Environmental Stresses (Animals) Flashcards
What is the biggest problem for animals and insects in sub-zero temperatures?
The biggest problem is that water turns to ice, which can trap and kill them.
How are cold-blooded animals (Ectotherms) affected by temperature?
Their internal temperatures are controlled by the outer temperatures.
How do warm-blooded animals (Endotherms) manage their body temperature?
Their internal temperatures are not controlled by the outer temperatures.
What body changes do mammals undergo to deal with extreme cold?
Mammals grow hair, with Guard Hair on the outside and under fur that traps body heat.
What type of fat do mammals have for warmth?
Mammals have white fat for insulation (Subcutaneous Fat) and brown fat for burning warmth.
What is Gloger’s Rule?
It states that animals farther north are paler in coloration, suggesting pale colors help deal with cold.
What is the best color for warmth in animals?
White is the best color for warmth, as pale colors retain heat better.
What does Allen’s Rule state?
Short extremities are better than longer ones for surviving in cold conditions.
What does Bergmann’s Rule state?
A low surface area to volume ratio and a rotund shape are better for surviving cold conditions.
What is Rete Mirabile?
A countercurrent heat exchanger found in ducks that prevents heat loss from their bodies.
What is tucking in animals?
Tucking is when animals tuck their extremities under their feathers to keep warm.
What is a Roost Site?
A place where birds choose to sleep, often in coniferous trees that trap heat.
What is the Subnivean layer?
A warm layer underneath the snow that small animals can access.
What is Torpor?
A state of deep sleep where animals reduce their heart rate and body temperature to conserve energy.
What are ectotherms?
Animals that do not generate their own body heat and cannot survive sub-zero temperatures.