Environmental/Mat. Sci Flashcards
the ratio of linear stress to linear strain
A. Young’s Modulus
B. Shear Modulus
C. Modulus of Rigidity
D. None of the above
Young’s Modulus
the ratio of shear stress to shear strain
A. Young’s Modulus
B. Bulk Modulus
C. Modulus of Rigidity
D. None of the above
Modulus of Rigidity
What are considered as the “building blocks” for engineering materials
A. Atoms
B. Elements
C. Matters
D. Compounds
What are the major classes of engineering materials?
A. Metals, Ceramics, and Semiconductors
B. Polymers, Metals, and composites
C. Metals, Ceramics, Polymers, and Semiconductors
D. Metals, Ceramics, Polymers, Semiconductors and Composites
D. Metals, Ceramics, Polymers, Semiconductors and Composites
The engineering materials known as “plastics” are more correctly called
A. Polyvinyl Chloride
B. Polymers
C. Polyethylene
D. Mors
What physical property of a material that refers to the temperature at which ferromagnetic materials can no longer be magnetized by outside forces?
A. Melting point
B. Thermal Conductivity
C. Thermal expansion
D. Curie point
Curie point
What physical property of a material refer to the ratio of the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a substance 1 degree to the heat required to raise the same mass of water to 1 degree.
A. Specific Heat
B. Latent Heat
C. Heat of fusion
D. Heat of fission
Specific Heat
What mechanical property of a material refers to the resistance to plastic deformation?
A. Rigidity
B. Plasticity
C. Ductility
D. Hardness
What chemical property of a material which refers to its ability to resist deterioration by chemical or electrochemical reactions with environment?
A. Stereo specificity
B. Corrosion resistance
C. Conductivity
D. Electrical Resistance
Corrosion resistance
What is the amount of energy required to fracture a given plume of materials?
A. Impact strength
B. Endurance limit
C. Creep strength
D. Stress rupture strength
Impact strength
What mechanical property of a material which is a time-dependent permanent strain under stress?
A. Elongation
B. Elasticity
C. Creep
D. Rupture
What refers to the stress at which a material exhibits a specified deviation from proportionality of stress and strain?
A. Tensile strength
B. Shear strength
C. Yield strength
D. Flexural strength
Yield Strength
The greatest stress which a material is capable of withstanding without a deviation from acceptable of stress to strain is called
A. Elongation
B. Proportional Limit
C. Yield point
D. Elastic Limit
Proportional limit
What is a substance that attracts pieces of iron?
A. Conductor
B. Semiconductor
C. Magnet
D. Semimetal
Which of the following materials has permeability slightly less than that of free space?
A. Paramagnetic materials
B. Non-magnetic materials
C. Ferromagnetic materials
D. Diamagnetic materials
Diamagnetic materials
What is defined as an aloy of iron and carbon with the carbon being restricted within certain concentration limits?
A, Steel
B. Wrought Iron
C. Cast iron
D. Tendons
What type of steel has carbon as its principal hardening agent?
A. Alloy steel
B. Stainless steel
C. Galvanized steel
D. Carbon steel
Carbon steel
What is the most common alloying ingredient in copper?
A. Brass
B. Zinc
C. Nickle
D. Aluminum
What is the most undesirable of all the elements commonly found in steels?
A. Sulfur
B. Phosphorus
C. Silicon
D. Manganese
What refers to the removal of zinc from brasses?
A. Dezincification
B. Graphitization
C. Stabilization
D. Dealloying
The term “brass” is very commonly used to designate any alloy primarily of:
A. Copper and zinc
B. Aluminum and iron
C. Copper and aluminum
D. Zinc and nickel
Copper and zinc
The term “bronze” is used to designate any alloy containing:
A. Copper and zinc
B. Copper and aluminum
C. Copper and nickel
D. Copper and tin
Copper and tin
What is the most abundant metal in nature?
A. Aluminum
B. Steel
C. Iron
D. Copper
What is another term for tampering?
A. Recryztalization
B. Annealing
C. Spheroidizing
D. Drawing or toughening
drawing or toughnening
What is the most widely used dielectric material in the electrical and electronics industry?
A. Polymer
B. Plastic
C. Rubber
D. All of the above
Which material is used for Schottky barrier diodes, light emitting diodes, Gunn diodes and injection lasers?
A. Gallium Arsenide
B. Silicon Carbide
C. Selenium
D. Gallium Phophide
Gallium Arsenide
The following are typical properties of ceramics except one. Which one?
A. High melting point
B. High compressive strength
c. High corrosion resistance
D. High thermal conductivity
High thermal conductivity
What refers to the average number of mers in the molecule, typically several hundred to several thousands
A. Polymerization constant
B. Polymerization factor
C. Degree of polymerization
D. Polymerization index
Degree of polymerization
The property of metals that allows them to be drawn into thin wires beyond their elastic limit without being ruptures is called
A. Ductility
B. Malleability
C. Elasticity
D. Viscosity
Interaction between the surface of two closely adjacent bodies which causes them to cling together is known as
A. Friction
B. Cohesion
C. Adhesion
D. Viscosity
Solids which break above the elastic limit are called
A. Brittle
B. Ductile
C. Plastic
D. Malleable
The property which permits the flow of current under the action of a potential difference is called
A. Resistance
B. Permeance
C. Impedance
D. Conductance
The property of fluids by virtue of which they offer resistance to flow is known as
A. Gummosity
B. Glutinosity
C. Viscidity
D. Viscosity
The emission of light by a material because of its high temperature is known as
A. Incandescence
B. Luminescence
C. Scintiflation
D. Phosphorescene
Emission of radiations from a substance during illumination by radiations of higher frequency is called
A. Illuminance
B. Fluorescence
C. Radioluminescence
D. Incandescence
If a materials is feebly repelled by a magnet it is
A. Diamagnetic
B. Paramagnetic
C. Ferromagnetic
D. Ferromagnetic
The progressive decrease of a property as a result of repeated stress is called
A. Debility
B. Rigidity
C. Elastic deformation
D. Fatigue
Property of some pure metals and their alloys of extremely low temperatures of having negligible to the flow of an electric current is called
A. Supercharging
B. Supercooling
C. Superfluidity
D. Superconductivity
What is the process of converting a material from a solid to a liquid state?
A. Melting
B. Freezing
C. Sublimation
D. Condensation
What is the process of heating a material to a high temperature and then cooling it quickly to make it harder and stronger?
A. Tempering
B. Quenching
C. Annealing
D. Forging
What is the process of removing impurities from a metal by heating and then cooling it slowly?
A. Tempering
B. Quenching
C. Annealing
D. Forging
What is the process of removing material from a solid object by using a tool with a cutting edge?
A. Machining
B. Casting
C. Extrusion
D. Rolling
The natural place of an organism or community is know as
A. Niche
B. Biome
C. Habitat
D. Habit
Which is the renewable exhaustible natural energy resource?
A. Coal
B. Petroleum
C. Kerosene
D. Biomass
Which is the renewable exhaustible natural energy resource?
A. Coal
B. Petroleum
C. Kerosene
D. Biomass
Which statement is correct with respect to the food chain?
A. Every component of the food chain forms a tropic level
B. Inter-relation between different food chains is known as a food web
C. All the chains formed by nutritional relations is used to understand energy flow
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
The ratio between energy flow at different points in a food chain is known as
A. Ecological capacity
B. Ecological efficiency
C. Ecological assimilation
D. Ecological potential
Ecological efficiency
In an ecosystem, the energy flow is always
A. Always unidirectional
B. Always bidirectional
C. In any direction
D. Always down directional
Always unidirectional
Which statement is NOT correct regarding the food chain?
A. Every component of food chain forms tropic level
B. Inter-relation between different food chains is known as a food web.
C. All the chains formed by nutritional relations are used to understand energy flow
D. In food chain, energy level increases from lower tropic level in higher tropic level
D. In food chain, energy level increases from lower tropic level in higher tropic level
First tropic level of the food chain is formed by:
A. Producer
B. Herbivores
C. Carnivores
D. More than one of the above
Which is the hottest layer of the atmosphere?
A. Troposphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Thermosphere
D. Mesosphere
Which is the coldest layer of the atmosphere?
A. Troposphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Thermosphere
D. Mesosphere
In which layer of the atmosphere is ozone found?
A. Troposphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Thermosphere
D. Mesosphere
In which layer of the atmosphere almost all weather occurs?
A. Troposphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Thermosphere
D. Mesosphere
What is the significance of “Scoping” in the EIA process?
A. It involves the actual mitigation of environmental impacts
B. It identifies the key issues and impacts to be focused on in the EIA
C. It determines the project’s financial viability
D. It is the final stage where the decision is made whether to approve the project or not
B. It identifies the key issues the impacts to be focused on in the EIA
Which one among the following is the correct order steps taken during the process of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
A. Scoping, Screening, Public Hearing, EIA, Issues of Environmental Clearance
B.Screening, Public Hearing, Scoping, EIA, Issues of Environmental Clearance
C. Screening, Scoping, EIA, Public Hearing, Issue of Environmental Clearance
D. Screening, EIA, Scoping, Public Hearing, Issue of Environmental Clearance
C. Screening, Scoping, EIA, Public Hearing, Issue of Environmental Clearance
Cutting of trees on a large scale is known as
A. Deforestration
B. Reforestration
C. Afforestration
D. None of the above
Soil erosion can be prevented by:
A. Raising forest
B. Deforestration
C. Excessive use of fertilizer
Overgrazing by animals
Raising forest
Which of the following options is not incoporated as sustainable development parameters?
A. Gender disparity and diversity
B. Inter and intra-generational equity
C. Carry capacity
D. None of the above
None of the above
The sustainable development goals comprises of how many goals and targets?
17 goals and 169 targets