epi Flashcards
It is a statistical technique that can show whether and how strongly pairs of variables are related
It is a relation in terms of characteristics
It is needed to obtain a measure of relatedness
Correlation coefficient
Correlation coefficient ranges from or between from
-1 and one
If the score is high on X and y the result is
If the scores on X is high and scores on y is low the result is
Spread in a random manner, result is
All points lie on a straight line, the redult is
It is an influence of one to another
It is the relationship of characteristics
It is expressed on a line and x and y cannot be interchanged
It is not expressed on the line and x and y can be interchange
This is a cause and affect
It is a relationship without change on one another
It has one independent variable
Simple linear
It has multiple independent variables
Multiple linear
It is answerable by yes or no answers
What are the three major uses for regression
Determining the strength of predictors, forecasting an effect, and forecasting trends
This is the portion of the total variation in the dependent variable that is explained by the variation in the independent variable
Coefficients of the termination
It measures of how well a statistical model predicts an outcome
coefficient of determination
This is also a regressand, outcome variable, Criterion variable, endogenous variable
Dependent variable
This is also called regressor, predictor variable, exogenous variable
Independent variable
It is a measurement of the value of Y if a new X value is fit into the equation
Symbol of estimated dependent variable score
Symbol of constant
Symbol of regression coefficient
Symbol of score on the independent variable
It determines the cost and effect relationship of two variables taken from a bivariate distribution
t or f: Wilcoxson does not compare stew sets of data from the same sample group taken at different times
t or f: paired test Compares two sets of data from the same sample group taken at different times
t or f: Paired focuses on median
false, it focuses on mean
t or f: Wilcoxson does not assume normality
t or f: Wilcoxson focuses on median
It is a test that do not require a distribution
Non-parametric test
It is a test that assumes abnormal distribution
Non-parametric test
t or f: One reason to use Wilcoxson is population size is too small
This is in non-parametric test equivalent of the period T test that does not assume anything about the underlying distribution
Wilcoxson signed rank test
Wilcoxson generally uses
Nominal, ordinal, and or continuous scale
This test used as an alternative not a substitute
Non-parametric test
t or f: One feature of Wilcoxson is when individuals are subjected to one condition
false, subjected to more than 1
t or f: One features of Wilcoxson is the investigation of changes in scores from one point of time to another
t or f: One reason to use Wilcoxson is population size is too large
false, it should be too small
Distribute one of the differences between the matched pair should be
this Variables should consist or two Categorical,matched pairs or related groups.
Independent variables
This variable should be measured at the ordinal or continuous level
Dependent variable
It is a single sample mean versus a specified constant value
One sample
It is it to sample means from the same group taken at different times
paired sample t-test
It is a test of two sample means from two different groups
Independent sample t-test
A.k.a. correlated pairs/dependent sample t-test
paired sample t-test
It is a test that null hypothesis is that there is no difference
paired t test
A.k.a. uncorrelated/unrelated/unpaired Ttest
Independent sample t-test
It is the test used to compare means from two different groups
Independent sample t-test
test thaf Cannot compare sample means between two or more groups
One sample t-test
It is a test used to compare the means of two groups or two sets of data
a test thaf determine significant differences between means in between sets of data
T test
Three types of T test
One sample t-test, paired Sample t-test, and independent sample t-test