Epilepsy WPS Flashcards
What is the epidemiology of epilepsy in Singapore?
- estimated prevalence of 3.5-5.0 per 1000 population
- mean age of 1st seizure onset 11.1 yrs
- Chinese: 5.2/ 1000 persons
- Malays: 2.8/ 1000 persons
- Indians: 6.4/ 1000 persons
What is the mortality risk of epilepsy? How high is the risk of premature death amongst ppl with epilepsy?
- mortality risk inc 2- to 3-fold
- highest within the 1st 12 months of diagnosis (the first year)
Epilepsy-related mortality risk:
- sudden unexplained death in epilepsy (SUDEP)
- Status epilepticus
- Unintentional injuries (drowning, head injuries, burns)
- suicide
What is the incidence of sudden unexplained death in epilepsy (SUDEP) and when does it usually occur and what are some risk factors?
Incidence: 1-2/ 1000 person-years; peak for those aged 20-40yo
Mostly unwitnessed and sleep-related:
many ind with SUDEP are found in prone position with evidence of having had a recent seizure;
rare cases occurring during video-EEG monitoring suggest that SUDEP is preceded by a convulsion followed shortly by apnoea and then asystole
Risk factors: presence and frequency of generalised tonic-clonic seizures; Nocturnal seizures; Lack of seizure freedom
What is the difference between seizures and epilepsy?
Seizure: transient occurrence of signs and/or smx due to abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain
Epilepsy (any of the following):
- at least 2 unprovoked seizures occurring >24h apart
- One unprovoked seizure and a probability of further seizures similar to the general recurrence risk (At least 60%) after 2 unprovoked seizures, occurring over the next 10 years
- Diagnosis of an epilepsy syndrome
Epilepsy is a brain disorder characterised by an enduring predisposition to generate epileptic seizure
What are provoked seizures?
Acute Symptomatic Seizure
Interval between insult and seizure may vary according to underlying condition
What causes provoked seizures?
- events occuring in close temporal relationship with an acute CNS insult: Metabolic, Toxic, Structural, Infectious, Inflammation
- Electrolyte imbalances: HypoNa, HypoCa, HypoMg, Hypoglycaemia
- Toxic subs/drugs: illicit drugs (e.g. cocaine, amphetamines); drugs (e.g. TCAs, carbapenems, baclofen) –> lowers seizure threshold; EtOH (withdrawal and intoxication); Benzodiazepine withdrawal
- Traumatic brain injury
- Stroke
- CNS infection
- Febrile illness
What is the pathophysiology of epilepsy?
Key concept: Hyperexcitability and Hypersynchronisation
- instability in a single neuronal cell membrane or group of cells around it
- seizure activity us characterised by synchronised paroxysmal discharges occurring in a large population of neurons within the cortex
What does hyperexcitability mean?
- Hyperexcitability: enhanced predisposition of a neuron to depolarise
- voltage- or ligand-gated K+, Na+, Ca2+, and Cl- ion channels
- Abnormalities in intra- & extracellular substances (e.g. Na+, K+, O2, glucose, etc)
- Excessive excitatory neurotransmitters (E.g. glutamine, acetylcholine, histamine, cytokines, etc.)
- Insufficient inhibitory neurotransmitters (e.g. GABA, dopamine)
What does hypersynchronisation mean?
Intrinsic organisation of local circuits - hippocampus, the neocortex, and the thalamus: contribute to synchronisation and promote generation of epileptiform activity
What is the aetiology (causes) of individuals getting epilepsy?
- Genetic: gene/chromosone, E.g. FMRI (Fragile X Syndrome)
- Structural: e.g. traumatic brain inj, tumours, hypoxic-ischemic abnormalities, vascular malformation
- Metabolic: e.g. Mitochondrial disorders, GLUT1 deficiency
- Immune: e.g. AB mediated
- Infectious: e.g. bacterial meningitis, HIV, meningo-TB
- Unknown
How to classify epilepsy?
- Based on mode of onset:
1. Focal onset: seizures begin only in one hemisphere; may spread to the contralateral hemisphere - “focal seizures evolving to a bilateral convulsive seizure”
2. Generalised onset: seizures begin in both hemispheres - Impairment of consciousness: loss of awareness of external stimuli or inability to respond to external stimuli in a purposeful and appropriate manner; described as ‘with or without dyscognitive features’
- significance: fundamental characteristic by which to classify seizures; treatment and prognostic implications
What are some categories of epilepsy?
- generalised onset (loss of consciousness)
- -> (motor) tonic clonic (grand mal)
- -> (non-motor) absence (petit mal)
- -> myoclonic (muscle jerking)
- -> atonic (motor) (paralytic; sudden loss of muscle strength)
- Focal onset
- -> simple partial seizures (consciousness not impaired; without dyscognitive features)
- -> complex partial seizures (consciousness impaired; with dyscognitive features) - Unknown onset (motor and non-motor)
- Unclassified
What are the 3 key features that helps to group the type of seizures?
- where seizures begin in the brain
- level of awareness during the seizure
- other features of the seizure
What are some epileptic syndromes that cause epileptic disorders? (idk how to phrase it)
- epileptic disorder characterised by a cluster of S&S; e.g. type of seizure, aetiology, anatomy, precipitating factors, age of onset, severity, chronicity
1. Electroclinical Syndromes (and common examples arrange by age at onset)
2. Distinctive Constellations (And common examples): Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy with Hippocampal Sclerosis
3. Epilepsies Attributed to and Organised by Structural -Metabolic Causes (and common examples): Malformation of Cortical Development Tuberous Sclerosis Tumour Trauma Strokes
4. Epilepsies of unknown cause
What are the clinical presentation of epilepsy depended on?
- site of focus
- degree of ‘irritability’ of the areas of the brain surrounding the focus
- intensity of the impulse
FYI What are the clinical presentation of focal onset (w/o dyscognitive features)/ simple partial seizures?
- Motor smx: clonic movements, speech arrest
- Sensory: feelings of numbness/tingling; Visual disturbances (flashing lights); rising epigastric sensation
- Autonomic smx: sweating, salivation/pallor; BP, HR
- Psychic (somatosensory smx): flashbacks, de ja vu; Visual, auditory, gustatory or olfactory hallucinations
- affective smx include fear (most common), depression, anger and irritability
What are the clinical presentation of focal onset (w dyscognitive features)/ complex partial seizures?
- Aura: manifestations as described in focal non-dyscognitive seizures; usually last for few seconds
- Impaired consciousness: Amnesia to the event
- Automatisms: e.g. lip smacking, chewing, or picking at their clothing unpurposefully
What are the clinical presentation of generalised onset tonic-clonic ‘grand mal’ seizures?
- most common and best known type
- begins with stiffening of the limbs (tonic phase), followed by jerking of limbs and face (clonic phase)
- During tonic phase, breathing may dec or cease altogether
- Cyanosis of nail beds, lips and face; typically returns during clonic phase but may be irregular
- Clonic phase usually lasts 1 min, after which the brain is extremely hyperpolarised and insensitive to stimuli
- Incontinence may occur, + biting of the tongue or inside of mouth; breathing may be noisy and appear to be labours
- Following the seizure, pt may have HA and appear lethargic, confused or sleepy
- Full recovery takes several min to hours
FYI What are the clinical presentation of generalised onset clonic seizures?
- Clonic jerking, often asymmetrical and irregular
- most frequent in neonates, infants or young children
FYI What are the clinical presentation of generalised onset tonic seizures?
- Sudden loss of consciousness and rigid posture of entire body, last 10-20sec
- Occur at all ages in setting of diffuse cerebral damage and learning disability, and are invariably assoc w other seizure types
- Characteristic and defining seizure type in Lennox - Gastaut syndrome
FYI What are the clinical presentation of generalised onset myoclonic seizures?
- Involves rapid, brief contractions of bodily muscles, usually occurring on both sides of the body concurrently
- On occasion, may involve just one arm or one foot