equine derm Flashcards
- what condition is this
- discuss clinical appearance
- epitheliogenesis imperfecta =
aplasia cutis congenita
- it is inherited
simple autosomal recessive trait causing discontinuity of the epithelium in folas - there can be more problems than the skin eg heart problems
- midly affected animals may develop normaly, their ulcers healing by scar formation
what condition is this and hown do u tx it
Cornu cutaneum
little horns from the skin.can sx remove it
- what condition is this
- Hyperelastosis cutis is a congenital connective tissue abnormality that has been described in arabs and quater horses bt has been seen in other breeds incidentally
the skin is hyperelastic(usually on the back and neck) and tears easily. wounds are slow to heal or fail to heal at all. foals with this abnormality will die quickly but sometimes it only becomes clinically obvious and significant at a later age. there is no therapy but when the disease is not too extended horses may useable when txd carefully
- more important in belgian horses
discuss the mechanism for Hyperelastosis cutis
= dermatosparaxis = Ehler-Danlos =
hyperelastosis cutis
in the Quarter horse it is an autosomal
recessive trait
gene mutation in a protein structure of
collagen (cyclophilin B mutation)
is seen in many breeds
in Quarter horse there is DNA test for
congenital and hereditary problems
took the bx and horse got more skin.
they get more big wounds wen they get wounds
what condition is this
Melanocytic nevi = congenital melanoma
in a newborn foal
ermoid cyst
dermoid cyst
in gut.can be in different places
can be removed by sx if necessary
bt heal by primary intentions
discuss mechanism for this dz
Congenital progressive lymphoedema
starts mostly with Chorioptic mange
all four limbs (often hind worse)
starts 2-4 years at plantar sides and
develop plaques, tuberous skin masses
and ulcerations
secondary infections worsen the problem
lymphangitis is common
cant tx it never try sx it gets worse
mechanisms for Congenital progressive lymphoedema
pathological degradation of elastic fibres
in the dermis and the lymphatic vessels
leads to a deficient support of the distal
lower elastine concentrations
affected horses have increased levels of
serum anti-elastin antibodies
lymph drainage is defective
interstitial fluid stasis and delayed
lymphatic drainage
which dz is this
- pemphigus foliaceus is the commonest form occuring in horses of all ages.
clinical features includes vesiles,pustules and crusts in the body and there may be concurent signs of systemic illness eg depression, poor appetite pyrexia and limb oedema - if u clean the skin u wont get the dx
- tx usually involves long term of high doese of corticosteroids. the px is poor for all affected horses but s somewhat better for yun yun horses where the dz is dx early and tx aggressively
how do u make dx for this dz
pemphigus foliacus
what condition is this
alopecia areata
idiopathic non inflamatory skin disoder characterised by often more or less patches of alopecia.affected horses are often refered for non responsive dermatophytosis9ring worms).the skin is however grossly normal and just the hairs are missing.
the condition is symptomlessas far as the horse is concerned.
skin bx is unrewarding
tx for alopecia areata
do nothing
may heal after amny yrs
what condition is this
Erythema multiforme
it looks like uticaria
can only dx with bx
it is rare acute self limiting urticaria like dz of unknown etiology characterised by annularelevations covered with intact skin,rather like donuts under the skin. the eruptions are non pruritic and will often disappear within 1-3 mnths. there is usually a very poor response to corticosteroids therapy even at high doses
what condition is this
Reticulated leukotrichia may be related to
erythema multiforme