EPME E-5 Flashcards
What should you do if you find errors on your PDE?
If errors are found, note them on the printed copy of this form, sign it, and provide it to your admin personnel.
How can you access your SWE PDE?
- Select the More link under the View column in the Employee pagelet in Direct Access
- Select the SWE Profile Letter Link
- Click Create Report
Where are deadlines for PDE verifications and corrections provided?
All PDE’s are updated prior to each Active and Reserve exam cycle. Review the message for deadlines for PDE verifications and corrections.
On your PDE you will receive credit for all sea/surf/award points for your first advancement on or after what date?
You will be credited Sea Time points on your PDE at what rate?
Credited at 2 points per, year or 0.166 points per month retroactive to 01FEB1994.Note members assigned PCS on WMLS on or after 1 JAN 2016 will receive credit for each month of sea duty , not to exceed 2.333 points per year.
On your PDE, award points are earned up to what point?
The point value of all awards earned between the members point satart date to the SED (SWE Eligibility date)
On your PDE, TIR and TIS are computed up to what point?
Computed up to this future date for SWE eligibility and also for TIR and TIS points on the SWE. 1 JAN for the oct and may SWE and 1 Jul NOV SWE
You have submitted an eResume but immediately notice that the Job Ranking Preferences are incorrect. How should you make corrections?
Any corrections/ updates will have to be made on the following day after submission
Once you have chosen all desired Job Basket boxes for an eResume, what should be your next step?
Click save to job basket
What should you do after ranking positions in order of preference on your eResume?
Click return to previous page
You have submitted an incorrect eResume. What can you do to delete the incorrect information?
Due to maintenance of important historical data, DA does not allow for deletion of incorrect e-resumes.
How is risk defined within Risk Management?
Risk is defined as the possibility of loss or injury due to exposure to a hazard
What is the first choice in the standard of order of precedence for RM controls?
Spread Out
In the RM process, what action follows an evaluation?
Which of the following is a Risk Assessment pitfall?
a. Over optimism: “It can’t happen to us. We’re already doing it.” This pitfall results from not being totally honest and not looking for root causes of the hazards.
b. Misrepresentation: Individual perspectives may distort data. This can be deliberate or unconscious.
c. Alarmism: “The sky is falling” approach, or “worst case” estimates are used regardless of their possibility. d. Indiscrimination: All data is given equal weight.
e. Prejudice: Subjectivity and/or hidden agendas are used instead of facts.
f. Inaccuracy: Bad or misunderstood data nullify accurate risk assessment.
g. Enumeration: It is difficult to assign a numerical value to human behavior.
1) Numbers may oversimplify real life situations.
2) It may be difficult to get enough applicable data; this could force inaccurate estimates.
3) Numbers often take the place of reasoned judgment. 4) Risk can be unrealistically traded off against benefit by relying solely on numbers.
In the first step of the Risk Management Process Cycle, “Why” analysis is used in which action?
List causes
Develop controls is an action for which step in the RM process?
Step 3
Within the RM process, which is a type of control can be applied to hazards to mitigate the risk?
Engineering controls, physical controls, administrative controls educational control and operational control.
Which of the following is an action in step 4 or the RM process?
Make implementation clear, establish accountability, and provide support
In step 5 of the RM process, ensuring that changes requiring further RM are identified is part of which action?
What mnemonic provides a simple and convenient aide to identify some approaches to eliminate or reduce risk?
STARR: spread out, transfer, avoid, accept, and reduce
In which step of the Risk Management Process Cycle does a member, establish accountability?
STEP 4 implement controls
In step 1 of the RM process, if time is limited and a thorough task analysis cannot be performed what model can be used?
PEACE: Planning, Event complexity, asset selection, communications, and environmental conditions
What is the control method to reduce or eliminate risks from a hazard that identifies when it is possible to avoid specific risks by “going around” them or doing the mission or task in a different way?
The movement of forces, equipment, or tasks to other areas in order to avoid risk to the entire mission refers to what control option to eliminate or reduce risk?
Spread out
Reducing risks by transferring all or some portion of that mission or task, to another individual, unit or platform that is better positioned, more survivable, or more expendable is a control option using _____.
Which of the following is the foundation of the risk management process?
Identify Hazards
What is defined as, “the possibility of loss or injury due to exposure to a hazard,” in COMDTINST 3500.3A?
What is defined as “a process to identify, assess, control, mitigate and manage hazards associated with an operation or activity”?
(RM) Risk Management
How many actions are there in the Assess Hazards step in the RM process?
04 Actions
Which is an action taken during the first step in the RM process?
Mission Task Analysis: what can go wrong analysis, list causes
What does the RM process rely on to identify, assess, control, mitigate, and manage potential hazards?
Effective teamwork and communication
What does analysis of mishap data reveal as the most common cause of mishaps?
Lack of deliberate and systematic RM during preparation, planning, and execution of operations and activities