Cefaléias Flashcards
Como fazer o seguimento objetivo da enxaqueca?
Once a diagnosis of migraine has been established, it is important to assess the extent of a patient’s disease and disability. The Migraine Disability Assessment Score (MIDAS) is a well-validated, easy-to-use tool
Como faço a educação dos pacientes com enxaqueca?
Patient education is an important aspect of migraine management. Information for patients is available at www.achenet.org, the website of the American Council for Headache Education (ACHE). It is helpful for patients to understand that migraine is an inherited tendency to headache; that migraine can be modified and controlled by lifestyle adjustments and medications, but it cannot be eradicated; and that, except in some occasions in women on oral estrogens or contraceptives, migraine is not associated with serious or life-threatening illnesses
Quais os principais controles de gatilho da enxaqueca?
A regulated lifestyle is helpful, including a healthful diet, regular exercise, regular sleep patterns, avoidance of excess caffeine and alcohol, and avoidance of acute changes in stress levels. Since the stresses of everyday living cannot be eliminated, lessening one’s response to stress by various techniques is helpful for many patients. These may include yoga, transcendental meditation, hypnosis, and conditioning techniques such as biofeedback.
Quais as opções de tratamento abortivo da enxaqueca?
Most drugs effective in the treatment of migraine are members of one of three major pharmacologic classes: anti-inflammatory agents, 5-HT1B/1D receptor agonists, and dopamine receptor antagonists.
Evidence from randomized controlled trials show that coadministration of a longer-acting NSAID, naproxen (220–550 mg PO bid), with sumatriptan (50–100 mg tablet at onset; may repeat after 2 h (max 200 mg/d) will augment the initial effect of sumatriptan and, importantly, reduce rates of headache recurrence. Delayed absorption occurs even in the absence of nausea and is related to the severity of the attack and not its duration. Therefore, when oral NSAIDs and/or triptan agents fail, the addition of a dopamine antagonist such as metoclopramide 10 mg should be considered to enhance gastric absorption.
Por que não devemos utilizar opióides na enxaqueca?
Narcotics do not treat the underlying headache mechanism; rather, they act to alter the pain sensation. Moreover, in patients taking oral narcotics such as oxycodone or hydrocodone, narcotic addiction can greatly confuse the treatment of migraine. Narcotic craving and/or withdrawal can aggravate and accentuate migraine.
Como orientar pacientes com enxaqueca a evitar o abuso de analgésicos?
Migraine patients who have two or more headache days a week should be cautioned about frequent analgesic use
Como usar as drogas profiláticas para enxaqueca?
The probability of success with any one of the antimigraine drugs is 50–75%. Many patients are managed adequately with low-dose amitriptyline, propranolol, topiramate, gabapentin, or valproate. If these agents fail or lead to unacceptable side effects, second-line agents such as methysergide or phenelzine can be used. Once effective stabilization is achieved, the drug is continued for ∼6 months and then slowly tapered to assess the continued need. Many patients are able to discontinue medication and experience fewer and milder attacks for long periods, suggesting that these drugs may alter the natural history of migraine.
Como fazer o tratamento abortivo da cefaleia tensional?
The pain of TTH can generally be managed with simple analgesics such as acetaminophen, aspirin, or NSAIDs. Behavioral approaches including relaxation can also be effective.
Quais os tratamentos profiláticos para cefaleia tensional?
For chronic TTH, amitriptyline is the only proven treatment (Table 8-7); other tricyclics, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and the benzodiazepines have not been shown to be effective. There is no evidence for the efficacy of acupuncture. Placebo-controlled trials of onabotulinum toxin type A in chronic TTH have not shown benefit.
Qual o tratamento abortivo da cefaleia em salvas?
Many patients with acute cluster headache respond very well to oxygen inhalation. This should be given as 100% oxygen at 10–12 L/min for 15–20 min. It appears that high flow and high oxygen content are important. Sumatriptan 6 mg SC is rapid in onset and will usually shorten an attack to 10–15 min; there is no evidence of tachyphylaxis. Oral sumatriptan is not effective for prevention or for acute treatment of cluster headache.
Quais os tratamentos profiláticos da cefaleia em salvas?
Many experts favor verapamil as the first-line preventive treatment for patients with chronic cluster headache or prolonged bouts. While verapamil compares favorably with lithium in practice, some patients require verapamil doses far in excess of those administered for cardiac disorders. The initial dose range is 40–80 mg twice daily; effective doses may be as high as 960 mg/d. Side effects such as constipation and leg swelling can be problematic. Of paramount concern, however, is the cardiovascular safety of verapamil, particularly at high doses. Verapamil can cause heart block by slowing conduction in the atrioventricular node, a condition that can be monitored by following the PR interval on a standard ECG. Approximately 20% of patients treated with verapamil develop ECG abnormalities, which can be observed with doses as low as 240 mg/d; these abnormalities can worsen over time in patients on stable doses. A baseline ECG is recommended for all patients. The ECG is repeated 10 days after a dose change in those patients whose dose is being increased above 240 mg daily. Dose increases are usually made in 80-mg increments. For patients on long-term verapamil, ECG monitoring every 6 months is advised.
A 10-day course of prednisone, beginning at 60 mg daily for 7 days and followed by a rapid taper, may interrupt the pain bout for many patients. Lithium (600–900 mg qd) appears to be particularly useful for the chronic form of the disorder.
Qual o tratamento abortivo para SUNA/SUNCT?
Therapy of acute attacks is not a useful concept in SUNCT/SUNA since the attacks are of such short duration. However, IV lidocaine, which arrests the symptoms, can be used in hospitalized patients.
Qual o tratamento preventivo para SUNCT/SUNA?
Long-term prevention to minimize disability and hospitalization is the goal of treatment. The most effective treatment for prevention is lamotrigine, 200–400 mg/d. Topiramate and gabapentin may also be effective. Carbamazepine, 400–500 mg/d, has been reported by patients to offer modest benefit.
Como fazer a profilaxia da cefaleia crônica diária?
The first step in the management of patients with CDH is to diagnose any underlying condition (Table 8–10). For patients with primary headaches, diagnosis of the headache type will guide therapy. Preventive treatments such as tricyclics, either amitriptyline or nortriptyline at doses up to 1 mg/kg, are very useful in patients
with CDH arising from migraine or tension-type headache. Tricyclics are started in low doses (10–25 mg) daily and may be given 12 h before the expected time of awakening in order to avoid excess morning sleepiness. Anticonvulsants, such as topiramate, valproate, and gabapentin, are also useful in migraineurs. Flunarizine can also be very effective for some patients, as can methysergide or phenelzine
Como abordar o abuso de analgésicos?
A small dose of an NSAID such as naproxen, 500 mg bid, if tolerated, will help relieve residual pain as analgesic use is reduced. NSAID overuse is not usually a problem for patients with daily headache when the dose is taken once or twice daily; however, overuse problems may develop with more frequent dosing schedules. Once the patient has substantially reduced analgesic use, a preventive medication should be introduced. It must be emphasized that preventives generally do not work in the presence of analgesic overuse. The most common cause of unresponsiveness to treatment is the use of a preventive when analgesics continue to be used regularly. For some patients, discontinuing analgesics is very difficult; often the best approach is to directly inform the patient that some degree of pain is inevitable during this initial period.