EQ3 Flashcards
Mega disasters
Large scale disasters either on an aerial scale or in terms of their social/economic impacts
High impact low probability
Multiple hazard zone
A location that experiences two or more geophysical and hydrometpeological hazards occurring at an point
Risk disc
Attempts to explain the reasons for the decline in deaths in terms of disaster preparedness , duster mitigation, development etc
Hazard management cycle
Outlines the stages of responding to events .
Involves preventing a hazard or minimising its effect
Preparing to deal with a hazard event
Responding effectively to a hazard
Getting back to normal
Japan vs Haiti ; management
-Japan- engages in many earthquake drills which prepare children,Kobe 1995 killed 6,400 people were able to learn from this . High capacity to cope as its a HIC , .Modern buildings
Haiti- did not have the early waning systems , politically and economically unstable , low capacity to cope , did not hit any of the risk disc points
Modifying the event
Reducing the hazards effectiveness before the event/long term