epithelium Flashcards
A tissue in which cells are bound tightly together structurally and functionally to form a sheetlike or tubular structurewith little extracellular material between the cells.
a. Connective
b. Muscular
c. Epithelium
d. Nervous
The connective tissue that underlies the epithelia lining, the organs of the digestive, respiratory, and
urinary systems is called?
a. Lamina Propria
b. Lamina Lucida
c. Lamina Densa
d. Lamina Fibroreticularis
lamina propria
Epithelial cells generally show _____, with organelles
and membrane proteins distributed unevenly within the cell. The region of the cell contacting the connective tissue is called______ and the opposite end, usually facing a space called ______.
a. Polarity, basal, apical
b. Nonpolar, basal , apical
c. Polarity, apical, basal
d. Nonpolar, basal, apical
Polarity, basal surface, Apical surface
All epithelial cells in contact with subjacent connective tissue have at their basal surfaces a specialized, feltlike sheet of extracellular material referred to as the ______.
basement membrane
The area of contact between the epithelium and connective tissue may be increased by irregularities at the interface in the form of small evaginations called ____.
a. basement membrane
b. papillae
c. lamina
d. none
These are large glycoproteins that self-assemble
as a lacelike network immediately below the cells’ basal
poles where they are held in place by the transmembrane
a. laminin
b. collagen
c. proteogylcan
d. lamina
Provide structural support and polarity to epithelial cells and attach epithelia to underlying connective tissue.
a. basement membrane
b. papillae
c. lamina
d. none
basement membrane
Monomers of _____ contain three polypeptide chains and self-assemble further to form a feltlike layer.
a. collagen type 2
b. collagen type 4
c. proteogylcan
d. collagen type 3
Type IV collagen
The laminin and type IV collagen networks are held
together by the adhesive glycoprotein entactin/
nidogen, and by perlecan .
a. collagen type 2
b. collagen type 4
c. proteogylcan
d. collagen type 3
The _____ is a thin meshwork of type IV collagen and laminin produced by the epithelial cells.
a. basement membrane
b. basal lamina
c. reticular lamina
d. proteoglycan
basal lamina
The contains type III collagen and anchoring fibrils of VII collagen, all secreted by cells of the immediately adjacent connectivetissue.
a. basement membrane
b. basal lamina
c. reticular lamina
d. proteoglycan
reticular lamina
Formed by interacting transmembrane proteins such as claudin and occludin; linear arrangements of these linked proteins surround the apical ends of the cells and prevent paracellular passage of substances (between the cells.)
a. Tight or occluding junctions
b. Adherent or anchoring junctions
c. Gap or communicating junctions
d. all of the above
Tight or occluding junctions
Formed by interacting proteins of the cadherin family, are points of strong attachment holding together cells of the epithelium.
a. Tight or occluding junctions
b. Adherent or anchoring junctions
c. Gap or communicating junctions
d. all of the above
Adherent or anchoring junctions
Points of cell contact where both plasma membranes have numerous hexameric complexes of transmembrane connexons, each forming a channel allowing passage of small molecules from one cell to the other.
a. Tight or occluding junctions
b. Adherent or anchoring junctions
c. Gap or communicating junctions
d. none of the above
Gap or communicating junctions
Adherent junctions may form zonula adherens that encircle epithelial cells just below their tight junctions or scattered, spot-like attachment sites called _______, both of which are attached to cytoplasmic keratins.
a. Desmosomes
b. Hemidesmosomes
c. Keratin
d. all of the above
desmosomes or maculae adherens
Composed of transmembrane integrins attach cells to proteins of the basal lamina.
a. Desmosomes
b. Hemidesmosomes
c. Keratin
d. all of the above
Are small membrane projections with cores of actin filaments that generally function to increase epithelial cells’ apical surface area for absorption.
a. microvilli
b. stereocilia
c. cilia
Long microvilli with specialized mechanosensory function in cells of the inner ear and for absorption in tissues ofthe male reproductive tract.
a. microvilli
b. stereocilia
c. cilia
b. stereocila
Large projecting structures with a well-organized core of microtubules (in a 9 + 2 arrangement called the axoneme) in which restricted, dynein-based sliding of microtubules causes ciliary movement that propel material along an epithelial surface.
a. microvilli
b. stereocilia
c. cilia
c. cilia
Have epithelial ducts carrying secretions to specific
sites; the ducts of simple glands are unbranched and those of compoundglands are branched.
a. Endocrine
b. Exocrine
c. Paracrine
d. All of the above
Exocrine glands
Lack ducts; secreted substances are hormones
carried throughout the body by the interstitial fluid and blood, with specificity produced by the hormone receptors of target cells.
a. Endocrine
b. Exocrine
c. Paracrine
d. All of the above
Endocrine glands
Malignant tumors derived from glandular epithelial
tissue are called _____. While tumors derived from epithelial malignancy is called ______.
a. neoplasia, carcinoma
b. adenocarcinoma, carcinoma
c. squamous carcinoma, adenocarcinoma
d. carcinoma, adenocarcinoma
Adenocarcinoma, Carcinoma
Releases products, usually containing proteins, by means of exocytosis at the apical end of the secretory cells ( Intact cells). Most exocrine glands are this kind.
a. Merocrine secretion
b. Holocrine secretion
c. Apocrine secretion
d. none
a. Merocrine secretion
Produced by the disintegration of the secretory cells themselves as they complete their terminal differentiation, which involves becoming filled with product. ( Total loss ) Sebaceous glands of hair follicles are the best examples.
a. Merocrine secretion
b. Holocrine secretion
c. Apocrine secretion
d. none
b. Holocrine secretion
Involves loss of membrane-enclosed apical cytoplasm, usually containing one or more lipid droplets ( loss only a part).
a. Merocrine secretion
b. Holocrine secretion
c. Apocrine secretion
d. none
c. Apocrine secretion
Type of secretion seen in mammary glands.
a. Apocrine secretion, Merocrine secretion
b. Holocrine secretion ,Apocrine secretion
c. Merocrine secretion, Holocrine secretion
d. all
a. Apocrine secretion, merocrine secretion
Some epithelial cells are prone to abnormal growth or
dysplasia, which can progress to precancerous growth
called _______.
a. neoplasia
b. adenocarcinoma
c. squamous carcinoma
d. carcinoma
a. Neoplasia
In individuals with chronic _____ deficiency, epithelial
tissues of the type found in the bronchi and urinary
bladder are gradually replaced by stratified squamous
a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin K
c. Vitamin C
d. Vitamin D
vitamin A
This provide the targets for certain common bacteria of medical importance such as enterotoxin secreted by Clostridium perfringens, which causes “food poisoning,”.
a. zonula occludens
b. zonula adherens
c. macula adherens
d. none.
zonula occludens
Zonula adherens have transmembrane protein known as?
a. Cadherins
b. Desmosomes
c. Hemidesmosomes
Binds the base of the cell to the basement membrane by linking cells intermediate filament network.
a. Cadherins
b. Desmosomes
c. Hemidesmosomes
Combination of zonula occludens, zonula adherens and desmosomes. Divides the plasma membrane of the cell into apical and basolateral surface.
a. junctional complex
b. communication junction
c. nexus junction
d. tight junction
junctional complex
Epithelial cells are bound to adjacent cells by variety of membrane specialisation known as?
a. cell junction
b. cytokeratin
c. occluding junction
d. adhering junction
cell junction
Intermediate filament that can be use to recognize epithelium phenotype.
a. cell junction
b. cytokeratin
c. occluding junction
d. adhering junction
Manner of section via paraneurons into the ECS.
a. Endocrine
b. Exocrine
c. Paracrine
d. All of the above