Environmental Values And Policies: An Intro Flashcards
What is one way we can describe the scope of environmental law?
It extends to any place where the earth is modified by human action.
In the 50 years before 2019, how many pollutants did we add to the atmosphere?
More pollutants to the planet than in the preceding 10,000 years.
From the 20th century, how many carbon emissions from fossil fuel burning was added to the atmosphere ?
500 million tons at the start of the 20th century to 1.6 billion in 1950, to nearly 10 billion in 2011.
What was the population increase from 1972 to 2017? At what rate is it growing?
Increased from 3.85 billion in 1972 to 7.41billion in 2017 according to the U.S Census Bureau, U.S and World Population Clocks, electronic database. The United Nations Population Division estimates it is growing at a rate of 75 million per year.
How has the percentage of world population which has received water supplies that have been treated or improved?
Grew from 79% in 1972 to 89% in 2010. Although there are now (2019) 900 million people who lack access to safe drinking water and 2.5 billion lack adequate sanitation.
How many premature deaths are the consequence of air pollution from particulate matter and ozone depletion? (2019)
6 million premature deaths annually
What fraction of greenhouse gases in the air is caused by automobiles?
What fraction of world fisheries are considered over exploited?
2/3 by the Food and Agriculture-Organization of the United Nations.
What is the ecological footprint, who created it (the concept), and what does it measure?
The Ecological Footprint was developed by the World Wildlife Fund and others, the EF provides a measure of the human pressures being placed on global ecosystems. It estimates how much productive land is required to produce food and wood, to build and maintain human infrastructure, and to absorb the carbon dioxide people generate from energy production, expressing that estimate in terms of “global hectare, or a hectare of land with biological productivity equal to the global average.
What was the per-capita footprint of the U.S in 2011?
7.9 in 2011 compared to 2.13 for China, both figures exceed the “break even” standard of 1.78.
In 2019, how much money did environmental change mitigation efforts and the implementation of new policies cost the private sector?
Approx $ 200 billion per year.
What is positive note on carbon monoxide emissions in the U’S reported by the EPA?
The EPA reports that emissions of carbon monoxide, 60% of which come from automobiles fell by 68% from 1980 to 2010, even though vehicle miles traveled increased by 94% during the same period
What have been the effects of controls on the use of lea additives from 1981 to 2000. How has life expectancy increased from 1972 to 2019?
Controls on the use of lead additives have been more successful. emissions of lead frll 94% between 1981 and 2000. internationally, global life expectancy has been extended by 10 years since 1972 with some of this improvements early due to reduction environmental health risks
Since when have we been overshooting the capacity of the world to sustain existing population levels.
Since 1980. In 2008 we overshot the earths biological capacity by more than 50%
How much of its biocapacity (eco footprint) is the United States consuming (1992-2005)
The United States footprint grew by 21% between 1992 and 2005, an unacceptable rate for a country already consuming more than twice its own bio capacity.
Since when has support for environmental policies eroded?
The 2008 financial crisis?
What are the the three main perspectives which abound in Environmental ethics?
The economic perspective the conservationist perspective and the deep ecological perspective
What is Aldo Leopold‘s land ethic
“A thing is right when it turns to preserve the integrity stability and beauty of the biotic community, it is wrong when it tends otherwise”
What is NEPA?
The National Environmental Policy Act is a United States environmental law that promotes the enhancement of the environment and established the President’s Council on Environmental Quality. The law was enacted on January 1, 1970.
What has Pope Francis said with regards to climate change and migrants?
In On Care for Our Common Home (2015), Pope Francis states “ There has been a tragic rise in the number of migrants seeking to flee from the growing poverty caused by environmental degradation. They are not recognized by international conventions as refuges; they bear the loss of the lives they have left behind, without enjoying any legal protection whatsoever.
What is one way in which some pollution credits exacerbate toxic “hotspots”?
These facilities are more likely than newer facilities to buy credits to pollute in lieu of controlling their own pollution because of the high costs of retrofitting existing plants.
What is an issue in Environmental policy decision making?
Decisionmakers have heard the views of industry giants, conventional environmental organizations, state and local governments, and federal land managers, but not the people who actually live in the most affected areas.
What was a telling finding of infant mortality rates between african americans and whites in 2003?
14.0 in 2003 for black infants and 6.8 for white infants
What are LULUs and what are the stats about their placement near minority communities?
Locally Undesirable Land Uses. 56 percent of populations living within 3 kilometers of a hazardous waste site are people of color, whereas minority communities only make up 30% of the population outside these areas.
What executive order did Bill Clinton issue regarding environmental injustice?
Executive Order 12,898 Fed. Reg. 7,629 (1994), which directs each federal agency to “make achieving environmental justice part of its mission by identifying and addressing, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of its programs, policies and activities on minority populations and low-income populations.” This was pursuant to guidance published by EPA’s Environmental Justice Office in 1995.
What did the Government Accountability Office conclude regarding the EPA’s ability to implement executive order 12,898?
Failed to take environmental justice considerations adequately into account when developing rules under the Clean Air Act. For instance, in developing a rule to reduce the sulfur content of gasoline, EPA analysis determined that pollution near oil refineries would be increased as a result of the rule, because the process of removing sulfur generates some air emissions, while the amount of pollution being emitted by automobiles would be decreased. “Specifically EPA did not publish its estimate that potentially harmful emissions would increase in 26 of the 86 counties with refineries affected by the rule.”