Equipment Requirements Flashcards
What five instruments are required for a Day VFR flights?
Magnetic Compass
Airspeed Indicator
Engine Instruments
Engine Instruments are required for Day VFR flights, which engine instruments do you need?
- Tachometer
- Oil Pressure
- Oil Temp
- Fuel Guages for each main tank
- Manifold Pressure Guage (for AC with variable pitch props, super or turbo-charged engins, and helicopters)
In addition to Day VFR equipment, what equipment do you need to go VFR OTT?
- Pitot heat
- Heading Indicator
- Attitude Indicator
- Turn Coordinator
- Two way radio
- Radio Navigation (nav that is independant of the compass)
In addition to Day VFR Equipment, what equipment do you need for a Night VFR flight?
Night VFR:
* F - Fuses
* H - Heading Indicator
* A - Adequate Electrical Energy
* T - Turn Coordinator
* L - Lights (Ldg, Pos/Col, Inst Panel)
In addition to Day and Night VFR equipment, what does a private aircraft used for commercial operations require?
- Attitude Indicator
- Pitot heat
A restraining system instead of seat belts may be used when:
- The person is on a stretcher, in an incubator, or something similar
- The person is going to be parachuting from the aircraft
CARs 605.24 requires that safety belts include a shoulder harness when:
- Operations like aerobatic maneuvers and external loads and aerial applications will be performed
- All seats if in a flight deck must have shoulder harnesses.
What are the oxygen requirements for unpressurized aircraft?
For pressurized aircraft what are the oxygen requirements?
If an ELT becomes unservicable, for how long can the aircraft continue to be operated?
30 Days, provided you have done the following:
- The ELT has been removed and sent to maintenance
- A placard is displayed in the cockpit stating there is no ELT, with the date it was removed
No person shall conduct a takeoff in a turbojet-powered aircraft that is operated under Part VII without a standby attitude indicator unless…
- The AC has a take off weight of less than 12 500bls
- Was operated as a commercial air service in Canada prior to Oct 10 1996
- It is a transport category helicopter not operated in IFR flight
What types of aircraft don’t require a transponder?
Commercial Jets when flying over Canada