this tissue consists of sheets of cells that cover the external surfaces of the body, line the internal cavities and the organs, form various organs and glands, and line their ducts.
Epithelial Tissue
Epithelium is _____ by the blood vessels and is therefore ________
not supplied, avascular
two functional types of epithelium:
lining epithelium and glandular epithelium
Absorption occurs via?
endocytosis or pinocytosis
Secretion of various molecules (e.g., hormones, mucus, proteins) occurs by?
Protection from abrasion and injury is provided by
epidermis, the epithelial layer of the skin.
a specialized, feltlike sheet of extracellular material referred to as the ?
basement membrane
major transmembrane link to proteins of Zonula Occludens
occludins, claudins, ZO proteins
major transmembrane link to proteins of Zonula Adherens
E-cadherin, catenin complexes
major transmembrane link to proteins of Macula Adherens
Cadherin family proteins (desmogleins, desmocollin)
major transmembrane link to proteins of Hemidesmosome
major transmembrane link to proteins of Nexus
cytoskeletal components of Zonula Occludens
Actin filaments
cytoskeletal components of Zonula Adherens
Actin filaments
cytoskeletal components of Macula Adherens
intermediate filaments (keratin)