Epilepsia Flashcards
Quais os objetivos do atendimento de um paciente com crise epiléptica?
When a patient presents shortly after a seizure, the first priorities are attention to vital signs, respiratory and cardiovascular support, and treatment of seizures if they resume (see “Treatment: Seizures and Epilepsy”). Lifethreatening conditions such as CNS infection, metabolic derangement, or drug toxicity must be recognized and managed appropriately.
When the patient is not acutely ill, the evaluation will initially focus on whether there is a history of earlier seizures (Fig. 26-2). If this is the first seizure, then the emphasis will be to: (1) establish whether the reported episode was a seizure rather than another paroxysmal event, (2) determine the cause of the seizure by identifying risk factors and precipitating events, and (3) decide whether anticonvulsant therapy is required in addition to treatment for any underlying illness.
In the patient with prior seizures or a known history of epilepsy, the evaluation is directed toward (1) identification of the underlying cause and precipitating factors, and (2) determination of the adequacy of the patient’s current therapy.
O que devemos perguntar na historia de um paciente epiléptico?
(1) Questions should focus on the symptoms before, during, and after the episode in order to differentiate a seizure from other paroxysmal events. Seizures frequently occur outof-hospital, and the patient may be unaware of the ictal and immediate postictal phases; thus, witnesses to the event should be interviewed carefully
(2) Clues for a predisposition to seizures include a history of febrile seizures, earlier auras or brief seizures not recognized as such, and a family history of seizures. Epileptogenic factors such as prior head trauma, stroke, tumor, or infection of the nervous system should be identified.
(3) Drugs that lower the seizure threshold (Table 26-5), or alcohol or illicit drug use should also be identified.
O que examinar em um doente epiléptico?
(1) The general physical examination includes a search for signs of infection or systemic illness
(2) Careful examination of the skin may reveal signs of neurocutaneous disorders such as tuberous sclerosis or neurofibromatosis, or chronic liver or renal disease
(3) All patients require a complete neurologic examination, with particular emphasis on eliciting signs of cerebral hemispheric disease
Quais exames laboratoriais devem ser solicitados em doentes com epilepsia?
Routine blood studies are indicated to identify the more common metabolic causes of seizures such as abnormalities in electrolytes, glucose, calcium, or magnesium, and hepatic or renal disease. A screen for toxins in blood and urine should also be obtained from all patients in appropriate risk groups, especially when no clear precipitating factor has been identified. A lumbar puncture is indicated if there is any suspicion of meningitis or encephalitis, and it is mandatory in all patients infected with HIV, even in the absence of symptoms or signs suggesting infection.
Quais os dois principais exames complementares para solicitar para todo doente com crise epiléptica com screening metabólico negativo?
MRI scan and EEG
Quais as características que diferenciam uma crise epiléptica de uma sincope?
Characteristics of a seizure include the presence of an aura, cyanosis, unconsciousness, motor manifestations lasting >15 s, postictal disorientation, muscle soreness, and sleepiness.
Como diferenciar uma crise entre orgânica e psicogênica?
(1) They are often part of a conversion reaction precipitated by underlying psychological distress. Certain behaviors such as side-to-side turning of the head, asymmetric and large-amplitude shaking movements of the limbs, twitching of all four extremities without loss of consciousness, and pelvic thrusting are more commonly associated with psychogenic rather than epileptic seizures. Psychogenic seizures often last longer than epileptic seizures and may wax and wane over minutes to hours.
(2) Video-EEG monitoring is very useful when historic features are nondiagnostic.
(3) Measurement of serum prolactin levels may also help to distinguish between organic and psychogenic seizures, since most generalized seizures and some focal seizures are accompanied by rises in serum prolactin (during the immediate 30-min postictal period), whereas psychogenic seizures are not.
Quais os objetivos do tratamento da epilepsia?
Therapy for a patient with a seizure disorder is almost always multimodal and includes (1) treatment of underlying conditions that cause or contribute to the seizures, (2) avoidance of precipitating factors, suppression of recurrent seizures by (3) prophylactic therapy with antiepileptic medications or surgery, and addressing a variety of (4) psychological and social issues.
Qual a relação entre o tratamento da causa da crise epiléptica e o tempo de droga antiepiléptica?
(1) If the sole cause of a seizure is a metabolic disturbance such as an abnormality of serum electrolytes or glucose, then treatment is aimed at reversing the metabolic problem and preventing its recurrence. Therapy with antiepileptic drugs is usually unnecessary unless the metabolic disorder cannot be corrected promptly and the patient is at risk of having further seizures
(2) If the apparent cause of a seizure was a medication (e.g., theophylline) or illicit drug use (e.g., cocaine), then appropriate therapy is avoidance of the drug; there is usually no need for antiepileptic medications unless subsequent seizures occur in the absence of these precipitants.
(3) Seizures caused by a structural CNS lesion such as a brain tumor, vascular malformation, or brain abscess may not recur after appropriate treatment of the underlying lesion. However, despite removal of the structural lesion, there is a risk that the seizure focus will remain in the surrounding tissue or develop de novo as a result of gliosis and other processes induced by surgery, radiation, or other therapies. Most patients are therefore maintained on an antiepileptic medication for at least 1 year, and an attempt is made to withdraw medications only if the patient has been completely seizure free. If seizures are refractory to medication, the patient may benefit from surgical removal of the epileptic brain region.
Como orientar o paciente a evitar fatores precipitantes?
For example, a patient who has seizures in the setting of sleep deprivation should obviously be advised to maintain a normal sleep schedule. Many patients note an association between alcohol intake and seizures, and they should be encouraged to modify their drinking habits accordingly. There are also relatively rare cases of patients with seizures that are induced by highly specific stimuli such as a video game monitor, music, or an individual’s voice (“reflex epilepsy”). If there is an association between stress and seizures, stress reduction techniques such as physical exercise, meditation, or counseling may be helpful.
Quando iniciar a terapia antiepiléptica?
(A) Patients with a single seizure due to an identified lesion such as a CNS tumor, infection, or trauma, in which there is strong evidence that the lesion is epileptogenic, should be treated.
(B) The risk of seizure recurrence in a patient with an apparently unprovoked or idiopathic seizure is uncertain, with estimates ranging from 31 to 71% in the first 12 months after the initial seizure. This uncertainty arises from differences in the underlying seizure types and etiologies in various published epidemiologic studies. Generally accepted risk factors associated with recurrent seizures include the following: (1) an abnormal neurologic examination, (2) seizures presenting as status epilepticus, (3) postictal Todd’s paralysis, (4) a strong family history of seizures, or (5) an abnormal EEG.
(C) Most patients with one or more of these risk factors should be treated. Issues such as employment or driving may influence the decision whether to start medications as well.
Qual droga antiepiléptica utilizar conforme o tipo de crise?
(1) Carbamazepine (or a related drug, oxcarbazepine), lamotrigine, and phenytoin are currently the drugs of choice approved for the initial treatment of focal seizures, including those that evolve into generalized seizures.
(2) Valproic acid and lamotrigine are currently considered the best initial choice for the treatment of primary generalized, tonic-clonic seizures. Topiramate, zonisamide, phenytoin, and carbamazepine are suitable alternatives. Ethosuximide is a particularly effective drug for the treatment of uncomplicated absence seizures, but it is not useful for tonic-clonic or focal seizures.
Como iniciar e monitorizar a terapia antiepiléptica?
(1) The goal is to prevent seizures and minimize the side effects of therapy; determination of the optimal dose is often a matter of trial and error. This process may take months or longer if the baseline seizure frequency is low.
(2) Most anticonvulsant drugs need to be introduced relatively slowly to minimize side effects, and patients should expect that minor side effects such as mild sedation, slight changes in cognition, or imbalance will typically resolve within a few days. Subsequent increases should be made only after achieving a steady state with the previous dose (i.e., after an interval of five or more half-lives).
(3) The key determinants are the clinical measures of seizure frequency and presence of side effects, not the laboratory values. Patients may have a “subtherapeutic” drug level, but the dose should be changed only if seizures remain uncontrolled, not just to achieve a “therapeutic” level. In practice, other than during the initiation or modification of therapy, monitoring of antiepileptic drug levels is most useful for documenting compliance.
(4) If seizures continue despite gradual increases to the maximum tolerated dose and documented compliance, then it becomes necessary to switch to another antiepileptic drug. This is usually done by maintaining the patient on the first drug while a second drug is added. The dose of the second drug should be adjusted to decrease seizure frequency without causing toxicity. Once this is achieved, the first drug can be gradually withdrawn (usually over weeks unless there is significant toxicity). The dose of the second drug is then further optimized based on seizure response and side effects. Monotherapy should be the goal whenever possible.
Quando parar a terapia antiepiléptica?
Overall, about 70% of children and 60% of adults who have their seizures completely controlled with antiepileptic drugs can eventually discontinue therapy. The following patient profile yields the greatest chance of remaining seizure free after drug withdrawal: (1) complete medical control of seizures for 1–5 years; (2) single seizure type, either focal or generalized; (3) normal neurologic examination, including intelligence; and (4) normal EEG. The appropriate seizure-free interval is unknown and undoubtedly varies for different forms of epilepsy. However, it seems reasonable to attempt withdrawal of therapy after 2 years in a patient who meets all of the above criteria, is motivated to discontinue the medication, and clearly understands the potential risks and benefits. In most cases it is preferable to reduce the dose of the drug gradually over 2–3 months. Most recurrences occur in the first 3 months after discontinuing therapy, and patients should be advised to avoid potentially dangerous situations such as driving or swimming during this period
Quais as monitorizações habituais de efeitos colaterais de drogas antiepilépticas?
(1) Almost all of the commonly used antiepileptic drugs can cause similar, dose-related side effects such as sedation, ataxia, and diplopia.
(2) Long-term use of some agents in adults, especially the elderly, can lead to osteoporosis.
(3) Most of the older drugs and some of the newer ones can also cause idiosyncratic toxicity such as rash, bone marrow suppression, or hepatotoxicity. Although rare, these side effects should be considered during drug selection, and patients must be instructed about symptoms or signs that should signal the need to alert their health care provider. For some drugs, laboratory tests (e.g., complete blood count and liver function tests) are recommended prior to the institution of therapy (to establish baseline values) and during initial dosing and titration of the agent.
(4) Importantly, recent studies have shown that Asian individuals carrying the human leukocyte antigen allele, HLA-B∗1502, are at particularly high risk of developing serious skin reactions from carbamazepine and phenytoin, so racial background and genotype are additional factors to consider in drug selection.