direct measurement of force + torques using instrumentation
-often specific to tissues
what is dynamometry NOT good for
full body kinetic analysis of complex movement
inverse dynamics
-process of indirectly quantifying net joint forces + net joint moment from kinematic motion capture data + typically ground reaction force data from force plates
-it is a method involving sequential equilibrium analysis of segments of the kinetic chain of the body starting with a distal segment + moving proximally
what is inverse dynamics good for + not good for
-great for full body joint-wise kinetic analysis
-limited to providing tissue specific info
what are measured with a force plate
-free moment
what are the unknowns of solving equilibrium/inverse dynamics
-joint reaction force
-joint moments
what are the inputs for inverse dynamics problems
-motion capture
-manual measurements
-force plates
for inverse dynamics, where do we always start
distal segment
-this is where forces are known since we use GRF
moment of force
the turning effect of applied forces
force applied that acts through the COM causes what acceleration + what moment of force
-only linear acceleration
-no moment of force
force applied that doesn’t act through COM (force is on only one side of something) causes what acceleration + what moment of force
-linear acceleration
-rotation, moment of force
closer you hit to COM, smaller/larger the moment (turning effect)
a force causes what acceleration + what moment of force
-net acceleration = 0
-net force = 0
-there is still a turning effect
do pure moments cause translation
no- they are pure torque
force couple
2 opposopposing forces (equal + opposite direction) applied to different ends of a body (different but parallel lines of action) whose effect is a pure torque or moment