Epithelia Flashcards
Covering epithelia is classified as being either…
1) Simple epithelia (1 layer of cells)
2) Stratified epithelia (>1 layer of cells)
What are 4 functions of epithelia?
1) Physical protection against abrasion, microbes, etc.
2) Controlled permeability across the body
3) Provides sensation (general and special [vision, hearing, balance, smell])
4) Produce specialized secretions via glandular epithelia
The function of epithelia is governed by…
Its structure
In order to enter the body, any substance must first cross…
The two main categories of epithelia are…
1) Covering
2) Glandular
The cellularity of epithelia can be described as…
Consisting of densely-packed cells with little material between them (unlike CT)
Polarity of epithelia describes…
Apical, lateral, and basal surface specializations, allowing each surface to perform special functions
What is a lumen?
Space inside any hollow structure in your body
Epithelia is attached to…
Basement membrane and underlying connective tissue
Is epithelial avascular or vascular?
Avascular - nourished by diffusion from underlying CT
Is epithelial innervated?
YES - avascular but innervated
Cells of the epithelia are frequently _____ via mitosis.
Specialized intercellular junctions connect cells both…
Physically and functionally
What are two examples of apical surface specializations?
1) Microvilli - found GI tract
2) Cilia - found in respiratory tract
What is an apical surface specialization of epithelia that increases surface area for absorption/secretion?
What are microvilli?
- Minimally motile, finger like projections of apical surface
- Have brush border
- Number of microvilli is associated with the rate of molecular transfer
- Cross-linked actin microfilaments make up the core
- Well developed in SI and kidney
Where would we find cilia?
- Epithelia specialized to move fluid along its luminal surface
- Respiratory tract
- Uterine tubes
What are cilia?
- Highly motile, synchronized, finger like extensions of apical cell membrane that move fluid along luminal surface of epithelia
- Core consists of microtubules with proteins such as dynein
- Taller than microvilli
What is the function of anchoring junctions?
Provide mechanical strength to connect the cytoskeleton of epithelial cells to each other and to underlying BM; helps epithelium to withstand shear forces
What are occluding junctions?
Block the intercellular space - control paracellular molecular movement
What are communicating junctions?
Control ionic/molecular movement between adjacent epithelial cells
Both covering and glandular epithelia develop from…
Simple sheets of epithelia in the embryo