Animal Defences Flashcards
What is Natural History?
It is the observation of living plants and animals – fauna and flora – and their interactions.
What is a Naturalist?
Someone who studies Natural History.
Animal Defences
Appearances can be used for this (camouflage). Hair is a defence. Osmeterium is a defence organ.
What is camouflage?
Concealment, meaning the thing is hidden from the observer. Used as a defence mechanism.
What is background matching?
Having your appearance match whatever background you are in. This is done to hide from predators.
How do sparrows use camouflage?
Sparrows have vertical lines on their body to help them blend into their background, such as meadowlands.
What is crypsis?
Hiding by not moving.
How does the American Bittern use camouflage?
It camouflages using background matching. Vertical stripes on the body blend into cattail backgrounds.
What is mimicry?
Copying the background of something. Looking like something else.
How do Gray Tree Frogs camouflage?
They change their color to match their background and are considered Bark Mimics.
What is seasonal color change?
Changing an animal’s color to match the appropriate season’s background.
How do Snowshoe Hares change color?
They change from brown to white for winter, being pure white to help them hide.
What are disruptive patterns?
Patterns on the animal that break up its body into parts, making it harder for predators to spot.
How do songbirds use disruptive patterns?
They have eyelines/eye stripes helping them hide in trees or certain plants.
What is masquerade in camouflage?
Changing the appearance to match the environment for camouflage.
What is dead leaf mimicry?
Resembling dead leaves for camouflage, such as moths.
What is live leaf mimicry?
Resembling live leaves, as seen in Katydids.
What is twig mimicry?
Resembling twigs for camouflage, as seen in Inchworms.
What is thorn mimicry?
Resembling thorns on twigs, as seen in Tree Hoppers.
What is bird dropping mimicry?
Resembling bird poop to avoid predation, as seen in Giant Swallowtail caterpillars.
What is bicolored camouflage?
Using two different colors for background matching from two different surfaces.
How do Whirligig Beetles use bicolored camouflage?
They are black above and white below to look like sunshine to predators below water.
What is countershading?
Using bicoloration to appear flat and blend in the background during sunshine. Animals who have a dark back and light belly look the same colour when in the sun.
What are startle patterns?
Patterns shown to predators when camouflage fails, to startle the predator and allow time for escape.
How do Sphinx Moths use startle patterns?
They open up their wings to scare birds if attacked, giving them time to escape.
What are eyespots?
Patterns that are always visible to trick predators into believing the animals are larger.