Epidemiology, Diagnostic Methods, and Procedures Flashcards
What is the difference in life expectancy between white and black women?
White Women: 81.1 years
Black Women: 77.9 years
In 2016, what was the leading causes of death for both men and women? (4 items)
1- Diseases of the Heart
2- Cancer
3- Unintentional Injuries
4- Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases
______ ______ is the leading cause of death for all groups of women except non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander and Hispanic women.
Heart Disease
What is the leading cause of death for non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander and Hispanic women?
_______ is the second leading cause of death among all women except for non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander and Hispanic women, and the number one leading cause of death in women aged 35-65.
What were the three most commonly diagnosed types of cancer among women in 2015?
1- Lung/Bronchus
2- Breast
3- Colon/Rectum
What is the most common cause for cancer death in Hispanic women?
The purpose of this diagnostic test is to identify
abnormal/atypical cervical cells suggesting actual or possible preinvasive cervical neoplastic changes.
Papanicolaou Test (Pap Test)
This diagnostic test is recommended by NYS DOH and it consist of routine anal cytology for high risk groups to include men who have sex with men, HIV positive, and those with a history of cervical cancer.
Anorectal HPV testing (Anal Pap)
What is the recommended actions after receiving a negative for intraepithelial lesions of malignancy upon a cervical cytology exam?
Repeat in 3 years for women 21-29 of age and who are not at risk
What are some indications for pelvic exam in adolescents? (7 items)
1- Abnormal vaginal bleeding
2- Lower abdominal pain
3- Dysuria or Urinary Tract symptoms in sexually active females
4- Vaginal discharge that is persistent
5- Pregnancy
6- IUD insertion
7- suspected or reported sexual abuse/rape
What are the two greatest risk for death for adolescent to young adulthood females (ages 15-24) ?
1- Accidents and Violence
2- Homicide
What are the two greatest risk for death for young adulthood to mid-adulthood females (ages 25-44) ?
1- Unintended injury (MVAs
2- Malignant neoplasms
What are the two greatest risk for death for mid adulthood to older adulthood females (ages 45-64) ?
1- cancer and heart disease
What are the common causes for death in mature females (ages 65 and older)? (6 causes)
Heart disease, cancer, cerebral vascular diseases, chronic lower respiratory diseases, pneumonia/influenza, and diabetes
Research indicates that women should initiate Pap screens at ___ and continue until age ___.
What dictates continuing Pap screening beyond the age 65? (4 items)
1- History of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
2- cervical cancer
3- utero exposure to DES
4- suppressed immune system
What dictates discontinuing Pap screening no matter what the females age is?
Receiving a total hysterectomy with the removal of the cervix
At what age should Pap smears start being co-tested with HPV screening, and how frequently should these exams be completed?
30 years; every 5 years
Hcg is present in urine ____ days after conception.
What is the diagnostic test that is used for Gonorrhea and Chlamydial?
RNA hybridization assay probe test
_____ ____ amplification testing is recommended by the CDC for testing of Chlamydial.
Nucleic acid
When a woman is collecting a GC and CT via urine what are the instructions given to her?
Start the specimen collection immediately at the start of voiding
What are Wet Mounts used for?
To diagnose selected vaginal infections and to assist in determining causes of bleeding
What does a normal Wet Mount slide show in a childbearing age non pregnant woman? (2 items)
lactobacilli and epithelial cells
What does the Potassium Chloride assist with when making a Wet Mount?
assessing for a “fishy” odor”
What does a positive whiff test indicate? (2 items)
Bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) in great numbers (more than 10 per high power field) on a Wet Mount indicate what type of infection?
Gonorrhea or Chlamydial
“Clue cell” -squamous epithelial cells with irregular, obscured border from multiple cocci adhered to outer cell membrane indicate what type of infection on a Wet Mount?
Bacterial Vaginosis
Motile protozoa indicate what type of infection on a Wet Mount?
What is the normal pH of the vagina to maintain a stable environment?
If the vagina pH is > 4.5 what infection is she at risk for?
Bacterial Vaginosis
Those that are infected with _________ have a higher incidence of recurrent outbreaks than those infected with _______.
Herpes Simplex Virus type 2; HSV type 1
What is the test that is used to screen for HIV? and then what test is used for confirmation?
ELISA; Western Blot
In order for a Syphilis test to be confirmed negative, the exam must be performed and must remain negative for ______ ______ on three different days.
Treponema pallidum
What result indicates an acute Hepatitis infection?
HbcAb IgM
What result indicates a chronic Hepatitis infection?
What result indicates being vaccinated for Hepatitis?
How is Hepatitis C tested for? and how is it confirmed?
measurement of anti-hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV); by the measurement of the viral load- HCV-RNA
_______ is a diagnostic procedure to provide magnified view of the cervix, vagina and/or vulva to assess for invasive disease and is performed in cases of cervical cell abnormalities identified in a Pap smear.
The _______ _______ is an in-office procedure that is indicated for the purpose of ruling out endometrial cancer.
Endometrial Biopsy
What does HSIL indicate in adolescence (age 21-24)? and what is the recommended course of action after a positive HSIL?
Predicts a 70-75 percent chance of having CIN 2,3 or a 1-2 percent chance of invasive cervical cancer; May choose immediate LEEP or refer for colposcopy with endocervical assessment
How is a positive HSIL handled in a pregnancy?
Colposcopy and cytology are recommended no earlier than 6 weeks post partum