Epidemiology and Disease Control Flashcards
World Agencies
1) Workd Health Organization (WHO) - coordinates efforts to improve health throughout world (poor countries)
2) APHA (American Public Health Association): founded in 1892 and is the largest, most diverse public health organization of health professionals in the world
Federal Health Agencies and Reporting / Monitoring
1) United States Public Health Service (USPHS) : national public health agency
a) Center of rDisease Control (CDC): epidemiological studies, research in disease etiology/prevention, recommendations re: immunization schedules, work with public health organization of other countries
2) Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry (ATSDR): reviews reports of all public health assessment before information is disclosed to the public
3) National Priorities List (NPL): special US EPA list of national hazardous waste sites
4) NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health): department of health and human services, researches and creates occupational laws
State Agencies
1) Department of Health (DOH)
2) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
3) Public Health Department (PHD)
4) Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
5) OSHA (Occupational , Safety and Health Administration): run by department of labor, enforces laws in workplace