Equine, Cattle and Other Flies Flashcards
What is the Latin name and family of the stable fly?
Name- Stomoxys calcitrans
Family- Muscidae
Sucks Blood
Where doe the stable fly (stomoxys calcitrans) breed and why?
breeds inside liveries, barns, stables
Eggs in dung, mixed with straw and urine, damp silage/sheltered compost heaps
What species does stomoxys calcitrans effect?
Horses and cattle but will attack others
Describe the life cycle of stomoxys calcitrans (stable fly)?
Eggs layer in barn etc, become 1st, 2nd 3rd larval stage, tans and becomes pupae, emerges into adult fly
How long does it take a population of stable fly (stomoxys calcitran) to build up in summer?
Every 2-3 weeks
Where do stomoxys calcitrans rest and mate?
Warm, sun exposed surfaces- gates, posts, farm machinery
Where does the stable fly prefer to feed and what is the host response?
Prefers lower parts of animal- legs and flanks
Host responses- stamping feet, shivering the skin, rapid head turn, gadding
What can stomoxys calcitran transmit and how?
Equine infections anaemia- mechanical transmission
Describe the appaearence of hydrotaea irritans and what is the common name?
Rasping mouth parts
Orange wing base
Greenish abdomen
The Headfly
What species does hyrotaea irritans effect?
Mainly horses, cattle, sheep, man
Rabbits and deer
Describe the life cycle of hydrotaea irritans
Deposits eggs on pasture soil
Only one generation each summer in July
1st 2nd 3rd instars, pupa, adult
What is normal behaviour for hydrotaea irritans and host response?
Exophillic (doesn’t enter buildings)
Typically on wooded pasture
Most active on overcast, warm, humid days
Host response- head turn, tail swishing
What is the Latin name of the face fly and where is it found on cattle and horses?
Musca autumnalis
Eyes, muzzle and face
Describe the lifecycle of Musca autumnalis
Develops in dung on pasture
Populations build up in late autumn
What diseases can Musca autumnalis cause?
Cattle: new forest eye/pink eye
Horses and cattle- vector for eye/stomach worms
Main significance is nuisance