Equations Flashcards
Filtered Load
FL = (GFR {glomerular filtration rate}) * (Px {plasma concentration of x})
Note that each ion has a percent of total circulating volume that is bound to protein, which cannot be filtered. Thus you would have to determine the fraction of FL that is actually being filtered (free, unbound ions)
Urinary Excretion
Urinary Excretion = filtered load - amount reabsorbed + amount secreted
Tubular Reabsorption
Tubular Reabsorption = amount filtered - amount excreted + amount secreted
Peritubular Secretion
Peritubular Secretion = amount excreted + amount reabsorbed - amount filtered
Glomerular Filtration
Glomerular Filtration = amount excreted + amount reabsorbed - amount secreted
Urine Excretion Rate of x
Urine Excretion Rate of x = [Ux {urine concentration of x}] * (V {Urine Flow Rate})
Clearance of x
Cx = ([Ux {urine concentration of x}] * V {urine flow rate}) / ([Px] {plasma concentration of x})
Filtration Fraction
FF = GFR {glomerular filtration rate} / RBF {renal blood flow}
Note: RBF is synonymous with RPF (renal plasma flow)
Glomerular Filtration Rate
GFR = ([Ux {urine concentration of x}] * V {urine flow rate}) / [Px {plasma concentration of x}]
Where ‘x’ is either inulin or Creatinine
Effective Renal Plasma Flow
Effective RPF = ([Upah {urine concentration of PAH}] * V {urine flow rate}) / [Ppah {plasma concentration of PAH}]
PAH: Para-aminohippuric Acid
Clearance Ratio
CR = C(x) {clearance of x} / C(inulin) {clearance of inulin}
Reabsorption/Secretion Rate
Reabsorption/Secretion Rate = FL (filtered load) - Excretion Rate
= (GFR * [Px]) - ([Ux] * V)
If (+) = Net reabsorption
If (-) = Net secretion
Starling Equation GFR
GFR = Kf * Puf {capillary ultrafiltration pressure}
GFR = Kf {filtration coefficient} [(Pgc {glomerular hydrostatic pressure} - Pbs {bowmans hydrostatic pressure}) - (“pi”gc {glomerular oncotic pressure} - “pi”bs” {bowmans oncotic pressure})]
Serum (plasma) Osmolarity (hard way)
(2 * [Serum Na+]) + ([Serum Glucose]/18) + (BUN / 2.8)
Serum (plasma) Osmolarity (easy way)
2 * [serum Na+]