Epithelium Note Cards Flashcards
Zonula Occludens
Structure: occluding, tight, impermeable junctions; cell membranes of adjacent cells are in contact with each other forming a web-like seal
Function: Sealing epitheleal cells together, preventing paracellular diffusion of materials, maintaining cell polarity
Location: Apical-most level of the lateral cell membrane (wraps around)
Zonula Adherens
Structure: adhesion junctions, band-like adhesion sites, close adjacent cell membranes, fuzzy plaques on cytoplasmic membrane made of actin filaments
Function: reinforcing cell-cell adhesion resisting separation between cells
Location: immediately below zona occuldens on lateral cell membrane
Desmosomes (Macula Adherens)
Structure: space ebtween cells with electron-dense lins, dense plaque of intermediate filaments on cytoplasmic membrane
Function: anchoring adjacent cells together, reinforcing cell-cell adhesion, resisting separation
Location: scattered throughout lateral membrane below zonula adherens
Gap Junctions
Structure: communicating junctions between adjacent cell membanes in close proximity
Function: allowing direct passage of signaling molecules between cells
Location: scattered throughout lateral membrane below zonula adherens
Structure: intracellular plauqes similar to desmosomes with intermediate filaments
Function: anchoring epithelia to basement membrane and connective tissue, resisting abrasion force to prevent separating between epithelium and connective tissue
Location: basal cell surface
Simple classifcation of cells
Structure: single layer of cells
Function: lining body cavity or glands, absorption, secretion
Location: areas that require quick transport of materials, large amounts of absorption or secretion
Stratified classifcation of cells
Structure: more than one layer of cells
Function: lining, protecting areas of the body that need more strength and resistance
Location: areas that require more protection and strength
Pseudostratified classifcation of cells
Structure: cells that appea stratfied but every cell contacts the basement membrane
Function: lining, absorption, secretion, creating current across epithelium
Location: areas that require movement of secretion or fluids, absorption and secretion
Squamous shape of cells
Structure: flat cells with thin and wide cytoplasm and nuclei
Function: fast transport of molecules across cytoplasm, or protection in many layers
Location: areas that require rapid exchange of molecules or protection in many layers
Cuboidal shape of cells
Structure: cube-shaped cells with central, spherical nuclei
Function: relatively fast absorption and secretion
Location: some exocrine and endocrine glands and ducts
Columnar shape of cells
Structure: tall cells with central to basal, oval nuclei
Function: large amount of absorption and secretion
Location: lining of the intestine and respiratory tract
Transitional epithelium
Structure: Number of layers and shape of the cells change based on the distention of the organ. Often have a “dome-like” appearance on apical surface; sometimes binucleate cells protruding out into the lumen on apical surface
Function: allowing distention an recoil of an organ
Location: urinary bladder, ureter, calyces, urethra
Structure: Layer of flattened, dead cells
Function: forming a protective layer against, force friction, and dessication
Location: areas exposed to repeated and prolonged exposure to force, friction, and air (outside of the body only
Structure: Short, numerous cellular projections, contain actin
Function: increasing surface area of the luminal border
Location: areas the require large amount of absorption and secretion
Structure: Specialized cellular projections with motile mechanisms (axonemes)
Function: generating movements to create current
Location: areas that require movement of fluids over the epithelium