EPs 2 Flashcards
Flight crew oxygen min dispatch/ duration
1300 PSI
2hrs supplemental oxygen
311 Oxygen Serviceability, flow rate, duration
1600PSI, secure in bracket, masks attached
3 outlets, 2L per min (total 6L per min all 3 running, 50 minutes)
10 PAX per outlet (1 reserved for FA1)
121 Oxygen serviceability, duration
1600 PSI, secure in bracket, masks attached
High flow 4L per min 30 mins
Low flow 2L per min 60 mins
Both 20 mins
Items provided for remote area side of kit
Space blanket
Water proof matches
Torch serviceability
Present and secure in bracket (if fitter)
AED serviceability?
- In its stowage secured
- Green tick is present
- If Red Cross is present advise capt
Safety briefing cards
• Correct aircraft type card present
• One card per seat pocket
• Exit Row Briefing Card at each exit row seat
EPIRB and ELT duration
48 hours
Least Risk Bomb Location (LRBL)
Against right hand aft service door 2R
PBE Serviceability
Tamper prevention integrity seal intact
Humidity indicator is blue
PBE duration?
15 minutes
2-3 mins for inflation
BCF Serviceability
- Secure in bracket
- Indicator in green
- Pin intact
- Anti-tamper seal intact
BCF operation
- Remove from bracket
- Keep upright
- PASS (point, aim, squeeze, sweep)
BCF Precautions
- Use PBE
- Don’t touch to exposed wires
- Before discharging on FD masks should be work by flight crew 100%
Emergency lighting
- floor strip lighting (either red/white right side or luminescent both)
- exit ceiling lights/signs
- ceiling lights
- exterior escape path lights (egress)
Critical Phase
From the application of power for takeoff, until the landing gear is up
During descent from the time that the landing gear is down, until the aircraft turns off the runway
Sterile/safety related durations
Door closed to enroute PA
Landing Prep PA to door open
Communication during critical phase?
Only fire in cabin using emer button
Time of useful consciousness
Mod vs sitting
18000 10-30 mins
20000 5-12 mins
25000 2-3 mins
Symptoms of Hypoxia
Mild - fatigue, feeling of warmth, listlessness, vague distress, lack of concentration, reduced performance
Moderate - mood swings, confusion, breathlessness, invulnerability, euphoria, blueness in fingertips and lips
Severe - blue pallor of skin, loss of consciousness, twitching, convulsions, death
Decompression sickness symptoms?
Dull ache, increasing to constant pain in joints, skin tingling, headache, weakness, dizziness, collapse
Decompression sickness treatment
Advise captain
Descend and divert to hypobaric chamber,
Offer water every 15 mins
Loosen tight clothing,
Administer oxygen 4L min
What can FA contact flight deck during sterile flight deck?
Fire - burning odours/smoke,
• Medical emergency,
• Unusual noise or vibration,
• Fuel or other fluid leakages,
• Exit door ajar or air noise,
• Extreme temperature change,
• Suspicious, unclaimed baggage or package, and
• Any other condition that seems abnormal or that the Cabin
Crew believes the Captain should know about.
R elay
A sk
(Inquire stage)
I ndicate
S olution
E mergency
(Emergency stage)
Passenger not responding or moving during evacuation?
Strike at elbow or knee
N ature or emergency
I ntentions
T ime to landing
S pecific instructions
(Ie is emergency cabin prep is required, exits blocked, damage or fire, check for information from cabin)
Ways to initiate NITS?
Emergency call button
Cabin crew pick up phone, identify themselves, receive nits)
PA - “would the cabin crew report to the flight deck immediately”
FA1 goes to FD
FA2 pack away and station at front of cabin
FA1 briefs FA2
Chime button (3 pushes)
Same as above
Turbulence PA
“All passengers and crew be seated and fasten seat belts”
Unanticipated same with IMMEDIATELY after
Alert PA
“Attention! All passengers remain seated and await further
Cancel alert PA
“Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your cooperation. Please remain seated. Cabin Crew resume normal duties.”
Evacuate PA
“Attention! Evacuate, Evacuate.”
Land emergencies FO and FA 2
Land evacuation CAPT and FA1
First aid and remote area emergency equipment
Ditching PA
“Attention! This is a ditching, follow your Crew Member’s
Emergency evacuation ditching CAPT and FA1
First aid and Remote area emergency equipment
Life jacket
Emergency evacuation ditching FO and FA 2
Life jacket
Life jacket
DG first 3 response
- Land as soon as possible
- Conduct appropriate fire and smoke drills
- Oxygen masks 100% flow
Three types of decompression
Fire fighting roles
Fire fighter
Used to describe fire
L ocation
I intensity
T ype
C olour
D ensity
S mells
HOT principle
H idden?
O bviously suspicious
T not typical of area
How to maintain morale during survival stage
Allocating duties
Counter threat response model
Level 1 - verbal abuse
Level 2 - physical abuse
Level 3 - life threatening
Level 4 - attach on FD
Determine, diffuse - defend