Equations Flashcards
no. cases of the disease at specific time point/period ////////////// total no. people in the population at same time point/period
all NEW cases of disease in population over specific time period ///////// total population at start of time period
odds of disease
no. new cases of disease //// no. people still disease free
(all in a specified time period)
incidence rate
no. NEW cases of disease in a specified time period //// person-time at risk in that time period
risk ratio
risk in the exposed group
risk in the unexposed group
odds ratio of outcome
odds of outcome in exposed group
odds of outcome in unexposed group
incident rate ratio
incidence rate in the exposed group
incidence rate in unexposed group
attributable risk (AR)
incidence (rate) in exposed - incidence (rate) in unexposed
attributable risk fraction (can express as percentage or decimal)
incidence in exposed group
population attributable risk (PAR)
incidence in whole population - incidence in unexposed group
population attributable fraction (PAF)
incidence in whole population
describe how DIRECT age standardisation works
calculate death rates for each age group in your population
apply these rates to the same age groups in a “standard population”
produces expected deaths for each age group, and can total these to get the DSR (directly standardised rate) per 1000.
e.g. total population = 1000
total expected deaths = 38.5
DSR = 38.5 deaths per 1000 population
describe how INDIRECT age standardisation works
take a set of “standard death rates”
apply these rates to your population
this produces expected deaths per age group
then you get the ratio of observed to expected deaths:
(SMR = standardised mortality ratio)
what standardised “thing” do direct and indirect standardisation use?
direct = standard population indirect = standard death rates
odds ratio of exposure
odds of exposure among cases // odds of exposure among controls
absolute risk reduction/difference (ARR/ARD)
incidence in control group - incidence in treatment group
number needed to treat
1 / ARR
true positives / no. people with the disease
a / a+c
true negatives / no. people with no disease
b / b+d
true positives / no. positive results
a / a+b
true negatives / no. negative results
d / c+d
DSR population A / DSR population B
calculate population attributable risk from the prevalence and the attributable risk?
multiply prevalence (e.g. 0.1) x attributable risk