EQ2 EQ3 (4.3, 4.4 4.5) Flashcards
What is longshore drift ?
It when the sediment from the beach is move in a series of swash and backwash due to the prevailing wind meaning the sediment comes in ata an angle and leaves at a right angle this moves sediment across the whole bay .
Whats the difference between hard and soft rock ?
soft rock, such as sand and clay, erode more quickly than those of more resistant rock, such as chalk. This leaves a section of land jutting out into the sea called a headland.
What is a spit ?
A spit is a natural made piece of land that consists of deposition from longshore drift it has a curve due to winds and strong currents . Then can also grow vegetation and plants and marshes after the currents have settled
What is a arch stack stump ?
Its a headland that is eroded by the sea resulting in it breaking into 3 things an arch a stack and a stump . The arch is usually a large piece of rock with an arch at the bottom
What is the difference between concordant and discordant
Its the difference between soft clay and chalk being eroded faster hence creating headlands and bays
How do uk storks and waves and their weathers effect our coasts and what effects do they have?
They erode our bays but create wave cut plat forms and stacks and stumps these benefit our economy as they are big tourist attractions . They also create bays but people who live on those cliffs will eventually lose out on their homes …..
What are prevailing winds ?
These are winds that push waves so that they come in at angles to the beach this hence starts longshore drift which shifts sediment up and down the beach .
What are bars ?
Bars are spits that have connected one side pf land to another . They generally have sand and land on them . They are produced through a spit which has no disturbing waves preventing from it building across hence eventually sealing the spit off from one side of land to the other .
Whta is a concordant coastline
A concordant coastline is a coastline that is perpendicular to the prevailing waves meaning it doesn’t get as weathered
What is a discordant coastline
A discordant coastline is a coastline that is parallel to the prevailing waves this mean that the soft rock of clay and sand will erode faster than the hard rock of chalk . This created bays and headlands this is evident in swanage .
What is biological weathering
Biological weathering is when trees or a seed gets into a crack and starts growing . This will eventually create a tree . Thos tree will apply pressure to the rock meaning it will only become larger and larger as the crack grows larger as well .
What are the characteristics of a headland and bay
A bay is part of coastline that is curved in and retreated from the headland this means that it looks like the headland is poking out . The bays usually consist of rocks / pebbles , sand or sediment . The headlands are made of hard rock such as chalk
3 factors of wave energy
. Wind strength
.Wind duration
.depth of water
Where are the biggest waves in england .
The biggest wave in england are in Cornwall this is due to the fact that the bay of Cornwall has a whole ocean facing it however the whole east side of the country is shielded by west Europe so the closest we get to Europe is France near dover .
What is freeze thaw weathering
Freeze thaw weathering is weathering and erosion technique that happens over night . This is when water seeps into cracks and a certain cold night will freeze the water and when water freezes it expands . And when morning comes the water will expand and put pressure on the rock .
What is abrasion
When bits of the pebbles and rocks get thrown out of the sea and under the waves hit and erode the cliff almost sanding it down .
What is hydraulic action
.when air may get trapped in cracks of the Cliff face waves will get inside and make the air compressed this will put strain on the cracks and then eventually erode
What is attrition
.when bits of rock hit against each other and then smoothen each other out and become smooth pebbles .
What is solution weathering
Acids in the contained sea water will slowly erode some types of rock like chalk or limestone .
What is suspension
.suspension is when rocks and sediment under the waves are moved and shifted by being suspended in the sea water
What is a bar
A bar is a spit along a coastline where a spit makes it from one landform t the other . This creates a bar like feature to the brach and longshore drift means that pebbles and san will be on this bar and eventually maybe have some planta and marshes
What is traction
Traction is a form of moving rocks across the sea bed floor using the sea wave power .
What is saltation
A hopping or bouncing move t do e by the power of the waves . This is used to transport small pebbles
What are destructive waves
Destructive waves destroy the coastline as they have a higher backwash then swash . This means they erode and take away sediment from the beach.
How does coastal management help the coast
It stops and slows down erosion to a slower rate so that we can preserve our coast.
How does the industry affect the coastline .
It effects the coastline by things such as coastline because they don’t want things like a bar so they can still use the dock . And shops and other things are well needed and a large source of income .
How is swanage affected by geology ?
Because swanage has a concordant and discordant coastline meaning it creates headlands and bays . Due to the soft rock eroding and leaving headlands
How is swanage affected by human activity ?
We build thing son the land near the bay meaning more people want to use the shops ect. This will mean they don’t want the spit to join together .
Why is sea level rising?
Because , climate change is making sea levels rise due to the ice caps melting and the more heated water gets , the more it expands .
How bad will sea level get and how will it affect different places around the world (give examples)?
Places like the Maldive islands could be submerged into the sea within 100 years because of water levels rising this can be due to melting icecaps and warmer weather .
How will climat change affect erosion/deposition?
It will make waves and prevailing winds stronger due to hotter waters and greenhouse gases and melting ice caps .
Explain how groynes and sea walls work?
.groynes reach out to the sea stopping longshore drift and stopping sediment travelling . And sea walls are curved and reflect and repel wave energy .
Differences between hard and soft engineering ?
.hard engineering is manmade but soft is natrual
Why are ICZM schemes sustainable .
Because they preserve certain land but also protect . This is more sustainable due to it being soft engineering .
What is beach replenishment
Beach replenishment is when you take sand and sediment from out sea or another beach to preserve a more valuable beach.
What advantages are there in soft engineering
It is natraul, doesnt cause problems dowm the coastline like groynes when they increase erosion