EQ1 - 6.2 Flashcards
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Lesson 3: What are the biological processes that sequester carbon on land and in the
oceans on shorter timescales?
6.2 Biological
Phytoplankton sequester atmospheric carbon during
photosynthesis in surface ocean waters
sequester carbon
shells/tests move into the deep ocean water through the
on land and in
carbonate pump and action of the thermohaline circulation.
the oceans on
Terrestrial primary producers sequester carbon during
timescales (fast
some of this carbon is returned to the
carbon cycle).
atmosphere during respiration by consumer organisms.
Biological carbon can be stored as dead organic matter in
soils, or returned to the atmosphere via biological
decomposition over several years.
The bio-geochemical carbon cycle
Biological and chemical processes determine just how much of the carbon available on the earth’s surface
is stored or released at any one time - that’s why it is often referred to as the bio-geochemical carbon
cycle. The four key processes are: