Equine Foot Flashcards
What is the distal sesmoid bone more commonly refered to in the horse?
The navicular bone
What special features does the “coffin bone” have?
This is the distal phalanx and has an extensor process which lies outside of the horny hoof as well as lateral cartilages, this may become ossified in old age
Name the joints of the digit
Metacarpopphalangeal joint (fetlock) as well as the proximal and distal interphalangeal joints.
What are the sites of potential chronic inflammation in the equine foot’s joints?
The dorsal and palmer synovial recesses of the joints.
Synovial sheaths surrounding the SDFT and the DDFT
The navicular(podotrochlear) bursa between the navicular bones palmar/plantar aspect and the DDFT.
What is the role of the distal sesamoid bone?
It is anti concussive. Force is transferred through the hoof, digital cushion and DDFT.
What are the two types of injury to the navicular bone?
- Acute fracture
2. “navicular disease” - can include erosion of the bone or inflammation of the navicular bursa and DDFT.
What are the four main parts to the hoof?
The periople, the wall, the sole and the frog.
How can the wall be further sub-divided?
Toe, quaters and heel. Stratum externum, medium and internum
What is the name given to the dermis of the hoof?
The corium.
Why might ossification of the lateral cartilages be detrimental?
It would diminish the ability of the heel to deform and absorb concussive fore resulting in injury to the limb.
Where does the horny hoof grow from?
The epidermis covering the corium, not the corium itself.
How is venous return aided in the hoof?
Compressive forces aid venous drainage
What causes laminitis?
Opening of the AV anastamoses in the laminae leading to the seperation of the dermal laminae from the epidermal laminae.
Where are the medial and lateral digital nn. derived from?
Medial - median nerve
Lateral - median and ulnar nerve
In which direction is a diagnostic nerve block performed?
Distal to proximal.
What is the sequence of vessels to be considered when carrying out a diagnostic nerve block?
Dorsal-palmar/plantar = VAN