Epilepsy Flashcards
Acquired epilepsy is frequently associated with
structural lesions after trauma, stroke, and infections
At the time of insult, there are acute processes such as
mitochondrial dysfunction and damage to the blood-brain barrier (BBB) that lead to transcriptional events and altered signaling which promotes Epileptogenesis
Over weeks (after insult)
these changes manifest into alterations of circuit activity that results in the potentiation of spontaneous seizures
Reduction in mitochondrial redox status leads to
- irreversible oxidation
- mtDNA damage
- the failure of mitochondrial repair
- decreased oxidative phosphorylation
- ATP production by mitochondria
Antioxidants can scavenge ROS or increase the ability to
neutralize ROS by inducing the expression of genes involved in cellular protection
Slow releasing MMF’s
diroximel fumarate, tepilamide fumarate and chemically linked conjugates of MMF
What is MiR-134?
a brain-specific, activity-regulated miRNA that has been implicated in the control of structural neuroplasticity of spines via the Limk1/cofiling signaling pathway.
What did silencing MiR-134 with antagomirs do?
Silencing miR-134 in mice using antagomirs reduced hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neuron dendrite spine density by 21% and rendered mice refractory to seizures and hippocampal injury caused by status epilepticus (Mateos et al.,2012)
What did depletion of MiR-134 after SE do?
Depletion of miR-134 after status epilepticus in mice reduced the later occurrence of spontaneous seizures by over 90% and mitigated the attendant pathological features of temporal lobe epilepsy
What does extravasation of serum albumin into the cerebral cortex microenvironment do?
activates a transforming growth factor-β receptor (TGFβR)-mediated signalling cascade in astrocytes and causes local inflammation
What does blocking TGFbeta signalling do and who showed this?
Blockade of TGFβ signalling in the albumin model of epileptogenesis reversed inflammation and transcriptional patterns associated with activated glia and prevented the development of epileptiform activity (Cacheaux et al., 2009)
In what models did Losartan block seizure development?
after exposure to albumin and after vascular injury in rats (Bar-Klein et al.,2014)
LOF mutations upstream of mTOR have been associated with
CNS disorders
Clinical use of rapaymycin - year and author
Bebin, 2013
Everolismus - year and author
Ryther, 2012
What does NKCC1 expression change do?
shift from hyperpolarizing to depolarizing GABA currents in adult neurons, which may crucially contribute to the chronic hyperexcitability of epileptic neurons
In what two places has bumetadine been shown to suppress depolarizing GABA currents?
subicular pyramidal cells (Huberfeld et al., 2007) and reduce seizure frequency in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (Eftekhari et al., 2013
Who rearranged GABA and glutamate receptors?
Haberman et al., 2002; Raol et al., 2006
Who showed that GABA/GluR reconfiguration was dependent on population?
Marks et al., 2008
Where was Kv1.1 overexpressed and by who?
lentivirus vector-mediated overexpression of the potassium channel Kv1.1 preferentially in excitatory neurons, which reduced neuronal excitability, suppressed seizures in a rodent model of neocortical epilepsy (Wykes et al.,2012)