Ergonomic In Dentistry Flashcards
What is ergonomic?
It is an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that things and people interact most efficiently and safely.
Fundamental prerequisite to proper dental treatment are?
- Proper positioning of the patient and the operator
- Illumination
- Retraction for optimal visibility
What is the result of bad posture?
Musculoskeletal disorder
Who and when first specialised dental chair was invented?
It was made by JOSIAH FLAGG, an American dentist
Factors to keeping mind regarding dental chair?
- Comfort to the patient
- Total body support
- Headrest- supporting chin
- Maximum working area
- convenient location with adjustable control switches
- Foot switch improve infection control
Patients position
- Upright
- Reclined 45 degree
- Almost supine
- Head below feet
Most common patient position?
- Almost supine
2. Reclined 45 degree
What is almost supine position?
In this chair position is such that head, knees and feet are approx at that same level.
What is reclined 45 degree?
In this position, chair is reclined at 45 degree because mandibular occlusal surface is at 45 degree.
Patients positions?
- All his body parts are well supported.
- Head should be supported by headrest.
- Patient head should be in line with his back.
Operating positions?
Level of teeth same with level of operator’s elbow.
Operator’s positions?
- Right front : 7 o’clock
- Right : 9 o’clock
- Right rear : 11 o’clock
- Direct rear : 12 o’clock
Operator position requirements?
- Forearm parallel to the floor
- Thighs parallel to the floor
- Hip angle 90 degree
Heel touch the floor - When working 9-12 o’clock, feet spread apart so that legs and the chair base form a tripod- stable position.
- Don’t keep your legs behind patient chair
- Back should be straight
7.head erect
Right front position??
7 o’clock
- Examination of the patient
- Working areas :
A. Mandibular anterior
B. Maxillary anterior
C. Mandibular posterior right side - To increase visibility, the patients head may be turns toward the operator.
Right position
9 o’clock
1. Dentist exactly right to the patient.
2. Workings areas
A. Facial surface of maxillary right posterior
B. Facial surface of mandibular right posterior
C. Occlusal surface of mandibular right posterior
Right rear position
11 o’clock
1. Dentist sits behind and slightly right to the patient and left arm is positioned around patients head
2. Working areas
A. Palatal and Incisal surface of maxillary teeth
B.mandibular teeth
Direct rear position
12 o’clock
- Dentist sits directly behind the patient and looks down over the patients head
- Working area
A. Lingual surface of mandibular anterior teeth
B. Lingual surface of maxillary anterior teeth
Neutral neck position
* goal * avoid
- Head tilted 0-15 degree
- Line from the eye to the treatment area should be as near as vertical
- Head tipped too far forward
- Head tilted to one side
Neutral back position?
Goal & avoid
- leaning forward slightly from the waist or hip
- Trunk flexion of 0-20
1. Overflexion of the spine
Neutral shoulder position
1. Shoulder in horizontal line
- Weight evenly balanced when seated
- Shoulder lifted up
- Shoulder hunched forward
- Sitting with weight on one hip
Neutral upper arm position
- upper arms hang parallel to the long axis of torso
- Elbows at waist level held slightly away from body
- Greater than 20 degree of elbow abduction
- Elbow held above waist level
Neutral forearm position
- Parallel to the floor
- Raised or lowered by pivoting at elbow joint
1. Angle between forearm and upper arm less than 60
Neutral hand position
- Little finger side of palm slightly lower than thumb side of palm
- Wrist aligned with forearm
- thumb side of palm rotated down so that palm is parallel to the floor
- Hand and wrist bend
Orientation of maxilla and mandibular occlusal surface
Maxillary occlusal surface- perpendicular to the floor
Mandibular occlusal surface-oriented 45” to the floor
Reasons for early retirement among dentists?
- Musculoskeletal disorder(MSD)- 29.5%
- CVS-21.2%
- Neurotic symptoms-16.5%
- Tumours-7.6%
- Disease of nervous system-6.1%
Operator zone for right handed?
7-12 o clock
Static zone for right handed?
12-2 o’clock
Assistant zone for right handed ?
2 -4 o’clock
Transfer zone for right handed ?
5-7 o’clock
Operator zone for left handed
12-5 oclock
Static zone for left handed?
12-10 oclock
Assistant zone for left handed?
10-8 oclock
Transfer zone for left handed ?
5-7 oclock