EO Flashcards
What aircraft use EO?
What does the IR spectrum break into?
Far far IR
Far IR
Middle IR
Near IR
What is included in the visible spectrum?
Visible light
Tv and NVG
0 Kelvin = ?
0 Kelvin = -273 Deg
What affects EO performance?
Sun - rise/set
What affects IR performance?
Sun - camera damage, thermal scarring
Precipitation - causes attenuation BUT can be a positive (makes hotter stand out more due to colder background)
What is an objects emissivity value?
It is 1/ reflectivity
It is a value of an object/materials opaqueness or how it will show on IR cameras.
E.G: a true black body = 1 (highest emissivity)
Polished aluminium = 0.05 (low value)
What determines how much IR radiation a body gives off?
Amount of heat energy
material (emissivity)
What is IR phenomena?
+- 1 hour before and after sunrise and sunset is thermal cross over
During this time, most objects give off a similar IR reading causing all objects to appear the same.
This makes it hard to distinguish between objects
What is the issue with IR phenomena and how do we try to counter it?
It is hard to distinguish between objects
Changing between white hot and black hot can help
Or changing to the EO camera to see if the image is better
What are the parts/elements to an EO/IR system?
Master control unit
What is the use of the gimbal in an EO/IR system?
Gimbal stabilises, steers and points the camera
360 deg in azimuth
Limited in elevation due to camera housing and NADIR
Housing or stows the camera
What is NADIR?
A wobble/shake that occurs when the gimbal stows a camera too far downwards.
It is the cause of lower limit of elevation
What is the use of the turret in an EO/IR system?
Turret contains the sensors and cameras
These include:
IR camera
EO wide camera
EO narrow camera
Laser target marker
Laser range designation
Describe where LTM and IR, narrow and wide cameras are on a turret.
IR is the opaque sensor
EO wide is the smaller lens
EO narrow is the largest lens
Laser target marker is the smallest lens
What is a LTM
Laser target marker
Laser that illuminates or sparkles areas/targets
Seen with NVG
What is NVG?
Night vision goggles
What is a LRD?
Laser range designator
Precision targeting for weapons guidance
Laser with particular PRF that guided missiles onto targets
What is LRF?
Laser range finder
Info on target range and elevation
What are the characteristics of IR turrets?
Thermal imaging sensor
Shades of grey display
White/black hot selection
Non-linear zoom
What are the characteristics of EO turrets?
Daytime TV camera
Narrow or wide
Linear or non-linear
What is the master control unit?
MCU controls, manipulates and processes data from sensor payload
Interfaces with other aircraft systems (GPS)
the operator control unit
What is the operator control unit?
Controls the turret (except steering)
What does a joystick do ?
Controls the steering
What are the types of display?
Master monitor -
shows the video in command,
Operator selectable overlays
Repeater screens -
Displays a repeat of the master monitor
What are the recorders?
Built into the MCU
Can be separate recorders you have to press record on
What is downlink?
Videos that are encrypted and sent to ground stations
This increases SA for:
CAOC/tasking authority
Ground commander
SU authority
What are the positives to downlink?
Increases SA for other assets:
Ground commander
SU authority
What is the ISR process?
Supports operations and other assets
What is the ISR process and it’s elements?
Who - is asking the question What - is the task When - is the info required Where - to collect Why - is the info required
What is the intelligence cycle?
Who initially does analysis of PED and who does further analysis?
Initial: sensor operator and crew
Further: an off board agency that feedsback into the intelligence cycle
What is PED
Product exploitation dissemination
How can EO/IR platforms be employed
Pattern of life
Hello landing sites
Close air support
Counter IED
Raid support
Target ident and positive ID
Convoy support
Joint personnel recovery
New target info requires info about…
Personnel activities
Target disposition (size, numbers, locations …)
Approach routes, hazards, entries, exits
What is PID?
A trained individual who positively IDs targets
If sight is lost, PID must be regained
What is pattern of life?
Builds a picture of the ‘normal’ so the abnormal stands out
Looks at routes, worship times, cooking times, bed times, market times, child activities
What are the key points of convoy support/route recce?
Done pre, during and post route
Remain ahead of the convoy
Ident possible hazards
Ensure there is a no comms backup procedure
What is counter IED?
Looking for signs of IEDs
Uses POL, convert, persistent and operates in peak times to catch planting of IEDs
Looks for visual markers in the earth
What to look for in Helicopter landing sites
Flat, ambush points
Aware of spotter/sniper positions
Close to end location w/o LOS
What is Joint personnel recovery ?
The locating and finding of personnel
Look and scan for lost friendlies/targets
What are used with CAS
Close air support usually uses LTM or LRD
Types of BDA?
Physical damage - damage but can be fixed
Functional damage - take out it’s main functionality
Target system
Levels of ISR?
What’s the difference between ISR and ISTAR?
ISR doesn’t have the target acquisition element
What do we use to help us remember what to do in a basic search?
What does GODBEE mean?
Used for a basic search
Get the info Orientate Discuss Brief Execute Evaluate
How do we get information (into the aircraft)?
Comes form CAOC
J2 - joint intelligence
JTAC (AO update)
Aircraft handover
What is an ATO and a RSTA?
Air tasking order
Reconnaissance surveillance target acquisition - comes with an ATO
What is CLEWS?
Cover Line of site Escape routes Weapons Spotters
This is what we look for on searches and helps us think like the enemy
What do we look for when searching for IEDs?
IR employment Choke points/channeling Aiming markers Ground disturbance Environmental factors (kids not playing out..)
What’s the difference between ISTAR and ISR?
ISTAR is tactical
ISR is strategic and operational
What are the two types of control for RPAS?
Launch recover element - getting RPAS airborne
Mission control element - control during the operation
What is CAOC?
Combined air operations centre
What is NDISR?
Non-disruptive ISR
What aircraft are under NDISR?
Differences and similarities between RPAS and PASS?
Lack of SA due to not feeling aircraft responses
2 second input delay
Weapons still on reaper
Emergency drills are the same as PASS
How are RPAS controlled?
Mission control element:
Ground control section(GCS)
Ops control (Creech and waddington)
Fibre optics link to a ground satellite (FSST)
space satellite (Ku satellite)
Aircraft (RPAS)
Ops centre distribute aswell
Launch/recovery element:
Radio (LOS)