Episiotomy Flashcards
What is the procedure up until insterting the needle?
Informed consent
Between contractions draw up the anaesthetic
Insert 2 fingers into the vagina behind the perineum protecting the presenting part
Johnson and Taylor (2016) Skills for Midwifery Practice. 4th ed. Churchill Livingstone
What are the reasons for one?
Fetal distress
Failure to progress
Perceived imminent 3rd/4th degree tear
Instrumental delivery
What is the procedure as the needle goes in?
Insert the full depth of the needle centrally at the introitus (fourchette), draw back, if not in a blood vessel inject 1/3 of the anaesthetic as the needle is withdrawn
Avoid taking the needle out of the tissue but reposition the needle, and reinsert in a mediolateral position
Instil the anaesthetic as described
Reposition the needle for a 3rd time in a fan shape in the perineum
What is the procedure following the anaesthetic going in?
Allow 2 – 3 contractions for the anaesthetic to work
Reinsert 2 fingers protecting the presenting part again
Using scissors supplied make one decisive cut in a right mediolateral position, beginning at the fourchette, at an angle of 60 degrees from the midline, at the height of the contraction
What is the procedure for delivery?
Immediately apply control to the fetal head, removing the scissors onto the trolley
Guard the perineum if able and slowly deliver the head
Continue with the delivery
Examine and suture episiotomy after delivery is complete
Episiotomy procedure
A- infiltration of perineum
B- Incision ofepisiotomy
20mls for 0.5%
10mls for 1%