Equine GI Sx III Flashcards
Lesion Distribution among referral population
30-35% SI - 60-80% of these are caused by strangulating lesions 5% cecum -40-55% of these are impactions 50-60% large colon 10% small colon - 30-40% of these are impactions
Surgical decision making
Suspected strangulating obstruction
-Distended SI, tight bands, serosanguinous belly tap
Lesions not responding to medical management
-NSE, right dorsal displacement of the colon, impaction
Severe/chronic non-strangulating obstructions
-Large impaction, enterolith
Before Sx
As much prep/stabilization as possible At a minimum, establish vascular access - Jug cath, large bore (14g or larger) Fluids/colloids - Hypertonic saline (7.2% and/or isotonic fluids Broad - spec abx Analgesia (usually already given) - If the horse has gotten an NSAID within past 12h, don't give more
Exploratory laparotomy
Dorsal recumbency, ventral midline incision from umbilicus cranially (30-40cm incision)
- Protect underlying viscera (usually gas distended)
- Blunt penetration of peritoneum
Primary problem may or may not be immediately obvious
- Palpation of the viscera in place to try to determine where the problem is
Exploratory laparotomy procedure
Relieve gas distension (cecum, colon) can help exteriorize viscers
Gentle exteriorization of large colon
- Generally place onto colon tray between back legs
- Closed hands, cradle and rock
Colon and cecum are straight relative to each other when the cecocolic ligament is visualized
Procedure cont’d
Examine SI systematically from ileum to duodenum
- Follow ileocecal fold from dorsal band to the cecum to antimesenteric border of the ileum
Gentle exteriorization- reach into abdomen and bring out, don’t pull from outside
Small colon generally evaluated last
What can you access?
Jejunum and proximal ileum
Apex and part of body of cecum
75% of large colon
Middle portion of small colon
NOT: Stomach Duodenum, distal ileum Base of cecum Distal right dorsal colon and transverse colon Proximal and distal small colon Rectum
Sx correction SI
Identify the primary lesion - strangulating or non-strangulating?
Evaluate health of bowel - decision to resect or leave in place
- Length and location of lesion important factors
Decompress SI into the cecum (gas, fluid)
- Even gentle handling will result in irritation/petechiation
- Risk of post-op adhesions
Methods for evaluating bowel health
Clinical assessment: Color of serosa Color of mucosa Motility Wall thickness Health of vasculature
Do any of these change after strangulating lesion is corrected?
Ancillary methods: IV fluorescein dye admin Surface oximetry Doppler US Histopath - SNAP frozen intraop interpretation Formalin fixed post-op interpretation
SI Resection and Anastomosis
Identify extent of compromised bowel
- Make sure you have good blood supply to the ends staying in
Jejunum-jejunum, jejunum-ileum, jejunum-cecum
Decompress oral SI through the cut end
1 or 2 layer closure- careful with inverting patterns
Remove diseased segment, oversew ileal stump
Side-to-side anastomosis between dorsal and medial band, with stump oriented toward base
Sx correction: Cecum
For cecal impaction non-responsive to medical management, a typhlotomy or cecal bypass may be required
8-12cm typhlotomy incision between the ventral and lateral cecal bands near the apex
- Manipulation from the base upwards to evacuate ingesta
Anastomosis for bypass made the lateral and dorsal cecal bands and the lateral and medial free bands of the right ventral colon
Sx correction: Large colon
Exteriorize colon - ID displacement or direction of torsion
Correct torsion - flat hands, gentle tissue handling
- Determine if straight by palpation and by visualization of cecocolic ligament
Often need to dump colon contents via pevic flexure enterotomy
Evaluate health of colon - decision to resect or leave in place
Large colon resection
End - to - end or side - to - side
Hand sewn or stapled
Try to take all compromised tissue
Sx correction: Small colon
Reduction of small colon impactions typically accomplished with intraluminal fluid and gentle extraluminal massage
Enteroliths/fecaliths need to be removed via enterotomy
- Go through the antimesenteric band
Resection and anastomosis similar to SI
- For segmental strangulation - rare