EQ2: What are the impacts of superpowers on the global economy, political systems and the physical environment? Flashcards
What percentage of global GDP did the USA, EU and Japan account for in 2016?
The USA, EU and Japan - are all Western capitalist economies. What does this mean?
- Are capitalist
- Promote free trade in goods and services across borders
- Are dominated by private enterprise, rather than government-owned companies
- Promote wealth creation and accumulation by companies and individuals
When was the World Bank (WB) established?
What is the role of the World Bank (WB) in the promotion of free trade and capitalism?
Lends money to developing and emerging economies to promote economic development
This is done within a Western capitalist model
The money originates from developed countries
When was the World Trade Organisation (WTO) established?
What is the role of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in the promotion of free trade and capitalism?
Works to remove barriers to international trade
Has negotiated a sequence of global free trade agreements that have gradually removed free taxes and quotas
When was the International Monetary Fund (IMF) established?
What is the role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in the promotion of free trade and capitalism?
Promotes global economic stability
Aids economies in opening up to world trade and investment
Comes to the aid of countries in economic difficulty
When was the World Economic Forum (WEF) established?
What is the role of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in the promotion of free trade and capitalism?
A Swiss non-profit organisation
It acts as a forum for discussion between business, politicians and IGOs
It is pro-free trade and pro-TNCs
Name the global IGO that promotes global free trade.
World Trade Organisation (WTO)
What is the difference between public TNCs and state-led TNCs?
1 Public TNCs: owned by shareholders
2 State-led TNCs: owned by governments
Give one example of a public TNC.
Give one example of a state-led TNC.
Bank of China
How many people does Walmart employ worldwide?
2.3 million
What percentage of the world’s 2000 biggest companies in 2016 were from the EU, USA and Japan?
What percentage of the world’s 2000 biggest companies were from the USA alone?
Over 25%
Why are TNCs influential in terms of maintaining power and generating wealth?
- Their economic power influences trade patterns, and therefore the location of areas of growth because of the foreign direct investment (FDI).
- If TNCs decide to move somewhere else, they can cause economic decline.
- TNCs invest heavily in new technology and patents.
- 90% of global patent royalties are paid to EU, US and Japanese companies.
What percentage of global patent royalties are paid to EU, US and Japanese companies?
What is cultural influence linked to?
Economic influence and the development and spread of new technology
What are TNC brands key drivers of?
Cultural globalisation and Westernisation
What is Westernisation?
Adoption of western culture and values
What does the adoption of western culture and values include?
- Individual freedom and rights
- Accumulating wealth, owning property and consuming goods and services indicate a successful life
- The importance of leisure activities
- Having the latest technology
- Living in a small family unit
- The spread of American English as a ‘global language’
- The desire to have access to the world’s most famous global brands
When do weaker countries look to a true superpower to act in times of crisis?
- Intervening in war and conflict
- Taking action in terms of crisis response
- Responding to terrorism
- Responding to longer-term threats
Give one example of a global action.
2014 Ebola epidemic
The USA, UK and France led the crisis response in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, deploying military and medical assets
Today, which country is expected to act as the ‘world’s policeman’?
What are the advantages of alliances?
- Allies in distant parts of the world can spot trouble as it develops.
- Allies increase the network of military assets spread around the world.
- Political and economic allies can form a large bloc, to force their agenda on the wider world.
What does the USA have which its emerging power challengers (China, Russia and India) cannot match?
A broad global military alliance
Why is having a broad global military alliance important for the USA?
To position powerful air and naval assets around the world
Name one US military alliance.
Australia and New Zealand
How much did the USA and its military allies spend on their militaries in 2015?
US$966 billion
What are the names of the countries that the free-trade agreement ‘NAFTA’ is between?
USA, Mexico and Canada
What does the overlap between economic and military alliances create?
Interdependence in terms of geostrategy
What does economic prosperity require?
Geopolitical stability (wars are bad for trade), which is ensured by military alliances
When was the UN (United Nations) set up?
Why was the UN (United Nations) set up?
To create a new world order of peace, prosperity and stability and avoid further world wars
What does the UN Security Council make decisions on?
- Taking military action against countries seen to be breaking international law or persecuting people
- Applying economic or diplomatic sanctions to countries, to try to force them to change their behaviour
Why is the UN important?
- The International Court of Justice upholds international law.
- Peacekeeping missions can be set up by the UN, sourcing armed forces from member states.
- The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its scientific advisory panel the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are important in informing the debate on global warming/international agreements - COP21 agreement in Paris in 2015.
What is the role of the International Court of Justice?
Upholds international law
What percentage of global carbon dioxide emissions did China account for in 2015?
What percentage of global carbon dioxide emissions did the USA account for in 2015?
What have the USA and China been reluctant to set?
Emission reduction targets
What is happening to EU and US carbon dioxide emissions?
What is happening to carbon dioxide emissions in China?
What are the key questions in terms of the resource demands for the next 20 years?
- What will the food, water, energy, mineral and other resource demands of emerging India, Brazil and China be as those countries get wealthier?
- Can the world’s resource base provide for these emerging powers, if people attain a similar level of wealth to the EU and USA today?
Why are carbon dioxide emissions expected to rise in India?
In India, demand for food and water, as that country reduces poverty, look unsustainable by 2030 as even today India struggles with adequate water supply.
Why are carbon dioxide emissions expected to rise in China?
In China, demands for cars, bigger houses and consumer goods could lead to rising resource prices and, potentially shortages.
What is continued economic development in emerging powers likely to lead to?
Environmental degradation
In 2015, which single country was the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide?
Why is the opinion on environmental issues such as carbon emissions very divided?
- China’s focus is largely on economic development, not environmental issues.
- There is a long-standing ‘climate scepticism’ in the USA.
- Europeans are more concerned.
What percentage of the population in the USA shows that concern on environmental issues such as carbon emissions is quite low?
What decisions has Brazil taken to protect and conserve the environment?
Slowed forest loss and expanded protected areas since 2005
What decisions has China taken to protect and conserve the environment?
World’s biggest investor in renewable wind power and solar power and has cut back on coal burning
What did all countries agree on at the Paris climate summit (COP21) in 2015?
Emissions reductions
Why is resource demand not likely to remain static in emerging powers?
- Increasing population
- Increased wealth
What percentage of global rare earth production is in China?
In 2015, how many barrels of oil did the USA use per day?
19 million
In 2015, how many barrels of oil did China use per day?
12 million
In 2015, how many barrels of oil did India use per day?
4 million
What are the two consequences that rising resource demand is likely to have?
1 The price of key resources rises as higher demand puts pressure on supply
2 Availability of resources falls
How will the rise of middle-class consumption affect the physical environment?
- More mining, oil drilling and deforestation
- Increased carbon emissions from higher energy consumption and more factories
- Problems disposing of consumer waste in landfill sites and incinerators
- More use of water, and therefore more polluted waste water
What is the range of daily earnings in US$ that defines ‘middle class’?
People earning US$10-100 per day