Ergo 2 Flashcards
Quiz 1
_________ is concerned with mental processess, such as perceptioon, memory, reasoning, and motor response, as they affect interactions among humans and other elements of a system.
Cognitive Ergonomics
Ergonomic Advantages
- Minimizing _____ and _____
- Minimizing _____ and _____
- Improving _____ and _____
- Eliminating or minimizing _____, _____, and _____
- Minimizing _____ and _____ associated with _____ and _____.
- fatigue; overextion
- absenteeism; labor turnover
- quality; quantity of output
- injuries; strains; sprains
- lost time; costs; injuries; accidents
Progress in Knowledge and Technology
- Learning about _____, _____, and _____
- _____, and _____ new theories and practices.
- human desires; capabilities; limitation
- Developing; applying
Moral Imperative
- Maximizing _____, _____, _____, and _____
- Improving _____, and _____
- safety; efficiency; comfort; productivity
- human comfort; quality of life
The field of cognitive ergonomics emerged predominantly in the 1970s with the advent of the personal computers and new developments in the fields of _____ and _____
Cognitive Psychology and Artificial Intelligence
Cognitive ergonomics is the application of _____ to work, to achieve the optimization between people and their work.
It is considered as an _____, and has rapidly developed over the last 27 years.
Applied Science
According to _____, _____ was one of the pioneers of _____, and advocated the notion of “_____”.
Van der Veer
Enid Mumford
Interactive System Engineering
User-centered Designs
Criteria for Developing a user-centered design
- Task Analysis
- Analyzing motor control cognition during visual tasks.
Cognitive ergonomics is a division of ergonomics (human factor), a discipline and practice that aims to ensure _____, _____, and _____, and _____, _____, and _____
Appropriate interaction between work, Product and Environment
Human needs, Capabilities, and Limitations
_____ ergonomics = mental _____
Cognitive ergonomics = mental processes
It is the cognitive limitation of consumers
Theory of Bounded Rationality (Simon, 1957)
According to the bounded rationality, we make suboptimal decision due to three factors - _____, _____. _____
Cognitive Limitations, Imperfect Informatuon, and time-constraints
______ refers to our inability as humans to process information in an optimal manner. In other words, we are unable to consider all available factors in our decision making.
Cognitive Limitations
Theory of Human Error
Unsafe Acts
-Unintended Action
* Slip
> Attentional Failures
* Lapse
> Memory Failures
- Intended Action
* Mistake
> Rule-based or knowledge-
based mistakes
* Violation
> Routine violations, Exceptional
Violations Sabotage
_____ is an emerging field that investigates the _____ in relation to behavioral performance in natural environment and everyday setting
human brain
“_____ is as comfortable at work as the _____.”
Mind ; body
If physical surroundings reflects and support their natural cognitive tendencies, there will be _____ and _____.
> less errors
performance & productivity - positive boost
Ergonomics is
- _____ Centered
- Multi-_____
- _____ Oriented
Human Centered
Application Oriented
______ is the study of mental processes, which includes determining the characteristics and properties of the mind and how it oeprates.
Cognitive Psychology
Who made the experiment about How long it take to make a decision??
Donders’s Pioneering Experiment
Who invented Structuralism and Analytic Introspection and what did he invent?
Wundt’s and his Psychology Laboratory
His experiment is about the time course of forgetting?
Ebbinghaus’s Memory Experiment
Who wrote Principles of Psychology
William James
Donders conclude that the decision making process took _____.
one-tenth of a second
(Donder) Time to make a decision Formula
Choice Reaction Time - Simple Reaction Time = Time to make a decision.
Wundt’s approach, which dominated psychology in the late 1800s and early 1900s was called _____
According to structuralism, our overall experience is determined by combining basic elements of experience the structuralists called _____
Wundt wanted to create a “_____”, which would include all the basic sensation involved in creating experience.
periodic table of minds
Wundt thought he could achieve this scientific description of the component of experience by using _____, a technique in which trained participants described their experience nd thought processes in response to stimuli
analytic introspection
How long it takes to respond to presentation of stimuli is called _____
reaction time
Ebbinghaus used a measure called _____, calculated as follows, to determine how much was forgotten after a particular delay;
Savings Formula
Savings = (Original time to learn first) - (Time to relearn list after deleay)
Observation based on the function of his own mind, not experiment
William James’s Principle of Psychology
First cognitive psychology experiment
Donders (1868)
Established the first laboratory of scientific psychoology
Wundt (1879)
Quatitative measurement of mental processes
Ebbinghaus (1885)
First Psychology textbook, some of his observation are still valid today.
James (1890)
Watson proposed a new approach called _____
_____ became dissatisfied with the method of analytic introspection.
Watsons Experiment name
The “Little Albert” Experiment and Classical Conditioning (1920)
______ provided another tool for studying the relationship between stimulus and response, which ensured that this approach would dominate psychology for decades to come.
Operant Conditioning
_____ trained rats to find food in a four-armed maze and beleived that rat had created a _____, a representation of the maze in its mind
Tolman (1938)
cognitive map
Verbal Behavior / Operant Conditioning
Skinner (1957)
He argued that children do not only learn language through imitation and reinforcement
Chomsky (1959)
It was built on James’s idea of attention. Present message A in left ear and message B in right ear.
Cherry (1953)
_____ developed flow diagram to show what occurs as a person direct attention to one stimulus
Broadbent (1958)
“making a machine behave in ways that would be called intelligent if a human were so behaving”
Artificial Intelligent
_____ created the logic theories program that could create proofs of mathematical theorem involving logic principles.
Newell and Simoun
_____ developed a three-stage model of memory:
- _____ (less than 1 second)
- _____ (a few seconds, limited capacity)
-_____(long duration, high capacity)
Arkinson and Shiffrin model of memory
Sensory Memory
Short-term Memory
Long-Term Memory
Studies behavior of people with brain damage
Studies electrical response of the nervous system including brain neurons
Brain Imaging (PET)
Position Emission Tomography
Brain Imaging (fMRI)
functional magnetic resonance imaging
It is one of the largest and most complex organ in the human body
Brain is made up of _____ that communicate in trillion off connections called _____
100 billion nerves
The _____ is the outermost layer of brain cells.
The _____ is between the spinal cord and the rest of the brain. basic function like sleeping and breathing are controlled here.
brain stem
The _____ are a cluster of structures in the center of the brain. It coordinates messages between multiple other brain areas.
basal ganglia
The _____ is at the base and the back of the brain. It is responsible for coordination and balance.
The _____ are responsible for problem solving and judgement and motor function
frontal lobe
The _____ manage sensation, handwriting, and body position
parietal lobe
The _____ are involved with memory and hearing
temporal lobe
The _____ contains the brains’ visual processing system
Occipital Lobe
The brain is surrounded by a layer of tissues called the _____. The _____ helps protect the brain from injury.
skull (cranium)
The study of physiological basis of cognition.
Cognitive Neuroscience
The purpose of cognitive neuroscience is to determine how the _____.
how the brain functions and achieve performance.
Cognitive neuroscience is considered as a branch of both _____
psychology and neuroscience
_____ is an example of a biological process that influence cognition.
_____ plays a role in how we feel pleasure
The _____ is the basic working unit of the brain, a specialized cells designed to transmit information to other nerve cells, muscle, or gland cells.
Each neurons has a _____, an _____, and _____
cell body, axon, and dendrites
The _____ contains the nucleus and cytoplasm. It contains mechanism to keep cell alive
cell body
The _____ extends from the cell body and often gives rises to many smaller branches before ending at nerve terminals, which receives information from other neurons.
_____ are tube filled with fluid that transmits electrical signal to other neurons.
_____ proposed that signal could be transmitted throughout the net in all direction.
Nerve net theory
He established neuron doctrine
Ramon y Cajal
Individual nerve cells transmit signal and are not continuously linked with other cells.
Neuron Doctrine
small shafts of hollow glass
filled with a conductive salt solution that can pick up
electrical signals at the electrode tip and conduct
these signals back to a recording device.
There are two electrodes: a
_____, shown with its recording tip inside
the neuron, and a _____, located some
distance away so it is not affected by the electrical
signals. The difference in charge between the recording
and reference electrodes is fed into a computer and
displayed on the computer’s screen.
Recording electrodes
Reference electrodes
This value, which stays the same as long as
there are no signals in the neuron, is called the
resting potential
Shows what happens when the neuron’s
receptor is stimulated so that a _____ is
transmitted down the axon.
nerve impulse
This impulse, which is called the _____, lasts about 1 millisecond (1/1000 of a
action potential
Everything a person experiences is based on
_____in the person’s nervous system
_____research with visual stimuli among cats.
David Hubel and Thorsten Wiesel.
The structure of the brain changes with experience
Dependency Plasticity
The problem of neural representation for the senses has been called the
Problem of sensory coding
Type of Sensory Coding
Specificity Coding
Population Coding
Sparse Coding
Representation of a stimulus by the firing of specifically turned specialized to respond only to a specific stimulus. The idea that an object could be
represented by the firing of a specialized
neuron that responds only to that object
Specifificity Coding
Representation of a stimulus by the pattern of firing oa a large number of nuerons. the representation of a particular object by the pattern of firing of a large
number of neurons (figure (b))
Population Coding
Representation of a stimulus by a pattern of firing of only a small group of nuerons, with the majority of neurons remaining silent. occurs when a particular
object is represented by a pattern of firing of only
a small group of neurons, with the majority of
neurons remaining silent
Sparse Coding
_____ (3-mm-thick layer covering the brain) contains mechanism resposible for most cognitive function.
Cerebral Cortex
Primary Receiving areas if the senses:
Occipital lobe: _____
Parietal lobe: _____
Temporal lobe: _____
touch, temperature, pain
hearing, taste, and smell
Coordination of information recceived from all senses
frontal lobe
Measures neural activity by identifying highly oxugenated hemoglobin molecules
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
_____ responds specifically to faces
Fusiform Face area (FFA)
Responds specifically to places (indoor/outdoor scenes)
Parahippocampal place area (PPA)
Responds specifically to pictures of bodies and parts of bodies
Extrastriate body area (EBA)
The _____ is activated by places (top row) but not by other stimuli (bottom row)
Parahippocampal place area (PPA)
Structural description of the network of elements and connection forming the human brain