Equipment Flashcards

Rodent cervical dislocator

Large & Small Animal Decapitator (Guillotine)

Microwave Fixation System: Used to euthanize rodents < 500 g; provides immediate deactivation & fixation of brain enzymes & chemicals (acetylcholine, dopamine, DOPAC, HVA, and c-AMP).

Grip Strength Meter:
measures force required to make a mouse or rat release its grip. Effects of drugs, muscle relaxants, disease, or aging or neural damage on muscle strength may be assessed.

Hole Board Test:
Measures drug effects on exploratory behavior in mice. Infrared detector in each hole records mouse probing behavior.

Activity Chambers

Eight Arm Radial Arm Maze:
Rodents in search of food use visual environmental signals and complex spatial strategies and do not return to previously-visited locations, known as the win-shift strategy. The solution to the Olton Octagonal Maze (OOM) involves Working Memory (WM).

Morris Water Maze (just add water):
MWM task involves placing the rodent in a pool of water where it must use visual cues to remember the location of a hidden platform just below the water’s surface. Probe trial (transfer tests) are also used to assess the rodent’s ability to retrieve information learned in previous hidden platform tests.

Skinner box

Skinner box
B.F. Sknner’s elaboration of the theory od reinforcement and his advocacy of its application helped to establish the Behaviorism and Programmed Insruction movement.

Malaguard Sound Attenuating Cubicle with Viewing Port (Operant Test Chamber)

Shuttle avoidance box:
Discriminated avoidance learning, shuttle box behaviors, crossing’s behavior

Shuttle avoidance box (top view)

Hot Plate Analgesia Test
Measures latency of sterotyped paw lick response after dropping mouse or rat onto how surface (30-60 C)

Plantar Analgesia Test
Measures paw sensitivity to heat stimulation similar to Hot Plate Test, however, animal is unrestrained and heat is applied to bottom of single foot after animal is at rest. Repeated testing does not result in sensitization.

Rat stereotaxic apparatus

Dog/Monkey adapter for sterotaxic apparatus:
blunt ear bars

Fluid percussion device
Used to induce brain injury in rats with cephalic caps

Fluid percussion device
Used to induce brain injury in rats with cephalic caps

Rodent treadmill

Rotarod treadmill
Used to assess effects of drugs, brain damage, or diseases on motor coordination or fatigue resistance. Mouse and rat models; constant or accelerating speed models; drum has non-slip surface.

Tail Flick Analgesia Test
Test for analgesic effects. Rodent’s tail is placed over window on platform while being restrained. Intense beam of light is applied to tail (60-170 C) and latency period is measured until tail is flicked out of the light beam.

Infant ventilator

Havard Apparatus Respiratory Pump

Havard Apparatus Respiratory pump

Havard Apparatus Rodent Ventilator

Harvard Apparatus rodent ventilator

Beck Airway Airflow Monitor (BAAM)
Facilitates blind nasotracheal intubation by whistling when your patient exhales. Has been reported for use with blind oral intubation in rabbits. Attaches to standard ET tube connector.

Sonicator Ultrasonic instrument cleaner (top off)

Surgical instrument washer

Sterilizer Mechanical Air Removal (SMART) pack
Used to check vacuum of steam autoclave

Bowie-Dick Test Card or Daily Air Removal Test (DART)
Used to test vacuum of steam autoclave

Bowie-Dick Test Card (DART - Daily Air Removal Test)
Used to test vacuum of steam sutoclave; complete color change to black indicates sufficient vacuum

Steris surgical instrument sterilizer - paracetic acid

Steris surgical instrument sterilizer - paracetic acid

Ethylene oxide sterilizer

Ethylene oxide sterilizer

Ethylene oxide (ETO) sterilizer

Ethylene oxide sterilizer

ETO biological (Bacillus subtilis) indicator

Sterrad biological indicator
Bacillus subtilis used to test ethylene oxide sterilizers

Plasma H2O2 sterilizers

Plasma H2O2 sterilizer

Reverse Osmosis water purification method

Water purification system filter + UV light

Water purification system: UV light + pump hydro

Used in chemical disinfection

RODAC plate
(Replicate Organism Direct Agar Contact -OR- Replicate Organism Detection and Counting)

Feed pellet hardness tester

Direct reading anemometer
Measures air velocity

Wand anemometer (velometer)
Used to measure air flow or velocity

Draeger tubes
Used for detection of environmental ammonia. Blue color indicates ammonia levels in ppm. First tube is within 25 ppm standard, but other two tunes far exceed 25 ppm.

Draeger gas monitor

Hollow fiber bioreactor schematic
Used to produce monoclonal antibodies

Miniperm bioreactor
single unit used to produce monoclonal antibodies

Miniperm bioreactors
Four units with a remote control used to produce monoclonal antibodies

peristaltic pump

peristaltic pump

syringe pumps

wand anemometer (velometer)
Used to measure air flow or velocity