Epidemiology of blood pressure and hypertension Flashcards
What are the main factors that can affect BP measurements?
- anxiety of patients
- technique of practitioner
- personality of practitioner
- calibration of instrument/machine
- Cuff size
- Environment (cold, noisy, rushed)
- number of BP readings on which it is based
What is accommodation in BP measures?
= reduction of sympathetic arousal with more readings
Why is BP an important problem?
- higher BP strongly associated with high CVD and stroke risks
- Risk associated with high BP is very common in general population
What is RISK?
= probability of an event
number of cases compared to the general population at risk in a specified period of time
How can we measure strength of association between BP and CVD? (As an e.g.)
relative risk
What is relative risk?
risk in ‘exposed group’ / risk in ‘unexposed’ group
if no effect of exposure on outcome, RR=1
How are clinical signs defined as being abnormal? e.g. when is BP referred to as hypertension
the level at which Rx provides benefit
or conversely the lower level (hypo-) would be the level at which deficiency presents as Sx
What are the 2 main types of hypertension?
PRIMARY: aka essential: no specific medical cause
SECONDARY: caused by a specific medical condition (small number of individuals)
What are eg of causes of secondary hypertension?
- coarctation of aorta
- renal/vascular disease
- adrenal disease (cushing’s, phaeochromocytoma)
- pregnancy
- Drugs: combined pill and HRT
What are the main risk factors for essential hypertension?
- high BMI
- high EtOH
- high Na+/K+
- low fibre
- physical inactivity
- stress ?
What are the characteristics of populations in which BP does not rise with age?
- rural communities in less developed settings
- hunter gatherer, subsistence diet
- low mean BMI
- high physical activity
- low stress
What do migration studies tell us about BO?
- most people move from low to high BP -population
- BP patterns change to match those of the host population
- this change occurs within 1st 6 month of moving
- stromg evidence for mostly ENVIRONMENTAL influence on population BP
What is a risk factor?
factor which is associated with high risk of a condition, but is not necessarily a cause
NB gender is not a strong risk factor for high BP
What are the main risk factors for hypertension?
- older age
- Afro-Caribbean
- FHx
- high BMI
- High EtOH
What is used to assess the impact of high BP (for e.g.) on the individual patient?
attributable risk
What is attributable risk?
= excess risk
exposed group risk MINUS unexposed group risk
What are the 2 types of risk?
relative risk: ratio of exposed to unexposed
attributable risk: difference between exposed and unexposed risk
What causes elevations in the baseline BP? And subsequent risk of CVD?
- existing CVD
- older afe
- DM
- high blood cholesterol
- smoking
- high BP
risks from several factors tend to MULTIPLY together
What is the ‘rule of halves’ in relation to BP?
old school thinking of those with high BP: - half had it measured - half have received treatment - half had good BP control
What is the rule of two thirds for BP?
more recent thinking
- 30% well controlled BP
How would treating BP need to be done to help overall CVD risk?
would need for this to occur at population level for there to be an impact
rather than on a case-to-case basis
What is population strategy?
introduction of public policy
to impact the entire BP distribution at population level
causing a total shift/reduction in BP/CVD risk
What is DALY and QALY?
disability adjusted life years = DALY
quality adjusted life years = QALY
What are the main parameters that underly epidemiological approaches to treatment?
- distribution of disease (e.g hypertension global prevalence and location)
- risk factors such as age, ethnicity and sex on disease distribution
- impact of available Rx and interventions on this distribution
- burden of disease on society and economy (severity vs. prevalence)
- targeting of Rx based on other or associated risk factors e.g. use of beta blockers in post-MI and calcium channel blockers