EO 2 B1 Misc Waste Flashcards
Plant conditions:
* Reactor power is 100%, with ICS in full automatic.
* Fuel pin failure has occurred.
* RCS degassitication has resulted in higher than normal activity in the Waste Gas System vent header.
* Waste Gas Decay Tank WGDT #1 has been isolated to support sampling in preparation tor releasing its contents to the environment.
Based on these conditions, identify the ONE statement below that describes a procedural method used to limit the amount of radioactivity discharged when this tank is released to the environment.
A. Shorten the WGDT #1 holdup time prior to release.
B. Introduce nitrogen dilution flow into the release effluent piping.
C. Filter the release through the HEPA and charcoal filters.
D. Increase the release rate to shorten the release duration
The Zone 3 Equipment Operator reports the Miscellaneous Waste Drain Tank level is RISING at a rate of 1 foot per hour.
Which ONE of the following conditions would explain the above conditions?
A. The Containment isolation valves for the Containment Sump - DR 2012, 2013 are CLOSED.
B. DW25 and DW27 (Demineralized Water to Spent Fuel Pool) were left OPEN following the addition of Demineralized water to clear a Spent Fuel Pool level alarm earlier in the day.
C. A Service Water leak has occurred in the north end of the Service Water Tunnel.
D. A leak has occurred approximately 15 feet up the side of the Borated Water Storage Tank.
Which ONE of the following is a purpose of the Miscellaneous Radwaste System?
A. Collect, store and process Reactor Coolant water for reuse.
B. Collect, hold and dispose of all potentially contaminated gaseous waste produced by the primary systems.
C. Collect, store, process and dispose of liquid radwaste generated by the Reactor Coolant System and its support systems.
D. Deborate the Reactor Coolant System during periods of low boron concentration.
The following plant conditions exist:
–T he plant is in MODE 1 with Reactor power at 97.5%
– A 5.3 gpm leak from MS 873, Steam Generator 1 drain line to Low Pressure condenser isolation valve, in Containment has been identified
–Containment Normal Sump pumps are in AUTOMATIC and the Containment Sump is aligned in the NORMAL configuration
Which ONE of the following actions will be required given the above conditions?
A. A Miscellaneous Waste Monitor Tank release will need to be performed approximately daily.
B. A Clean Waste Monitor Tank release will need to be performed approximately daily.
C. The Containment Normal Sump discharge will need to be aligned to Condensate Storage Tanks to minimize secondary side inventory loss.
D. The Containment Normal Sump discharge will need to be aligned to the Clean Waste Receiver Tanks for Reactor Coolant System makeup.
During a release of the Miscellaneous Waste Monitor Tank, what is minimum required flow through Radiation Element 1878 NB?
A. <2 gpm
B. >2gpm
C. >5gpm
D. <1.5gpm
Which ONE of the following sequences describes the preferred flowpath to discharge water with NO detectable activity from the Detergent Waste Drain Tank?
A. From the Detergent Waste Drain Tank through the Detergent Waste Drain Tank transfer pump to the collection box
B. Detergent Waste Drain Tank through the Detergent Waste Drain Tank transfer pump to the Miscellaneous Waste Monitor Tank through the Miscellaneous Waste Monitor Tank transfer pump to the collection box.
C. Detergent Waste Drain Tank through the Detergent Waste Drain Tank transfer pump through the Demineralizer (Duratek) skid; to the Detergent Waste Drain Tank Hold-up Tank through the Detergent Waste Drain Tank Hold-up Tank transfer pump to the collection box.
D. From the Detergent Waste Drain Tank through Detergent Waste Drain Tank transfer pump to the Miscellaneous Waste Drain Tank, through the Miscellaneous Waste Drain Tank transfer pump through the Deminer1izer skid to the Miscellaneous Waste Monitor Tank, through the Miscellaneous Waste Monitor Tank transfer pump to the collection box.
Select from the following combinations the TWO (2) conditions that cause automatic closure of WM 1876, Miscellaneous Waste discharge common outlet valve, during a release of the Miscellaneous Waste Monitor Tank
1 . Low flow through the radiation element
2. High release rate
3. Loss of dilution flow
4. High radiation on either radiation element
A. 1, 3
B. 1, 4
C. 2,3
D. 2,4
- A release of the Miscellaneous Waste Monitor Tank is to commence shortly. The release permit has been approved and given to the assigned operator.
- The Zone 3 Equipment Operator reports he is prepared to release the Miscellaneous Waste Monitor Tank to the collection box but the release rate specified on the release permit is 20 gpm.
- DB-OP-03011 “Radioactive Liquid Releases” prohibits release rates between 15 to 25 gpm.
Which ONE of the following actions should be taken to correct this dilemma?
A. Open the 3” recirculation line to get total Miscellaneous Waste Monitor Tank pump flow > 25 gpm.
B. Use the 1.5” discharge line via WM 1877 A since it is designed for the 15 to 25 gpm flow rate.
C. Decrease dilution flow to the collection box and then release the Miscellaneous Waste Monitor Tank through the 1.5” discharge line.
D. Stop the release procedure and have Chemistry and Health Physics recalculate the release.
From the list below, identify the ONE operating condition that will automatically terminate flow from the CTMT Normal Sump to the Miscellaneous Waste Drain Tank.
A. High alarm on RE1878, Miscellaneous Waste System Discharge Monitor.
B. High alarm on RE4597M, CTMT Atmosphere Radiation Monitor.
C. Low level in the CTMT Normal sump.
D. High level in the Miscellaneous Waste Drain Tank.
Automatic closure of WM-1876, Miscellaneous Waste Discharge Common Outlet Valve, will occur on High Radiation on either radiation element or ____ .
A. High release rate
B. Loss of dilution flow
C. Low flow through either radiation element
D. WARN alarm on either radiation elemen
Which ONE of the following conditions will NOT result in annunciator 7-3-D, MISC WST SYS TBL, being alarmed?
A. LOW level in the Detergent Waste Drain Tank
B. HIGH level in the Miscellaneous Waste Drain Tank
C. HIGH Differential Pressure across the Miscellaneous Waste Monitor Tank filters
D. HIGH Differential Pressure across the Miscellaneous Waste Drain Tank discharge strainer
Which ONE of the following conditions will cause the Miscellaneous Waste Drain Tank Transfer Pump to trip?
A. Miscellaneous Waste Drain Tank pressure HIGH
B. Miscellaneous Waste Drain Tank level LOW
C. Miscellaneous Waste Drain Tank Transfer Pump flow LOW
D. Miscellaneous Waste Drain Tank Transfer Pump suction strainer PLUGGED
Which of the following is “The Miscellaneous Waste Radiation Monitor Low Flow Alarm Setpoint” for RE 1878 NB?
A. 2.5 gpm
B. 2.0 gpm
C. 1.5 gpm
D. 1.0 gpm
An operator can read the flowrate through the Miscellaneous Waste Monitor Tank effluent radiation element (RE 1878NB) at:
A. Control Room only
B. Radiological Waste Panel only
C. Miscellaneous Waste Monitor Tank Room only
D. Miscellaneous Waste Monitor Tank Room and Control Room
Match the alarm in the left column with its setpoint in the right column.
1. Miscellaneous Waste Drain Tank level HIGH
2, Miscellaneous Waste Monitor Tank level LOW
3. Detergent Waste Drain Tank level HIGH Detergent
4. Waste Drain Tank level LOW
A. 1.8’
B. 8.5’
C. 1.3’
D. 9.5’
E. 11.0’
F. 1.6’
G. 3.9’
- D.
- F.
- E.