Enzyme regulation Flashcards
Enzyme regulation is
~ dynamic
~ complex
~ operates over multiple timescales
Allosteric regulation
when binding of a small molecule/ligand induces a conformational change in the shape of the enzyme, AND the shape change brings about a change in the activity of that enzyme
On/off transcriptional control
one possible strategy for regulating enzymes
Which factors need to be taken under consideration when thinking about enzyme regulatory mechanisms?
~ enzyme half-lives
~ rate of transcription
~ rate of protein synthesis
What types of regulation occurs over short timescale?
allosteric regulation
What types of regulation occurs over moderate timescale?
~ covalent modification (e.g. phosphorylation)
~ compartmentalisation
~ aggregation (forming oligomers)
What types of regulation occurs over longer timescale?
~ changes in gene expresson
~ hormonal regulation?
activity at one functional site affects activity at other functional sites
~ aspartate transcarbamoylase ~ E. coli ~ involved in pyrimidine biosynthesis ~ ATP stimulates it ~ CTP inhibits it (product produced further on down the line)
ATCase structure (5)
~ regulatory dimer ~ r chain ~ catalytic trimer ~ c chain ~ zinc domain
What are the two states that allosteric enzymes exist in?
T = tensed = low affinity R = relaxed = high affinity = catalytic units are further apart + rotated
What is the mechanistic effect of allosteric activation and inhibition?
1) ATPase does not follow Michaelis-Menton kinetics –> exhibits a sigmoidal curve
2) composite of two M-M curves –> one R, one T
3) CTP increases the initial phase of the s curve
4) ATP increases rate of reaction
Monod’s concerted model
- Allosteric enzymes exist in ONLY 2 states (T and R), and these states ARE IN EQUILIBRIUM
- Upon binding ligand the enzyme stabilised in one of these confirmations (T or R)
Koshland’s Sequential Model
- conformational change in one subunit does not lead to change in ALL other subunits
- conformation change of subunits is sequential –> one or some, not all
- interactions between sub-units can be +ve or -ve
What models are there to explain allosteric behaviour?
~ Concerted
~ Sequential
Name the three different approaches for studying allosteric enzymes
~ x-ray crystallography
~ substrate analogues
~ site-directed mutagenesis
Substrate analogues
chemical compounds with a chemical structure that resemble the substrate molecule in an enzyme-catalyzed chemical reaction
e.g. PALA
~ substrate/transition state analogue
~ reaction intermediate and potent inhibitor
X-ray crystallography + substrate analogues
~ allows us to view reaction intermediates
~ allows us to understand and visualise the reaction mechanism
Enzymes have the highest affinity for…
transition state intermediates
Name two other structural techniques. (excluding X-ray crystallography)
~ cryo-EM
~ provides structural characterisation at atomic resolution
Site-directed mutagenesis
~ when mutation occurs in potential active site residues, it should kill the enzymes activity
~ possibility of enhancing/prevention cooperativity