & Parkinsonism.
List down the major Ergot Alkaloids commonly used in treatment of migraines.
- Ergotamine
- Methysergide
- Dihydroxyergonovine
- Ergonovine
- Triptan derivatives
Which ergot alkaloids are used in management of postpartum hemorrhage?
- Ergonovine
- Ergotamine
– must not be given before placental delivery because they cause powerful and prolonged uterine contractions that may result in abortion.
Describe the features of ergot Alkaloid toxicity.
- Prolonged use of Ergotamine & Ergonovine can result in prolonged vasoconstriction, resulting in ischemia & gangrene which may necessitate amputation .
- Hyperplasia of connective tissue which may result in hydronephrosis ( retroperitoneal) and cardiac valvular & conduction abnormalities ( subendocardial).
- Nausea , vomiting, diarrhea.
- Marked contractions which may result in abortion.
- Hallucinations resembling psychosis with chronic use of LSD.
What is the most effective antidote used to reverse ergot Alkaloid toxicity?
- Nitroprusside
- Nitroglycerin
The maximum dose of Ergotamine per week in treatment of migraines is ?
10 mg
Which drug causes vasoconstriction despite being an alpha - adrenergic blocker?
How does dihydro-ergotamine different from Ergotamine?
It is a more potent alpha adrenergic blocker and a less potent vasoconstrictor.
Ergotamine relieves migraines by?
Constricting cranial vessels and reducing perivascular neurogenic inflammation.
Most useful ergot derivatives used in treatment of hyperprolactinaemia?
- Bromocriptine
- Pergolide
- Cabergoline
Speed of absorption & peak blood levels of Ergotamine after oral administration can be improved by?
Intake of caffeine alongside the drug .
– 100mg of caffeine for each 1mg of Ergotamine.
The drug of choice for controlling postpartum hemorrhage is?
Methyl - ergometrine
Major difference between the Amine Alkaloids & Peptide Alkaloids?
- Amine alkaloids are derived from ammonia, while peptide alkaloids are derived from amino acids.
*Amine Alkaloids have higher bioavailability due to better solubility, absorption, and stability while Peptide Alkaloids have Lower bioavailability because of enzymatic degradation, larger size, and poor membrane permeability.